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pfVolFog(3pf)	OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpf C Reference Pages	 pfVolFog(3pf)

     pfNewVolFog, pfGetVolFogClassType, pfVolFogSetColor, pfVolFogGetColor,
     pfVolFogSetFlags, pfVolFogGetFlags, pfVolFogSetVal, pfVolFogGetVal,
     pfVolFogSetAttr, pfVolFogGetAttr, pfApplyVolFog, pfDrawVolFog,
     pfVolFogAddChannel, pfVolFogUpdateView, pfVolFogAddNode,
     pfVolFogSetDensity, pfVolFogGetDensity, pfGetVolFogTexture,
     pfVolFogAddPoint, pfVolFogAddColoredPoint - Defines a nonuniform volume

     #include <Performer/pf.h>

     pfVolFog*	  pfNewVolFog(void *arena);

     pfType*	  pfGetVolFogClassType(void);

     void	  pfVolFogSetColor(pfVolFog* _volfog, float _r, float _g,
		    float _b);

     void	  pfVolFogGetColor(pfVolFog* _volfog, float *r, float *g,
		    float *b);

     void	  pfVolFogSetFlags(pfVolFog* _volfog, int which, int val);

     int	  pfVolFogGetFlags(pfVolFog* _volfog, int which);

     void	  pfVolFogSetVal(pfVolFog* _volfog, int which, float  val);

     void	  pfVolFogGetVal(pfVolFog* _volfog, int which, float *val);

     void	  pfVolFogSetAttr(pfVolFog* _volfog, int which, void *attr);

     void	  pfVolFogGetAttr(pfVolFog* _volfog, int which, void *attr);

     void	  pfApplyVolFog(pfVolFog* _volfog, pfScene *scene);

     void	  pfDrawVolFog(pfVolFog* _volfog, pfChannel *channel);

     void	  pfVolFogAddChannel(pfVolFog* _volfog, pfChannel *channel);

     void	  pfVolFogUpdateView(pfVolFog* _volfog);

     void	  pfVolFogAddNode(pfVolFog* _volfog, pfNode *node);

     void	  pfVolFogSetDensity(pfVolFog* _volfog, float density);

     float	  pfVolFogGetDensity(pfVolFog* _volfog);

     pfTexture*	  pfGetVolFogTexture(pfVolFog* _volfog);

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     void	  pfVolFogAddPoint(pfVolFog* _volfog, float elevation,
		    float density);

     void	  pfVolFogAddColoredPoint(pfVolFog* _volfog, float elevation,
		    float density, float _r, float _g, float _b);

     The OpenGL Performer class pfVolFog is derived from the parent class
     pfObject, so each of these member functions of class pfObject are also
     directly usable with objects of class pfVolFog.  Casting an object of
     class pfVolFog to an object of class pfObject is taken care of
     automatically.  This is also true for casts to objects of ancestor
     classes of class pfObject.

     void	   pfUserDataSlot(pfObject *obj, int slot, void *data);
     void	   pfUserData(pfObject *obj, void *data);
     void*	   pfGetUserDataSlot(pfObject *obj, int slot);
     void*	   pfGetUserData(pfObject *obj);
     int	   pfGetNumUserData(pfObject *obj);
     int	   pfGetNamedUserDataSlot(const char *name);
     const char*   pfGetUserDataSlotName(int slot);
     int	   pfGetNumNamedUserDataSlots(void);
     int	   pfDeleteGLHandle(pfObject *obj);

     Since the class pfObject is itself derived from the parent class
     pfMemory, objects of class pfVolFog can also be used with these functions
     designed for objects of class pfMemory.

     pfType *	    pfGetType(const void *ptr);
     int	    pfIsOfType(const void *ptr, pfType *type);
     int	    pfIsExactType(const void *ptr, pfType *type);
     const char *   pfGetTypeName(const void *ptr);
     int	    pfRef(void *ptr);
     int	    pfUnref(void *ptr);
     int	    pfUnrefDelete(void *ptr);
     int	    pfUnrefGetRef(void *ptr);
     int	    pfGetRef(const void *ptr);
     int	    pfCopy(void *dst, void *src);
     int	    pfDelete(void *ptr);
     int	    pfIsFluxed(void *ptr);
     int	    pfCompare(const void *ptr1, const void *ptr2);
     void	    pfPrint(const void *ptr, uint which, uint verbose,
		      FILE *file);
     void *	    pfGetArena(void *ptr);

     A pfVolFog is a class that is used to draw the scene with fog that has
     different densities at different locations in the scene. The class
     supports two types of nonuniform fog: a layered fog and a patchy fog.

     A layered fog changes only with elevation, its density and color is

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     uniform at a given height. In a pfVolFog a layered fog is defined by a
     set of elevation points. Each elevation point can specify a fog density
     and optionally also a fog color at the point's elevation.	The density
     and the color between two neighboring points is linearly interpolated.  A
     patchy fog is defined by closed three-dimensional objects and its density
     is constant inside these objects. At the moment all objects specify a
     patchy fog of the same color and the same density.

