pfdDelGeom man page on IRIX

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pfdGeoBuilder(3pf)		OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpfdu Reference Pages

     pfdNewGeom, pfdResizeGeom, pfdDelGeom, pfdCopyGeom, pfdReverseGeom,
     pfdNewGeoBldr, pfdDelGeoBldr, pfdGeoBldrMode, pfdGetGeoBldrMode,
     pfdTriangulatePoly, pfdAddGeom, pfdAddPoint, pfdAddLine, pfdAddTri,
     pfdAddPoly, pfdAddPoints, pfdAddLines, pfdAddLineStrips,
     pfdAddIndexedPoints, pfdAddIndexedLines, pfdAddIndexedLineStrips,
     pfdAddIndexedTri, pfdAddIndexedPoly, pfdGetNumTris, pfdBuildGSets,
     pfdPrintGSet - Create optimized pfGeoSets from independent geometry.

     #include <Performer/pfdu.h>

     pfdGeom *	       pfdNewGeom(int numV);

     void	       pfdResizeGeom(pfdGeom *geom, int numV);

     void	       pfdDelGeom(pfdGeom *geom);

     void	       pfdCopyGeom(pfdGeom *dst, pfdGeom *src);

     int	       pfdReverseGeom(pfdGeom *geom);

     pfdGeoBuilder *   pfdNewGeoBldr(void);

     void	       pfdDelGeoBldr(pfdGeoBuilder* bldr);

     void	       pfdGeoBldrMode(pfdGeoBuilder* bldr, int mode, int val);

     int	       pfdGetGeoBldrMode(pfdGeoBuilder* bldr, int mode);

     int	       pfdTriangulatePoly(pfdGeom *pgon, pfdPrim *triList);

     void	       pfdAddGeom(pfdGeoBuilder *bldr, pfdGeom *Geom,
			 int num);

     void	       pfdAddPoint(pfdGeoBuilder *bldr, pfdPrim *Point);

     void	       pfdAddLine(pfdGeoBuilder *bldr, pfdPrim *line);

     void	       pfdAddTri(pfdGeoBuilder *bldr, pfdPrim *tri);

     void	       pfdAddPoly(pfdGeoBuilder *bldr, pfdGeom *poly);

     void	       pfdAddPoints(pfdGeoBuilder *bldr, pfdGeom *points);

     void	       pfdAddLines(pfdGeoBuilder *bldr, pfdGeom *lines);

     void	       pfdAddLineStrips(pfdGeoBuilder *bldr,
			 pfdGeom *lineStrips, int num);

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pfdGeoBuilder(3pf)		OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpfdu Reference Pages

     void	       pfdAddIndexedPoints(pfdGeoBuilder *bldr,
			 pfdGeom *points);

     void	       pfdAddIndexedLines(pfdGeoBuilder *bldr,
			 pfdGeom *lines);

     void	       pfdAddIndexedLineStrips(pfdGeoBuilder *bldr,
			 pfdGeom *lines, int num);

     void	       pfdAddIndexedTri(pfdGeoBuilder *bldr, pfdPrim *tri);

     void	       pfdAddIndexedPoly(pfdGeoBuilder *bldr, pfdGeom *poly);

     int	       pfdGetNumTris(pfdGeoBuilder *bldr);

     pfList *	       pfdBuildGSets(pfdGeoBuilder *bldr);

     void	       pfdPrintGSet(pfGeoSet *gset);

	  typedef struct _pfdPrim
	      int	  flags;
	      int	  nbind, cbind, tbind[PF_MAX_TEXTURES];

	      float	  pixelsize;

	      pfVec3	  coords[3];
	      pfVec3	  norms[3];
	      pfVec4	  colors[3];
	      pfVec2	  texCoords[PF_MAX_TEXTURES][3];

	      pfVec3	  *coordList;
	      pfVec3	  *normList;
	      pfVec4	  *colorList;
	      pfVec2	  *texCoordList[PF_MAX_TEXTURES];

	      ushort	  icoords[3];
	      ushort	  inorms[3];
	      ushort	  icolors[3];
	      ushort	  itexCoords[PF_MAX_TEXTURES][3];

	      int	  numTextures;

	      struct _pfdPrim	      *next;
	  } pfdPrim;

	  typedef struct _pfdGeom
	      int	  flags;
	      int	  nbind, cbind, tbind[PF_MAX_TEXTURES];

