xcalendar man page on IRIX

Printed from http://www.polarhome.com/service/man/?qf=xcalendar&af=0&tf=2&of=IRIX

     xcalendar(1)	X Version 11 (6 June 1994)	  xcalendar(1)

	  xcalendar - calendar with a notebook for X11

	  xcalendar [month [year]]

	  xcalendar is a simple interactive calendar program with a
	  notebook capability. It is built on the X Toolkit and the
	  Athena or Motif Widgets (compile time option).

	  If month and year are not provided on the command line they
	  are assumed to be current.

	  Clicking the left mouse button on a day will start a text
	  editor.  You can edit and save a text.  This text will be
	  associated with the day. You can later on read and edit this
	  text when you open the editor for the same day. The text is
	  saved in a file in the directory specified by the
	  calendarDir resource (default ~/Calendar). The editor lets
	  you also clear an entry associated with a particular day.
	  You can also scroll through days while in the editor by
	  clicking on the arrows on either side of the date label.  If
	  an already open day is scrolled to, an appropriate message
	  is displayed and the editor is brought upin read only mode.

	  It is also possible to scroll through months in the main
	  window by clicking on the arrows on either side of the
	  current date label.

	  You can highlight all entries in a month by invoking the
	  function ShowEntries. By default this function is called
	  when the left mouse button is pressed in the title window
	  (where month and a year are displayed).  Pressing again the
	  same button will unhighlight the entries.

	  "Holidays" are shown in a text widget near the bottom of the
	  day editor.  Holidays are read from a holiday file (see
	  holidayFile below).  The format of the file is mm/dd/yyyy
	  holidaytext where the date and text are separated by a tab.
	  Currently there is no wildcarding done.

	  One can imagine many useful features. For example automatic
	  parsing of the current day entry in search for appointments
	  to trigger alarms (reminders) at the approriate time.
	  Actually, there is a perl script called xcalendar+ that will
	  do this sort of thing.  Maybe one day xcalendar will do it


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     xcalendar(1)	X Version 11 (6 June 1994)	  xcalendar(1)

	  The resource data base lets you alter the visual appearance
	  of the program. You can change fonts, border widths, labels,
	  and other resources used by widgets. One use of this
	  facility is to change names of week days and months.

	  Here are the names of widgets you can use to set various

	       XCalendar    - class of the application
	       xcalendar    - top level pane
	       controls	    - control panel
	       quitButton   - quit button
	       helpButton   - help button
	       date	    - date label
	       calendar	    - calendar pane
	       daynumbers   - day numbers frame
	       1-49	    - day number buttons
	       daynames	    - day names frame
	       MON,TUE,WED,THU,FRI,SAT,SUN - day name buttons
	       helpWindow   - help window
	       bcontrols    - month buttons frame
	       prev	    - previous month button
	       succ	    - succeeding month button
	       cdate	    - current date widget
	       dayEditor    - editor popup
	       editorFrame  - editor frame
	       editorTitle  - editor title
	       editor	    - editor
	       holiday	    - holiday text
	       daybuttons   - day buttons frame
	       prevday	    - previous day button
	       succday	    - succeeding day button
	       editorControls - control panel
	       doneButton   - done button
	       saveButton   - save button
	       clearEntry   - clear entry button

	  Application specific resources:

	       reverseVideoMark	 - if True the entries are highlighted in reverse
				   video;  default True for monochrome displays
				   and False for color displays;

	       setMarkBackground - if True and reverseVideoMark is False the
				   entries are highlighted by setting
				   background to markBackground ;

	       markBackground	 - background color for highlighting entries;

	       setMarkForeground - analogous to setMarkBackground;

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     xcalendar(1)	X Version 11 (6 June 1994)	  xcalendar(1)

	       markForeground	 - foreground color for highlighting entries;

	       setMarkBackground and setMarkForeground can take any
	       combination of values.

