ZGZ man page on Cygwin

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ZGZ(1)				      zgz				ZGZ(1)

       zgz - Frankenstein's compressor

       zgz [options] < file > file.gz

       This program is an unholy combination of the BSD gzip program, a
       modified GNU gzip that supports setting an arbitrary file name and
       timestamp, and an old, rotting version of bzip2 that we dug up
       somewhere at midnight.  Only the bits to do with file compression were

       There are many arcane options which aid pristine-gz(1) in re-animating
       files. Use --help to see all the gory details.

       Matthew R. Green, Jean-loup Gailly, Julian R Seward, Faidon Liambotis,
       Josh Triplett, Joey Hess

       Note that several of the above donors would be very suprised at finding
       parts of themselves ... er, their work ... shambling around here.
       Please direct correspondance and/or flaming pitchforks to the pristine-
       tar maintainers.

perl v5.14.2			  2012-03-18				ZGZ(1)

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