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     XMAN(1)		 X Version 11 (Release 5)	       XMAN(1)

	  xman - Manual page display program for the X Window System

	  xman [ -options ... ]

	  Xman is a manual page browser.  This is international
	  version to browse manual written in various languages.
	  Although this manual is written in English, an user can
	  change any English menu label below to that one written in
	  other language.

	  The default size of the initial xman window is small so that
	  you can leave it running throughout your entire login
	  session.  In the initial window there are three options:
	  Help will pop up a window with on-line help, Quit will exit,
	  and Manual Page will pop up a window with a manual page
	  browser in it.  Typing Control-S will pop up a window
	  prompting for a specific manual page to display.  You may
	  display more than one manual page browser window at a time
	  from a single execution of xman.

	  For further information on using xman, please read the on-
	  line help information.  Most of this manual will discuss
	  customization of xman.

	  Xman supports all standard Toolkit command line arguments
	  (see X(1)).  The following additional arguments are

	  -helpfile filename
	       Specifies a helpfile to use other than the default.

	       Allows both the manual page and manual directory to be
	       on the screen at the same time.

	       Starts without the Top Menu with the three buttons in

	  -geometry WxH+X+Y
	       Sets the size and location of the Top Menu with the
	       three buttons in it.

	  -pagesize WxH+X+Y
	       Sets the size and location of all the Manual Pages.

	  -tbl commandname

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	       Sets the command of tbl function, default is tbl.

	  -eqn commandname
	       Sets the command of eqn function, default is neqn.

	  -roff commandname
	       Sets the command of roff function, default is nroff.

	  The roff commands(tbl,neqn and nroff) is used by xman to
	  preprocess the manual page.  If the default commands can not
	  handle your local language, please find and choose others on
	  your platform.  One example is jnroff on LUNA workstation
	  for manual in Japanese.

	  Xman allows customization of both the directories to be
	  searched for manual pages, and the name that each directory
	  will map to in the Sections menu.  Xman determines which
	  directories it will search by reading the MANPATH
	  environment variable.	 If no MANPATH is found then the
	  directory is /usr/man is searched on POSIX systems.  This
	  environment is expected to be a colon-separated list of
	  directories for xman to search.

	  setenv MANPATH /mit/kit/man:/usr/man

	  By default, xman will search each of the following
	  directories (in each of the directories specified in the
	  users MANPATH) for manual pages.  If manual pages exist in
	  that directory then they are added to list of manual pages
	  for the corresponding menu item.  A menu item is only
	  displayed for those sections that actually contain manual

	  Directory	 Section Name
	  ---------	 ------------
	  man1		 (1) User Commands
	  man2		 (2) System Calls
	  man3		 (3) Subroutines
	  man4		 (4) Devices
	  man5		 (5) File Formats
	  man6		 (6) Games
	  man7		 (7) Miscellaneous
	  man8		 (8) Sys. Administration
	  manl		 (l) Local
	  mann		 (n) New
	  mano		 (o) Old

	  For instance, a user has three directories in her manual
	  path and each contain a directory called man3.  All these
	  manual pages will appear alphabetically sorted when the user
	  selects the menu item called (3) Subroutines.	 If there is

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	  no directory called mano in any of the directories in her
	  MANPATH, or there are no manual pages in any of the
	  directories called mano then no menu item will be displayed
	  for the section called (o) Old.

	  By using the mandesc file a user or system manager is able
	  to more closely control which manual pages will appear in
	  each of the sections represented by menu items in the
	  Sections menu.  This functionality is only available on a
	  section by section basis, and individual manual pages may
	  not be handled in this manner.  (Although generous use of
	  symbolic links - see ln(1) - will allow almost any
	  configuration you can imagine.)

	  The format of the mandesc file is a character followed by a
	  label.  The character determines which of the sections will
	  be added under this label.  For instance suppose that you
	  would like to create an extra menu item that contains all
	  programmer subroutines.  This label should contain all
	  manual pages in both sections two and three.	The mandesc
	  file would look like this:

	  2Programmer Subroutines
	  3Programmer Subroutines

	  This will add a menu item to the Sections menu that would
	  bring up a listing of all manual pages in sections two and
	  three of the Programmers Manual.  Since the label names are
	  exactly the same they will be added to the same section.
	  Note, however, that the original sections still exist.