	       january,february,..,december - these resources can be used for
				   changing names of months in the month label
				   (date) and for filename determination under
				   oldStyle (see below);

	       firstDay		 - an integer between 1-7,  indicating the day to
				   start a week with, default:	7 (Sunday);

	       markOnStartup	 - if True mark the entries upon startup,
				   default: False;

	       helpFile		 - full pathname of the xcalendar.hlp file,
				   default: /usr/lib/X11/xcalendar/xcalendar.hlp;

	       textBufferSize	 - maximum size of the text buffer in the day editor,
				   default: 2048;

	       calendarDir	 - path name of directory to use for storing calendar
				   files instead of keeping them in $HOME/Calendar;

	       holidayFile	 - path name of file to use for determining holiday,
				   default: /usr/lib/X11/xcalendar/xcalendar.hol;

	       oldStyle		 - uses version 3.0 and prior file naming convention,
				   (xcDAYmonYEAR), where DAY and YEAR are numeric and
				   mon is the first three letters of the month,
				   instead of the "new style" (xcyyyymmdd),
				   default: True;

	       markCurrent	 - if True mark the current day (if visible; useful
				   on color displays only), default: False;

	       updateCurrent	 - number of seconds between attempts to update the
				   marking of the current day, default: 60;

	       currentForeground - foreground color for current day highlight;

	       markHoliday	 - if True mark holidays (if visible; useful on
				   color displays only), default: False;

	       holidayForeground - foreground color for holiday highlight;

	       monthnames	 - string of '/' separated month names used for
				   formatting the date in cdate;

	       monthnms		 - string of '/' separated month abbreviations used
				   for formatting the date in cdate;

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     xcalendar(1)	X Version 11 (6 June 1994)	  xcalendar(1)

	       daynames		 - string of '/' separated day names used for
				   formatting the date in cdate;

	       daynms		 - string of '/' separated day abbreviations used
				   for formatting the date in cdate;

	       date		 - format string for date in cdate.  The formatting
				   characters that are understood are:

			%W	Full weekday name
			%w	Three-char weekday name
			%M	Full month name
			%m	Three-char abbreviation for that month
			%d	The date (numerical day number of the month)
			%Y	Full year (4 digits)
			%y	2-digit year number

				   default: "%W, %M %d";

	       *showGrip:	   False
	       *calendar*internalBorderWidth: 0
	       *input:	      True
	       *resize: False
	       *resizable: True
	       *title: XCalendar v.4.0
	       *dayEditor.title: Day Editor
	       *helpWindow.title: XCalendar Help
	       *Font: 8x13
	       *FontList: 8x13

	       *helpFile:     /p/X11R6/lib/X11/xcalendar/xcalendar.hlp
	       *holidayFile:  /p/X11R6/lib/X11/xcalendar/xcalendar.hol

	       *firstDay:	   7

	       ! bitmaps

	       *prev*bitmap: /p/X11R6/lib/X11/xcalendar/larrow.xbm
	       *succ*bitmap: /p/X11R6/lib/X11/xcalendar/rarrow.xbm
	       *prevday*bitmap: /p/X11R6/lib/X11/xcalendar/larrow.xbm
	       *succday*bitmap: /p/X11R6/lib/X11/xcalendar/rarrow.xbm
	       *helpButton*bitmap: /p/X11R6/lib/X11/xcalendar/qmark.xbm
	       *quitButton*bitmap: /p/X11R6/lib/X11/xcalendar/quit.xbm
	       *prev*labelType: XmPIXMAP
	       *prev*labelPixmap: /usr/local/X11R5/lib/X11/xcalendar/larrow.xbm
	       *succ*labelType: XmPIXMAP
	       *succ*labelPixmap: /usr/local/X11R5/lib/X11/xcalendar/rarrow.xbm
	       *prevday*labelType: XmPIXMAP
	       *prevday*labelPixmap: /usr/local/X11R5/lib/X11/xcalendar/larrow.xbm

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     xcalendar(1)	X Version 11 (6 June 1994)	  xcalendar(1)

	       *succday*labelType: XmPIXMAP
	       *succday*labelPixmap: /usr/local/X11R5/lib/X11/xcalendar/rarrow.xbm
	       *quitButton*labelType: XmPIXMAP
	       *quitButton*labelPixmap: /usr/local/X11R5/lib/X11/xcalendar/quit.xbm
	       *helpButton*labelType: XmPIXMAP
	       *helpButton*labelPixmap: /usr/local/X11R5/lib/X11/xcalendar/qmark.xbm