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	      int	  numVerts;
	      short	  primtype;
	      float	  pixelsize;

	      pfVec3	  *coords;
	      pfVec3	  *norms;
	      pfVec4	  *colors;
	      pfVec2	  *texCoords[PF_MAX_TEXTURES];

	      pfVec3	  *coordList;
	      pfVec3	  *normList;
	      pfVec4	  *colorList;
	      pfVec2	  *texCoordList[PF_MAX_TEXTURES];

	      ushort	  *icoords;
	      ushort	  *inorms;
	      ushort	  *icolors;
	      ushort	  *itexCoords[PF_MAX_TEXTURES];

	      int	  numTextures;

	      struct _pfdGeom	      *next;
	  } pfdGeom;

	  typedef pfdGeom pfdPoly;
	  typedef pfdPrim pfdTri;

     The pfdGeoBuilder tools greatly simplify the task of creating OpenGL
     Performer geometry structures (pfGeoSets).	 More importantly, the
     pfdGeoBuilder utility creates optimized line-strip and triangle-strip
     pfGeoSets that can significantly improve rendering performance and
     decrease memory usage.

     The pfdGeoBuilder only manages geometry. For managing geometry and state
     (appearance attributes such as texture and material) there is a higher
     level pfdBuilder tool that itself uses the pfdGeoBuilder.

     Typically the higher-level pfdBuilder (rather than the low-level
     pfdGeoBuilder) is used when writing a database importer for OpenGL
     Performer.	 In either case, the loaders take external data in popular
     database file formats and convert them into OpenGL Performer runtime
     scene-graph structures.  There are many examples of file loaders based on
     the pfdBuilder and pfdGeoBuilder facilities in the libpfdb database
     loader library.

     The pfdGeoBuilder is used to build pfGeoSets from arbitrary input
     geometry in the following way:

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	  1.   Create a pfdGeoBuilder data structure by calling pfdNewGeoBldr.

	  2.   Create a pfdGeom data structure by calling pfdNewGeom with the
	       maximum number of vertices required. This size can be changed
	       later via calls to pfdResizeGeom.

	  3.   Add geometric objects one at a time to the builder created in
	       Step 1 via calls to pfdAddGeom, pfdAddPoint, pfdAddLine,
	       pfdAddTri, pfdAddPoly, pfdAddPoints, pfdAddLines,
	       pfdAddLineStrips, pfdAddIndexedPoints, pfdAddIndexedLines,
	       pfdAddIndexedLineStrips, pfdAddIndexedTri, or

	  4.   Once all geometry has been added to the builder, call
	       pfdBuildGSets to obtain a list of pfGeoSets representing the
	       geometry in line strips and triangle strips wherever possible.

     pfdNewGeom allocates a pfdGeom structure capable of containing a single
     geometric object with up to numV vertices. This object contains a number
     of internal arrays whose sizes scale with numV, so allocating a large
     pfdGeom can require a considerable amount of storage.

     pfdResizeGeom is used to change the vertex limit of the pfdGeom geom.
     The old vertex values are retained in this reallocation, so that loaders
     can simply invoke pfdResizeGeom to enlarge a pfdGeom without special
     attention to the existing data. When the new size (numV) is smaller than
     the previous size, only the first numV old vertices are kept.

     pfdDelGeom frees the storage allocated for the pfdGeom geom.

     pfdCopyGeom copies the contents of the pfdGeom src to dst.	 Use
     pfdResizeGeom if necessary to ensure that the arrays internal to dst are
     of an appropriate size prior to the copy.

     pfdReverseGeom reverses the order of the vertices in geom. Use this to
     generate polygonal objects with a consistent vertex ordering (clockwise
     or counterclockwise) when viewed from the outside. When this is the case,
     backface culling can be enabled for improved graphics performance.

     pfdNewGeoBldr allocates a new pfdGeoBuilder structure and initializes it
     to accept geometry. The pfdGeoBuilder's internal data is self-sizing and
     will grow as needed when points, lines, and polygons are added to it.

     pfdDelGeoBldr frees the storage allocated to the pfdGeoBuilder bldr.

     pfdGeoBldrMode specifies modes to be used by the pfdGeoBuilder bldr as it
     processes input geometry and constructs pfGeoSets.	 The supported modes

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	       Generate random colors for geometric objects. There are four
	       options for this mode, and they are:

		    Leave color definitions as they are. This is the default

		    Generate colors for those primitives that do not provide
		    them.  This mode only replaces missing colors, it does not
		    override any colors that have been defined.