     A pfVolFog is not part of the scene graph, it is created separately by
     the application process. Once created elevation points of a layered fog
     can be specified by calling pfVolFogAddPoint or pfVolFogAddColoredPoint
     repeatedly.  The fog initialization is completed by calling


	  pfVolFog *lfog = pfNewVolFog(arena);

	  pfVolFogAddPoint(lfog, elev1, density1);
	  pfVolFogAddPoint(lfog, elev2, density2);
	  pfVolFogAddPoint(lfog, elev2, density2);


     The boundary of a patchy fog is specified by pfVolFogAddNode(pfog,node),
     where node contains the surfaces enclosing the foggy areas. It is
     possible to define several disjoint areas in the same tree or by adding
     several different nodes.  Note that each area has to be completely
     enclosed and the vertices of the surfaces have to be ordered so that the
     front face of each surface faces outside the foggy area. The node has to
     be part of the scene graph for the rendering to work properly.


	  pfVolFog *pfog = pfNewVolFog(arena);

	  pfVolFogAddNode(pfog, fogNode);


     Patchy and layered fog can be combined but only if layered fog has a
     uniform color.

     The function pfApplyVolFog initializes a pfVolFog. If at least two
     elevation points were defined it initializes data structures necessary
     for rendering of a layered fog, including a 3D texture.  Any control
     points defined afterwards are ignored.  If a node containing patchy fog

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     boundaries has been added prior to calling pfApplyVolFog a patchy fog is
     initialized.  Since function pfVolFogAddNode only marks the parts of the
     scene graphs that specify the texture it is possible to add additional
     patchy fog nodes even after pfApplyVolFog has been called.

     A pfVolFog needs information about the current eye position and view
     direction.	 Since this information is not directly accessible in a draw
     process it is necessary to call pfVolFogAddChannel for each channel (at
     the beginning of the application).	 Whenever the view changes the
     application process has to call pfVolFogUpdateView. For example, see
     programs in perf/samples/apps/C/fogfly or perf/samples/apps/C++/volfog.
     Without updating the view the fog will not be rendered.

     If the application changes the position of the patchy fog boundaries (for
     example, by inserting a pfSCS, pfDCS, or pfFCS node above the fog node)
     or the orientation of the whole scene with respect to the up vector (for
     example, the use of a trackball in perfly) the fog may not be drawn

     To draw the scene with a fog the draw process has to call pfDrawVolFog
     instead of pfDraw. This function will take care of drawing the whole
     scene graph with the specified fog. Expect the draw time to increase
     because the scene is drawn twice (three times if both patchy and layered
     fog are specified). In case of a patchy fog there may also be several
     full-screen polygons being drawn.	You can easily disable the fog by not
     calling pfDrawVolFog.  Since boundaries of patchy fog are in the scene
     graph do not use pfDraw to draw the scene without fog but use pfDrawBin

     A patchy fog needs as deep color buffer as possible (optimally 12-bit per
     r,g,b) and a stencil buffer. It is recommended to use at least a 4-bit
     stencil buffer (1-bit is sufficient only for very simple fog objects).
     It may be necessary to modify your application so that it asks for such a

     A pfVolFog can be deleted using pfDelete. In case of a layered fog it is
     necessary to delete the texture handle in a draw process. The texture is
     returned by pfGetVolFogTexture.  See example in


     As mentioned above a layered fog of a uniform color is specified by
     function pfVolFogAddPoint, which sets the fog density at a given
     elevation.	 The density is scaled so that if the fog has density 1 the
     nearest object inside the fog that has full fog color is at a distance
     equal to the 1/10 of the diagonal of the scene bounding box.  The layered
     fog color is set by function pfVolFogSetColor or by calling
     pfVolFogSetAttr with parameter PFVFOG_COLOR and a pointer to an array of

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     three floats. The default fog color is (0.9,0.9,1).

     A layered fog of a nonuniform color is specified by function
     pfVolFogAddColoredPoint, which sets the fog density and the fog color at
     a given elevation. The color set by pfVolFogSetColor is then ignored.

     The layered fog mode is set by function pfVolFogSetVal with parameter
     It is also possible to set the mode both for a layered and patchy fog at
     once by using parameter PFVFOG_MODE.  The default mode is PFVFOG_LINEAR.
     Function of the mode parameter is equivalent to function of the fog mode
     of the OpenGL glFog().

     A layered fog can be self-shadowed, that is the lower parts of a dense
     fog appear darker. Self-shadowing is enabled by setting flag
     PFVFOG_FLAG_SELF_SHADOWING to 1. The fog mode should be set to
     PFVFOG_EXP.  When the fog is has different colors at different elevations
     a secondary scattering is approximated, when the flag
     PFVFOG_FLAG_FOG_FILTER is set to 1.  In this case the color of a higher
     layer may affect the color of a lower layer. If the flag
     PFVFOG_FLAG_DARKEN_OBJECTS is set even the objects below a dense fog
     become darker. The light is assumed to come from the top.