	       ! colors
	       ! Note: These may cause problems using the -rv option on monochrome displays

	       *Background: lightgray
	       *markBackground: gray
	       *daynames*Background: lightgray
	       *daynames.SUN*Foreground: Red
	       *daynames.SAT*Foreground: Black
	       *daynumbers*Foreground:	 Black
	       *daynumbers.1*Foreground: Red
	       *daynumbers.8*Foreground: Red
	       *daynumbers.15*Foreground: Red
	       *daynumbers.22*Foreground: Red
	       *daynumbers.29*Foreground: Red
	       *daynumbers.36*Foreground: Red
	       *helpButton*Background: slategray
	       *helpButton*Foreground: White
	       *quitButton*Background: slategray
	       *quitButton*Foreground: White
	       *editorTitle*Background: lightgray
	       *editorTitle*Foreground: Black
	       *editorControls*Background: lightgray
	       *editorControls*Command.Background: slategray
	       *editorControls*Command.Foreground: White
	       *editorControls*XmPushButton.Background: slategray
	       *editorControls*XmPushButton.Foreground: White

	       *setMarkBackground: True
	       *markOnStartup: True
	       *markCurrent: True
	       *currentForeground: Blue
	       *markHoliday: True
	       *holidayForeground: Red
	       *holiday*fontList: 6x13

	       *BorderWidth:	   2
	       *calendar.borderWidth:	1
	       *borderWidth: 0
	       *date*borderWidth: 0
	       *date*vertDistance: 5

	       *date*font:		     8x13bold
	       *daynames*font:		     8x13bold
	       *dayEditor*editorTitle*font:	  8x13bold

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     xcalendar(1)	X Version 11 (6 June 1994)	  xcalendar(1)

	       *helpWindow*editorTitle*font:	       8x13bold
	       *date*fontList:		     8x13bold
	       *daynames*fontList:	     8x13bold
	       *dayEditor*editorTitle*fontList:	  8x13bold
	       *helpWindow*editorTitle*fontList:  8x13bold

	       *helpButton*vertDistance: 12
	       *quitButton*vertDistance: 12
	       *editorTitle*vertDistance: 5

	       *editorControls*doneButton*label: Done
	       *editorControls*saveButton*label: Save
	       *editorControls*clearEntry*label: Clear Entry
	       *doneButton*labelString: Done
	       *saveButton*labelString: Save
	       *clearEntry*labelString: Clear Entry

	       *helpWindow*editorTitle*label: Help
	       *helpWindow*editorTitle*labelString: Help
	       *helpWindow*rows: 15
	       *helpWindow*columns: 80
	       *columns: 30

	       *dayEditor*Paned*editor.width: 300
	       *dayEditor*Paned*editor.height: 150
	       *helpWindow*Paned*editor.width: 600
	       *helpWindow*Paned*editor.height: 350

	       *bcontrols*borderWidth: 0
	       *prev*highlightThickness: 0
	       *succ*highlightThickness: 0

	       *prevday*highlightThickness: 0
	       *succday*highlightThickness: 0
	       *daybuttons*borderWidth: 0

	       *Scrollbar.borderWidth: 1
	       *Text*scrollVertical: whenNeeded
	       *scrollHorizontal: False
	       *helpWindow*scrollHorizontal: True
	       *holiday*cursorPositionVisible: False
	       *holiday*displayCaret: False
	       *helpWindow*cursorPositionVisible: False
	       *helpWindow*displayCaret: False

	       !! Keyboard accelerators for Athena version

	       *Box*doneButton*accelerators: #override \n\
		    Meta<Key>q: set() notify() reset() \n
	       *Box*saveButton*accelerators: #override \n\
		    Meta<Key>s: set() notify() reset() \n

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     xcalendar(1)	X Version 11 (6 June 1994)	  xcalendar(1)

	       *Box*clearEntry*accelerators: #override \n\
		    Meta<Key>c: set() notify() reset() \n

	       *Form*prevday*accelerators: #override \n\
		    Meta<Key>p: set() notify() reset() \n
	       *Form*succday*accelerators: #override \n\
		    Meta<Key>n: set() notify() reset() \n