	  If you want to completely ignore the default sections in a
	  manual directory then add the line:

	  no default sections

	  anywhere in your mandesc file.  This keeps xman from
	  searching the default manual sections In that directory
	  only.	 As an example, suppose you want to do the same thing
	  as above, but you don't think that it is useful to have the
	  System Calls or Subroutines sections any longer.  You would
	  need to duplicate the default entries, as well as adding
	  your new one.

	  no default sections
	  1(1) User Commands
	  2Programmer Subroutines
	  3Programmer Subroutines
	  4(4) Devices
	  5(5) File Formats
	  6(6) Games

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	  7(7) Miscellaneous
	  8(8) Sys. Administration
	  l(l) Local
	  n(n) New
	  o(o) Old

	  Xman will read any section that is of the from
	  man<character>, where <character> is an upper or lower case
	  letter (they are treated distinctly) or a numeral (0-9).  Be
	  warned, however, that man(1) and catman(8) will not search
	  directories that are non-standard.

	  In order to specify resources, it is useful to know the
	  hierarchy of the widgets which compose xman.	In the
	  notation below, indentation indicates hierarchical
	  structure.  The widget class name is given first, followed
	  by the widget instance name.

	  Xman xman (This widget is never used)
	       TopLevelShell  topbox
		    Form  form
			 LabelLocale  topLabel
			 CommandLocale	helpButton
			 CommandLocale	quitButton
			 CommandLocale	manpageButton
		    TransientShell  search
			 DialogLocaleWidgetClass  dialog
			      LabelLocale  label
			      Text  value
			      CommandLocale  manualPage
			      CommandLocale  apropos
			      CommandLocale  cancel
		    TransientShell  pleaseStandBy
			 LabelLocale  label
	       TopLevelShell  manualBrowser
		    Paned  Manpage_Vpane
			 Paned	horizPane
			      MenuButtonLocale	options
			      MenuButtonLocale	sections
			      LabelLocale  manualBrowser
			 Viewport  directory
			      ListLocale  directory
			      ListLocale  directory
			      . (one for each section,
			      .	 created on the fly)
			 ScrollByLine  manualPage
		    SimpleMenu	optionMenu
			 SmeBSBLocale  displayDirectory
			 SmeBSBLocale  displayManualPage

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			 SmeBSBLocale  help
			 SmeBSBLocale  search
			 SmeBSBLocale  showBothScreens
			 SmeBSBLocale  removeThisManpage
			 SmeBSBLocale  openNewManpage
			 SmeBSBLocale  showVersion
			 SmeBSBLocale  quit
		    SimpleMenu	sectionMenu
			 SmeBSBLocale  <name of section>
			      . (one for each section)
		    TransientShell  search
			 DialogLocaleWidgetClass  dialog
			      LabelLocale  label
			      Text  value
			      CommandLocale  manualPage
			      CommandLocale  apropos
			      CommandLocale  cancel
		    TransientShell  pleaseStandBy
			 LabelLocale  label
		    TransientShell  likeToSave
			 DialogLocale  dialog
			      LabelLocale  label
			      Text  value
			      CommandLocale  yes
			      CommandLocale  no
	       TopLevelShell  help
		    Paned  Manpage_Vpane
			 Paned	horizPane
			      MenuButtonLocale	options
			      MenuButtonLocale	sections
			      LabelLocale  manualBrowser
			 ScrollByLine  manualPage
		    SimpleMenu	optionMenu
			 SmeBSBLocale  displayDirectory
			 SmeBSBLocale  displayManualPage
			 SmeBSBLocale  help
			 SmeBSBLocale  search
			 SmeBSBLocale  showBothScreens
			 SmeBSBLocale  removeThisManpage
			 SmeBSBLocale  openNewManpage
			 SmeBSBLocale  showVersion
			 SmeBSBLocale  quit

	  xman has the following application-specific resources which
	  allow customizations unique to xman.

	  manualFontSetNormal (Class FontSet)
			    The font set to use for normal text in the

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			    manual pages.

	  manualFontSetBold (Class FontSet)
			    The font set to use for bold text in the
			    manual pages.

	  manualFontSetItalic (Class FontSet)
			    The font set to use for italic text in the
			    manual pages.

	  directoryFontSetNormal (Class FontSet)
			    The font set to use for the directory

	  bothShown (Class Boolean)
			    Either `true' or `false,' specifies
			    whether or not you want both the directory
			    and the manual page shown at start up.

	  directoryHeight (Class DirectoryHeight)
			    The height in pixels of the directory,
			    when the directory and the manual page are
			    shown simultaneously.

	  topCursor (Class Cursor)
			    The cursor to use in the top box.

	  helpCursor (Class Cursor)
			    The cursor to use in the help window.

	  manpageCursor (Class Cursor)
			    The cursor to use in the manual page

	  searchEntryCursor (Class Cursor)
			    The cursor to use in the search entry text

	  pointerColor (Class Foreground)
			    This is the color of all the cursors
			    (pointers) specified above.	 The name was
			    chosen to be compatible with xterm.

	  helpFile  (Class File)
			    Use this rather than the system default

	  topBox (Class Boolean)
			    Either `true' or `false,' determines
			    whether the top box (containing the help,
			    quit and manual page buttons) or a manual
			    page is put on the screen at start-up.

