pfuGridifyAnyClipTexture man page on IRIX

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pfuGridify(3pf)		      OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpfutil Reference Pages

     pfuGridifySaveSize, pfuGridifyMem, pfuUnGridifyMem, pfuGridifyFileP,
     pfuGridifyFile, pfuGridifyImageTile, pfuUnGridifyImageTile,
     pfuGridifyImageCache, pfuUnGridifyImageCache, pfuGridifyClipTexture,
     pfuUnGridifyClipTexture, pfuGridifyMPClipTexture,
     pfuUnGridifyMPClipTexture, pfuGridifyAnyClipTexture,
     pfuUnGridifyAnyClipTexture - Runtime clip texture gridification

     #include <Performer/pfutil.h>

     int    pfuGridifySaveSize(int width, int height, int pixeldepth,
	      int borderwidth);

     void   pfuGridifyMem(unsigned char *buf, int width, int height,
	      int pixeldepth, int borderwidth,
	      const unsigned char color[/* pixeldepth */],
	      unsigned char savecolors[/* pfuGridifySaveSize() */]);

     void   pfuUnGridifyMem(unsigned char *buf, int width, int height,
	      int pixeldepth, int borderwidth,
	      const unsigned char savedcolors[/* pfuGridifySaveSize() */]);

     int    pfuGridifyFileP(const char *infilename_for_errors, FILE *infp,
	      const char *outfilename_for_errors, FILE *outfp, int width,
	      int height, int pixeldepth, int borderwidth,
	      unsigned char color[/* pixeldepth */]);

     int    pfuGridifyFile(const char *filename, int width, int height,
	      int pixeldepth, int borderwidth,
	      unsigned char color[/* pixeldepth */]);

     int    pfuGridifyImageTile(pfImageTile *itile, int pixeldepth,
	      const unsigned char color[/* pixeldepth */], int isproto);

     int    pfuUnGridifyImageTile(pfImageTile *itile);

     int    pfuGridifyImageCache(pfImageCache *icache, int pixeldepth,
	      unsigned char color[/* pixeldepth */]);

     int    pfuUnGridifyImageCache(pfImageCache *icache);

     int    pfuGridifyClipTexture(pfClipTexture *cliptex);

     int    pfuUnGridifyClipTexture(pfClipTexture *cliptex);

     int    pfuGridifyMPClipTexture(pfMPClipTexture *mpcliptex);

     int    pfuUnGridifyMPClipTexture(pfMPClipTexture *mpcliptex);

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pfuGridify(3pf)		      OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpfutil Reference Pages

     int    pfuGridifyAnyClipTexture(pfNode *scene, int i);

     int    pfuUnGridifyAnyClipTexture(pfNode *scene, int i);

     The pfuGridify functions overlay color-coded grids on image tile data at
     runtime, to facilitate visual verification of texel size, tile size, and
     which mipmap levels of detail are being displayed.	 Functions are
     provided to gridify image data that is represented in any of the
     following forms: pfClipTexture, pfImageCache, pfImageTile, raw tile in
     memory, or raw tile in file.  For all but the last of these, the image
     pixels clobbered by the grid is saved in a compact form so that the
     corresponding pfuUnGridify function can retrieve them and restore the
     original underlying image quickly.	 This allows an application to
     efficiently toggle gridification at runtime.  In the sample application
     perfly, the 'g' key toggles clipmap gridification (if the scene contains
     a clipmap).

     If the image data is in an RGB format (PFTEX_RGBA_8 or PFTEX_RGB5_A1),
     the grid color is chosen as follows, depending on the destination clipmap
     level size:
	  cyan	   1x1	  64x64	    4096x4096	 262144x262144
	  blue	   2x2	 128x128    8192x8192	 524288x524288
	  magenta  4x4	 256x256   16384x16384	1048576x1048576
	  red	   8x8	 512x512   32767x32768	2097152x2097152
	  yellow  16x16 1024x1024  65535x65535	4194304x4194304
	  green	  32x32 2048x2048 131072x131072 8388608x8388608
     If the data is in luminance (PFTEX_I_8) format, the grid colors alternate
     between black and white: black for 1x1, 4x4, 16x16, etc. and white for
     2x2, 8x8, 32x32, etc.

