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AMIDI(1)							      AMIDI(1)

       amidi - read from and write to ALSA RawMIDI ports

       amidi [-p port] [-s file | -S data] [-r file] [-d] [-t seconds] [-a]

       amidi  is  a  command-line utility which allows one to receive and send
       SysEx (system exclusive) data from/to external MIDI  devices.   It  can
       also send any other MIDI commands.

       amidi  handles  only files containing raw MIDI commands, without timing
       information.  amidi does not support Standard MIDI  (.mid)  files,  but
       aplaymidi(1) and arecordmidi(1) do.

       Use  the	 -h,  -V,  -l, or -L options to display information; or use at
       least one of the -s, -r, -S, or -d options to specify what data to send
       or receive.

       -h, --help
	      Help: prints a list of options.

       -V, --version
	      Prints the current version.

       -l, --list-devices
	      Prints a list of all hardware MIDI ports.

       -L, --list-rawmidis
	      Prints all RawMIDI definitions.  (used when debugging configura‐
	      tion files)

       -p, --port=name
	      Sets the name of the ALSA RawMIDI port to use.  If this  is  not
	      specified, amidi uses the default port defined in the configura‐
	      tion file (the default for this is port 0 on card 0,  which  may
	      not exist).

       -s, --send=filename
	      Sends  the contents of the specified file to the MIDI port.  The
	      file must contain raw MIDI commands  (e.g.  a  .syx  file);  for
	      Standard MIDI (.mid) files, use aplaymidi(1).

       -r, --receive=filename
	      Writes data received from the MIDI port into the specified file.
	      The file will contain raw MIDI  commands	(such  as  in  a  .syx
	      file);  to  record  a  Standard  MIDI  (.mid) file, use arecord‐

	      amidi will filter out any Active Sensing bytes (FEh), unless the
	      -a option has been given.

       -S, --send-hex="..."
	      Sends  the  bytes	 specified  as hexadecimal numbers to the MIDI

       -d, --dump
	      Prints data received from the MIDI port  as  hexadecimal	bytes.
	      Active  Sensing  bytes  (FEh)  will  not be shown, unless the -a
	      option has been given.

	      This option is useful for debugging.

       -t, --timeout=seconds
	      Stops receiving data when no data	 has  been  received  for  the
	      specified amount of time.

	      If  this	option	has  not been given, you must press Ctrl+C (or
	      kill amidi) to stop receiving data.

       -a, --active-sensing
	      Does not ignore Active Sensing bytes (FEh) when saving or print‐
	      ing received MIDI commands.

       amidi -p hw:0 -s my_settings.syx
	      will send the MIDI commands in my_settings.syx to port hw:0.

       amidi -S 'F0 43 10 4C 00 00 7E 00 F7'
	      sends an XG Reset to the default port.

       amidi -p hw:1,2 -S F0411042110C000000000074F7 -r dump.syx -t 1
	      sends  a	“Parameter  Dump  Request”  to	a GS device, saves the
	      received parameter data to the file dump.syx,  and  stops	 after
	      the  device  has	finished  sending  data (when no data has been
	      received for one second).

       amidi -p virtual -d
	      creates a virtual RawMIDI port and prints all data sent to  this

       /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf default rawmidi definitions
       /etc/asound.conf system-wide rawmidi definitions
       ~/.asoundrc user specific rawmidi definitions


       Clemens Ladisch <>

				  26 Jun 2006			      AMIDI(1)

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