		    Generate a new random color for each primitive.

		    Discard existing color definitions and do not generate any
		    replacement colors.

	       Generate normals for geometric objects. There are four options
	       for this mode, and they are:

		    Leave normal definitions as they are. This is the default

		    Generate normals for those primitives that do not provide
		    them.  This mode only replaces missing normals, it does
		    not override any normals that have been defined.

		    Generate a new normal for each primitive.

		    Discard existing normal definitions and do not generate
		    any replacement normals.

	       Generate texture coordinates for geometric objects. There are
	       four options for this mode, and they are:

		    Leave texture coordinate definitions as they are. This is
		    the default mode.

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		    Generate texture coordinates for those primitives that do
		    not provide them.  This mode only replaces missing texture
		    coordinates, it does not override any texture coordinates
		    that have been defined.  This option is provided for
		    future expansion. It is not currently implemented.

		    Generate texture coordinates for each primitive. This
		    option is provided for future expansion. It is not
		    currently implemented.

		    Discard existing texture coordinate definitions and do not
		    generate any replacement texture coordinates.

	       Automatically reverse normal vector direction or vertex order
	       for polygons that have a supplied overall normal or per-vertex
	       normals if the internally computed normal value indicates that
	       the input vertices had clockwise rather than counterclockwise

		    Do not modify vertex orientation or normal direction.

		    Reverse direction (by negating normals) to make the
		    sidedness of polygons consistent with the standard
		    orientation, which is counterclockwise when viewed from
		    the outside of the surface.	 The outside is defined as the
		    direction in which the normal points.

		    Reverse direction (by reversing the order of vertices) to
		    make the sidedness of polygons consistent with the
		    standard orientation, which is counterclockwise when
		    viewed from the outside of the surface.  The outside is
		    defined as the direction in which the normal points.  This
		    is the default method, since people who provide a normal
		    usually know which way they want it to point.

	       Generate triangle meshes from input geometry.  This task is
	       actually performed using the pfdMeshGSet function. See the
	       pfdTMesher man page for further details.	 The default is TRUE.

     pfdGetBldrMode returns the current value of pfdGeoBuilder bldr's internal
     processing mode, mode. The valid mode arguments are those listed for
     pfdGeoBldrMode above.

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pfdGeoBuilder(3pf)		OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpfdu Reference Pages

     pfdTriangulatePoly triangulates a polygon defined by pfdGeom pgon and
     appends the resulting triangles to the list of triangles in triList. If
     the input polygon is concave, pfdTriangulatePoly will OR the
     PFDPOLY_CONCAVE bit into the flags member of the poly structure.  The
     return value is TRUE if poly is concave and FALSE otherwise.  Note that
     pfdTriangulatePoly will not "fan out" convex polygons but will "zigzag"
     them so the resultant triangles can be easily formed into a single
     triangle strip (see pfdMeshGSet).

     Geometric objects are added to a pfdGeoBuilder using the general
     pfdAddGeom function or via the related functions described below.
     pfdAddGeom adds one a pfdGeom object to the designated pfdGeoBuilder
     bldr. If the pfdGeom is a line strip, then the argument num specifies the
     number of lines in the line strip pfdAddGeom is the general way to add
     geometry to a pfdGeoBuilder.

     Four distinct types of geometric objects can be defined in a pfdGeom:
     points, lines, line strips, and polygons, and there is a lower-level
     primitive adding function for each: pfdAddPoints, pfdAddLines,
     pfdAddLineStrips, and pfdAddPoly. These functions are invoked by
     pfdAddGeom to process input geometry and are not usually called directly
     by users.