     The grid for a pfImageTile or raw memory or file tile consists of:

	  --   A 2-pixel border around the entire tile

	  --   A column of 4x8-pixel ticks, spaced 8 pixels apart, down the
	       center of the tile vertically, and a similar row of them across
	       the center horizontally

	  --   Two columns of 2x4-pixel ticks, spaced 16 pixels apart, at the
	       1/4 and 3/4 tile position, and similar rows of them.

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pfuGridify(3pf)		      OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpfutil Reference Pages

     For example, this is the grid overlayed on a 128x128 tile (only the
     upper-left quarter is shown):
     ::								 ::::::::
     ::								 ::::::::
     ::				   ....				 ::::::::
     ::				   """"				 ::::::::
     ::								 ::::::::
     ::								 ::::::::
     ::		    ::		   .::.		    ::		 ::::::::
     ::		    ::		   "::"		    ::		 ::::::::
     ::								 ::::::::
     ::								 ::::::::
     ::				   ....				 ::::::::
     ::				   """"				 ::::::::
     ::								 ::::::::
     ::								 ::::::::
     ::	   ::::	   ::::	   ::::	   ::::	   ::::	   ::::	   ::::	   ::::
     ::	   ::::	   ::::	   ::::	   ::::	   ::::	   ::::	   ::::	 ::::::::
     ::	   ::::	   ::::	   ::::	   ::::	   ::::	   ::::	   ::::	 ::::::::
     ::	   ::::	   ::::	   ::::	   ::::	   ::::	   ::::	   ::::	   ::::
     ::								 ::::::::

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pfuGridify(3pf)		      OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpfutil Reference Pages

     And this is the grid used for a 64x64 tile:
     ::								   ::
     ::								   ::
     ::				 ::::::::			   ::
     ::				 ::::::::			   ::
     ::								   ::
     ::								   ::
     ::		   .::.		 ::::::::	   .::.		   ::
     ::		   "::"		 ::::::::	   "::"		   ::
     ::								   ::
     ::								   ::
     ::				 ::::::::			   ::
     ::				 ::::::::			   ::
     ::								   ::
     ::	   ::::	   ::::	   ::::	   ::::	   ::::	   ::::	   ::::	   ::
     ::	   ::::	   ::::	   ::::	 ::::::::  ::::	   ::::	   ::::	   ::
     ::	   ::::	   ::::	   ::::	 ::::::::  ::::	   ::::	   ::::	   ::
     ::	   ::::	   ::::	   ::::	   ::::	   ::::	   ::::	   ::::	   ::
     ::								   ::
     ::				 ::::::::			   ::
     ::				 ::::::::			   ::
     ::								   ::
     ::								   ::
     ::		   .::.		 ::::::::	   .::.		   ::
     ::		   "::"		 ::::::::	   "::"		   ::
     ::								   ::
     ::								   ::
     ::				 ::::::::			   ::
     ::				 ::::::::			   ::
     ::								   ::
     ::								   ::

     Thus a user can look at geometry that is textured with a gridified
     clipmap and deduce the following kinds of information:
	  Texel size and size of tiles and imagery in texels:
	       Use the known size of the ticks (4x8 texels and 2x4 texels),
	       the size of the tile border (2 texels wide around each tile, so
	       the boundary line between adjacent tiles is 4 texels wide), and
	       the spacing between ticks (little ticks are 16 texels apart,
	       big ticks are 8 texels apart) to measure sizes.
	  Which mipmap levels of detail are being displayed:
	       Look it up by color in the table above.	For RGB data, the
	       colors repeat every 6 levels, so some deduction by other means
	       may be necessary (e.g. familiarity with the image data itself,
	       or fiddling with the minLOD or maxLOD slider).  Usually it is
	       only necessary to think hard once in order to "get one's
	       bearings"; after that, it is easy see transitions between
	       levels and to figure out the size of a given level from
	       knowledge of adjacent levels.