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			    The default is true.

	  verticalList (Class Boolean)
			    Either `true' or `false,' determines
			    whether the directory listing is
			    vertically or horizontally organized.  The
			    default is horizontal (false).

	  commandTbl (Class CommandTbl)
			    Specify the command of tbl function. The
			    default is tbl.

	  commandEqn  (Class CommandEqn)
			    Specify the command of tbl function. The
			    default is neqn

	  commandRoff  (Class CommandRoff)
			    Specify the command of roff function. The
			    default is nroff.

	  Xman defines all user interaction through global actions.
	  This allows the user to modify the translation table of any
	  widget, and bind any event to the new user action.  The list
	  of actions supported by xman are:

	  GotoPage(page) When used in a manual page display window
			 this will allow the user to move between a
			 directory and manual page display.  The page
			 argument can be either Directory or

	  Quit()	 This action may be used anywhere, and will
			 exit xman.

	  Search(type, action)
			 Only useful when used in a search popup, this
			 action will cause the search widget to
			 perform the named search type on the string
			 in the search popup's value widget. This
			 action will also pop down the search widget.
			 The type argument can be either Apropos,
			 Manpage or Cancel.  If an action of Open is
			 specified then xman will open a new manual
			 page to display the results of the search,
			 otherwise xman will attempt to display the
			 results in the parent of the search popup.

	  PopupHelp()	 This action may be used anywhere, and will
			 popup the help widget.

	  PopupSearch()	 This action may be used anywhere except in a

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			 help window.  It will cause the search popup
			 to become active and visible on the screen,
			 allowing the user search for a manual page.

			 This action may be used anywhere, and will
			 create a new manual page display window.

			 This action may be used in any manual page or
			 help display window.  When called it will
			 remove the window, and clean up all resources
			 associated with it.

			 This action can only be used in the
			 likeToSave popup widget, and tells xman
			 whether to Save or Cancel a save of the
			 manual page that has just been formatted.

	  ShowVersion()	 This action may be called from any manual
			 page or help display window, and will cause
			 the informational display line to show the
			 current version of xman.

	  <manpath directory>/man<character>

	  <manpath directory>/cat<character>

	  <manpath directory>/mandesc

				   specifies required resources

	  /tmp			   Xman creates temporary files in
				   /tmp for all unformatted man pages
				   and all apropos searches.

	  X(1), man(1), apropos(1), catman(8), Athena Widget Set

	  DISPLAY	 the default host and display to use.

	  MANPATH	 the search path for manual pages.
			 Directories are separated by colons (e.g.

	  XENVIRONMENT	 to get the name of a resource file that
			 overrides the global resources stored in the
			 RESOURCE_MANAGER property.

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     XMAN(1)		 X Version 11 (Release 5)	       XMAN(1)

	  XAPPLRESDIR	 A string that will have ``Xman'' appended to
			 it.  This string will be the full path name
			 of a user app-defaults file to be merged into
			 the resource database after the system app-
			 defaults file, and before the resources that
			 are attached to the display.

	  XNLSPATH	 To access the locale database that overrides
			 the default path /usr/lib/X11/nls.

	  LANG		 A string that will specify the language in
			 which xman browse manual.

	  The 3 styles of fonts, normal, bold and italic are used
	  often in English manual, however some eastern languages such
	  Japanese and Chinese have no italic style.  So when you
	  browse the manual written in mixed of English and other
	  language, say Japanese, it is strongly recommended that you
	  should choose apporopriate fonts whose sizes are consistent
	  in the English and Kanji characters, for example, choosing
	  Latin-1 font with CharCell spacing for English as can as
	  possible.  Otherwise the vertical line on the manual page
	  would not be looks nice, specially in the case of Latin-1
	  font with proportional spacing(variable pitch). For example
	  the widths of blank " " and the letter "M" are different,
	  they cause some indents are different.

	  Copyright 1992 by OMRON Corporation.
	  Copyright 1988 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
	  See X(1) for a full statement of rights and permissions.

	  Chris Peterson, MIT X Consortium from the V10 version
	  written by Barry Shein formerly of Boston University.

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