     The pfdGeoBuilder also supports the optimization of indexed geometric
     data. It is only necessary to specify index list information in the
     pfdGeom structure and then call one of the indexed versions of the
     geometry adding functions:	 pfdAddIndexedPoints, pfdAddIndexedLines,
     pfdAddIndexedLineStrips, or pfdAddIndexedPoly.

     There are four remaining geometry adding functions. These accept low-
     level pfdPrim geometry definitions rather than the higher-level pfdGeom
     definitions. Use of these functions is discouraged.  pfdAddPoint adds the
     point pfdPrim Point to pfdGeoBuilder bldr, pfdAddLine adds the line line,
     pfdAddTri adds the triangle tri, and pfdAddIndexedTri adds the indexed
     triangle tri.

     In all cases, these geometry processing functions copy the geometric
     definition into internal pfdGeoBuilder memory so that the application
     need not manage multiple pfdGeom or pfdPrim data structures. The fields
     of the pfdGeom or pfdPrim structure should be set as follows:

     nbind, cbind, tbind specify the normal, color, and texture coordinate
     binding respectively.  They may be one of the following values:

	       An attribute is specified for each vertex of the point, line,
	       or polygon.

	       The first element of the attribute array specifies the
	       attribute for the point, line, or polygon, e.g. norms[0] is the

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pfdGeoBuilder(3pf)		OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpfdu Reference Pages

	       normal for the entire object.

	       No attribute value is specified.

     pixelsize defines the width in pixels to be used when drawing the
     indicated point or line. pixelsize is ignored for polygon data.

     coords, norms, colors, texCoords specify the coordinates, normals,
     colors, and texture coordinates of the point, line, or polygon according
     to the binding types described above, e.g. coords[0], coords[1],
     coords[2] define the coordinates of a pfdTri.

     Example 1:

	      pfdGeoBuilder *bldr;
	      pfdGeom	    *geom;
	      pfList	    *gsetList;
	      int	   t;

	      /* allocate pfdGeoBuilder and pfdGeom storage */
	      bldr = pfdNewGeoBldr();
	      geom = pfdNewGeom(4);

	      /* feed polygons to pfdGeoBuilder */
	      while (!done)
	       geom->flags = 0;
	       geom->nbind = PFGS_PER_PRIM;
	       geom->cbind = PFGS_OFF;
	       for (t = 0 ; t < PF_MAX_TEXTURES ; t ++)
		   geom->tbind[t] = PFGS_OFF;

	       geom->numVerts = 4;
	       pfCopyVec3(geom->coords[0], myCoords[i]);
	       pfCopyVec3(geom->coords[1], myCoords[i+1]);
	       pfCopyVec3(geom->coords[2], myCoords[i+2]);
	       pfCopyVec3(geom->coords[3], myCoords[i+3]);

	       pfCopyVec3(geom->norms[0], myNorms[j]);

	       pfdAddGeom(bldr, geom, 1);

	      /* generate optimized triangle mesh GeoSet */
	      gsetList = pfdBuildGSets(bldr);

	      /* add returned pfGeoSets to geode */
	      for (i=0; i<pfGetNum(gsetList); i++)
	       pfAddGSet(geode, pfGet(gsetList, i));

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pfdGeoBuilder(3pf)		OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpfdu Reference Pages

	      /* release pfdGeoBuilder and pfdGeom storage */

     pfdGetNumTris returns the number of triangles currently contained in the
     pfdGeoBuilder structure bldr.

     pfdBuildGSets converts all accumulated points, lines, and polygons into
     point, line, line strip, triangle, and triangle-strip pfGeoSets and
     returns a pfList referencing these pfGeoSets. pfdBuildGSets also resets
     bldr, removing the geometric definitions therein.	The pfGeoSets created
     by the builder are meshed by pfdMeshGSet, subject to the meshing mode set
     by pfdMesherMode.

     pfdPrintGSet prints a representation of pfGeoSet gset using the pfNotify

     The libpfdu source code, object code and documentation are provided as
     unsupported software.  Routines are subject to change in future releases.

     pfGeoSet, pfGeode, pfList, pfdMeshGSet, pfdMesherMode, pfdTMesher

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