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pfuGridify(3pf)		      OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpfutil Reference Pages

	  The pfuGridifySaveSize function takes the size (width,height) and
	  bytes-per-pixel (pixeldepth) of raw image tile in memory, and
	  returns the size in bytes of the buffer needed for saving and
	  restoring the image pixels that will get clobbered by pfuGridifyMem.

	  pfuGridifyMem takes a pointer buf to a tile of raw image data of
	  size width,height with pixeldepth bytes per pixel, and a given
	  borderwidth (2 is standard, but any number can be given; e.g. a
	  value larger than width/2 will change the tile to a solid color),
	  and gridifies it using the specified color for the grid.  If
	  savecolors is not NULL, it must be a pointer to a buffer of size
	  previously returned by pfuGridifySaveSize to be used for saving the
	  image pixels that will get clobbered by the grid.  pfuUnGridifyMem
	  undoes the effect of pfuGridifyMem.

	  pfuGridifyFile is just like pfuGridifyMem except that it operates on
	  a raw image tile in a file (specified by filename) rather than in
	  memory.  There is no corresponding ungridify function, since it is
	  easy enough to simply save a copy of the original file.  The
	  function return value is 1 indicating success, or 0 (and a pfNotify
	  message of level PFNFY_WARN) indicating failure to open, read from,
	  or write to the file.

	  pfuGridifyFileP is a lower-level interface to the functionality of
	  pfuGridifyFile.  It takes file pointers (infp, outfp) and the input
	  file may be different from the output file.  The parameters
	  infilename_for_errors and outfilename_for_errors are used for
	  printing in error messages, should an error occur.  The function
	  return value is 1 indicating success, or 0 (and a pfNotify message
	  of level PFNFY_WARN) indicating failure to read from infp or write
	  to outfp.

	  pfuGridifyImageTile gridifies the pfImageTile itile using a border
	  width of 2 and pixeldepth bytes per pixel (which must be the actual
	  number of bytes per pixel in itile), with the given color.  If
	  isproto is FALSE, this means waiting for the tile to become valid
	  and then gridifying the underlying memory.  If isproto is true, it
	  means setting the readFunc so that all pfImageTiles cloned from
	  itile in the future will automatically get gridified as they are
	  read in from disk.  pfuUnGridifyImageTile undoes the effect of
	  pfuGridifyImageTile.	Both functions return 1 on success, or 0 (and
	  a pfNotify message of level PFNFY_WARN) if an error or unexpected
	  state is encountered (e.g. trying to gridify an already-gridified
	  image cache, or trying to ungridify one that has not been

	  pfuGridifyImageCache gridifies the given image cache icache by
	  calling pfuGridifyImageTile with the given arguments on the
	  prototype tile and all tiles in the cache.  pfuUnGridifyImageCache
	  undoes the effect of BpfuGridifyImageCache.  Both function return 1
	  on success, or 0 (and a pfNotify message of level PFNFY_WARN) if an
	  error is encountered.

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pfuGridify(3pf)		      OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpfutil Reference Pages

	  pfuGridifyClipTexture gridifies the pfClipTexture cliptex by calling
	  pfuGridifyImageCache on each level (with grid colors assigned to
	  levels as described earlier), and then marking all destination
	  texture memory as invalid so that it will be reloaded.
	  pfuUnGridifyClipTexture undoes the effect of pfuGridifyClipTexture.
	  Both functions return 1 on success, or 0 (and a pfNotify message of
	  level PFNFY_WARN) if an error is encountered.

	  pfuGridifyAnyClipTexture is a convenience function that calls
	  pfuGridifyClipTexture on the i'th texture encountered during
	  traversal of the scene graph rooted at scene.
	  pfuUnGridifyAnyClipTexture undoes the effect of

     In a multiprocess Performer application, these functions should only be
     called from the DRAW process.

     While a pfClipTexture, pfImageCache, or pfImageTile is in a gridified
     state, its user data is used to store the saved pixels and callback
     information, so applications cannot use the objects' user data for other

     The implementation of pfuGridifyImageCache (and thus also
     pfuGridifyClipTexture which uses it) installs a wrapper readFunc on the
     prototype tile.  This wrapper calls the original readFunc and gridifies
     the data before returning, allocating an array to store the saved pixels.
     (The corresponding pfuUnGridify functions restore the saved pixels, free
     the saved pixel array, and restore the original readFunc.)	 This
     implementation has two important consequences: first, while an object is
     in a gridified state, it can incur per-frame memory allocations and frees
     (a practice that is frowned upon when trying to achieve consistent frame
     rates).  Second, applications that install a custom readFunc must take
     care to do so *before* gridifying so that the gridification function will
     wrap it properly.

     pfuGridifyMPClipTexture and pfuUnGridifyMPClipTexture are not

     The libpfutil source code, object code and documentation are provided as
     unsupported software.  Routines are subject to change in future releases.

     pfClipTexture, pfImageCache, pfImageTile, pfMultiprocess, pfNotify,

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