	       *Form*prev*accelerators: #override \n\
		    <Key>p: set() notify() reset() \n
	       *Form*succ*accelerators: #override \n\
		    <Key>n: set() notify() reset() \n
	       *Form*quitButton*accelerators: #override \n\
		    <Key>q: set() notify() \n

	       ! Motif text translations to make it work like emacs

	       *XmText.translations: #override\n\
			Ctrl <Key>b:		backward-character()\n\
			Alt <Key>b:		backward-word()\n\
			Meta <Key>b:		backward-word()\n\
			Shift Alt <Key>b:	backward-word(extend)\n\
			Shift Meta <Key>b:	backward-word(extend)\n\
			Alt <Key>[:		backward-paragraph()\n\
			Meta <Key>[:		backward-paragraph()\n\
			Shift Alt <Key>[:	backward-paragraph(extend)\n\
			Shift Meta <Key>[:	backward-paragraph(extend)\n\
			Alt <Key><:		beginning-of-file()\n\
			Meta <Key><:		beginning-of-file()\n\
			Ctrl <Key>a:		beginning-of-line()\n\
			Shift Ctrl <Key>a:	beginning-of-line(extend)\n\
			Ctrl <Key>osfInsert:	copy-clipboard()\n\
			Shift <Key>osfDelete:	cut-clipboard()\n\
			Shift <Key>osfInsert:	paste-clipboard()\n\
			Alt <Key>>:		end-of-file()\n\
			Meta <Key>>:		end-of-file()\n\
			Ctrl <Key>e:		end-of-line()\n\
			Shift Ctrl <Key>e:	end-of-line(extend)\n\
			Ctrl <Key>f:		forward-character()\n\
			Alt <Key>]:		forward-paragraph()\n\
			Meta <Key>]:		forward-paragraph()\n\
			Shift Alt <Key>]:	forward-paragraph(extend)\n\
			Shift Meta <Key>]:	forward-paragraph(extend)\n\
			Ctrl Alt <Key>f:	forward-word()\n\
			Ctrl Meta <Key>f:	forward-word()\n\
			Ctrl <Key>d:		kill-next-character()\n\
			Alt <Key>BackSpace:	kill-previous-word()\n\
			Meta <Key>BackSpace:	kill-previous-word()\n\
			Ctrl <Key>w:		key-select() kill-selection()\n\
			Ctrl <Key>y:		unkill()\n\
			Ctrl <Key>k:		kill-to-end-of-line()\n\

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     xcalendar(1)	X Version 11 (6 June 1994)	  xcalendar(1)

			Alt <Key>Delete:	kill-to-start-of-line()\n\
			Meta <Key>Delete:	kill-to-start-of-line()\n\
			Ctrl <Key>o:		newline-and-backup()\n\
			Ctrl <Key>j:		newline-and-indent()\n\
			Ctrl <Key>n:		next-line()\n\
			Ctrl <Key>osfLeft:	page-left()\n\
			Ctrl <Key>osfRight:	page-right()\n\
			Ctrl <Key>p:		previous-line()\n\
			Ctrl <Key>g:		process-cancel()\n\
			Ctrl <Key>l:		redraw-display()\n\
			Ctrl <Key>osfDown:	next-page()\n\
			Ctrl <Key>osfUp:	previous-page()\n\
			Ctrl <Key>space:	set-anchor()\n

	  $HOME/Calendar/*, /usr/lib/X11/xcalendar/xcalendar.hlp,

	  xrdb(1), xcalendar+(1)

	  I'm sure there are some.  If you find any, let me
	  (bingle@cs.purdue.edu) know.

	  Copyright 1988 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology
	  Roman J. Budzianowski, MIT Project Athena

	  Copyright 1990-1994 by Purdue University
	  Richard Bingle, Department of Computer Sciences

	  Enhancements/Suggestions by:
	  Beth Chaney
	  Purdue University, Department of Computer Sciences

	  Mike Urban
	  Jet Propulsion Labs, NASA

	  Joel Neisen
	  Minnesota Supercomputer Center

	  Hiroshi Kuribayashi
	  Omron Corp.

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