     The size of a 3D texture used by a layer fog can be modified by calling
     pfVolFogSetAttr with parameter PFVFOG_3D_TEX_SIZE and an array of three
     integer values. The default texture size is 64x64x64, but reasonable
     results can be achieved with even smaller sizes. The sizes are
     automatically rounded to the closest greater or equal power of 2. The
     second value should be greater or equal than the third value.

     If 3d textures are not supported a set of 2d textures is used instead of
     a 3d texture (the number of 2d textures is equal to the third dimension
     of the 3d texture).  Every time r coordinate changes more than 0.1 a new
     texture is computed by interpolating between two neighboring slices and
     the texture is reloaded.  The use of 2d textures can be forced by calling
     pfVolFogSetFlags with flag PFVFOG_FLAG_FORCE_2D_TEXTURE set to 1.

     Once a layered fog is initialized by calling the pfApplyVolFog changing
     any of the above parameters will not affect rendering of the layered fog.

     The density of a patchy fog is controlled by function pfVolFogSetDensity.
     It can be also set using pfVolFogSetVal with parameter
     PFVFOG_FOG_DENSITY.  As in case of a layered fog the density of a patchy
     fog is scaled by the tenth of the diagonal of the scene bounding box.

     The user can specify an additional density value that is added to every
     pixel inside or behind a patchy fog boundary using the function
     pfVolFogSetVal with parameter PFVFOG_FOG_DENSITY_BIAS. This value makes a
     patchy fog appear denser but it may create unrealistically sharp
     boundaries. The default value is 0.

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     The patchy fog color is set by function pfVolFogSetColor or by calling
     pfVolFogSetAttr with parameter PFVFOG_COLOR and a pointer to an array of
     three floats.  If the blend_color extension is not available patchy fog
     will be white.

     The patchy fog mode is set by function pfVolFogSetVal with parameter
     It is also possible to set the mode both for a patchy and layered fog at
     once by using parameter PFVFOG_MODE.  The default mode is PFVFOG_LINEAR.

     The quality and speed of patchy fog rendering can be controlled by
     pfVolFogSetVal with parameter PFVFOG_RESOLUTION. The resolution is a
     value between 0 and 1. Higher values will reduce banding and speed up the
     drawing.  On the other hand, high values may cause corruption in areas of
     too many overlapping fog surfaces. The default value is 0.2, but you may
     try to use values higher than that if your fog boundaries do not overlap

     Parameters of a patchy fog can be modified any time and they will affect
     the rendering of the subsequent frame. A patchy fog can also be animated
     by modifying the geometry of the fog nodes. Make sure that the bounding
     box of the geoset is updated and that pfVolFogAddNode is called every
     time the bounding box is updated.

     The multi-pass algorithms used for rendering layered and patchy fog may
     produce incorrect results if the scene graph contains polygons that have
     equal depth values. To avoid such problems a stencil buffer is used
     during rendering of the second pass. You can disable this function by
     setting flag PFVFOG_FLAG_CLOSE_SURFACES to 0.

     By default, the multi-pass algorithm is applied only when the boundaries
     of a patchy fog are visible. This may cause undesirable changes of
     semitransparent edges of scene objects when fog objects move into or away
     from the view. To force the use of the multi-pass algorithm, call
     pfVolFogSetFlags with flag PFVFOG_FLAG_FORCE_PATCHY_PASS set to 1.

     It is possible to use a different algorithm for rendering patchy fog that
     can handle semitransparent surfaces better. To use this algorithm, set

     The faster algorithm also allows the color of patchy fog to be modified
     using a texture. Either a predefined 1D texture expressing the
     attenuation between two elevations is used or the user provides a 1D or a
     3D texture for each volume object. The predefined 1D texture is enabled
     by setting flag PFVFOG_FLAG_PATCHY_FOG_1DTEXTURE. The texture is mapped
     to the range of elevations between the bottom and top of the fog bounding
     box. The texture value at the bottom (default 0.3) can be modified by
     calling pfVolFogSetVal with parameter PFVFOG_PATCHY_TEXTURE_BOTTOM and
     the value at the top (default 1.5) using parameter
     PFVFOG_PATCHY_TEXTURE_TOP.	 To be able to use a different scale for
     objects of different sizes, the fog objects have to be specified
     separately. When flag PFVFOG_FLAG_SEPARATE_NODE_BINS is set all calls to

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     pfVolFogAddNode define fog nodes that are drawn separately and the
     predefined texture is scaled according to the bounding box of each node.
     If both flag PFVFOG_FLAG_PATCHY_FOG_1DTEXTURE and flag
     PFVFOG_FLAG_USER_PATCHY_FOG_TEXTURE are set textures associated with the
     fog nodes are used to modify the surface color of a patchy fog (also only
     in the faster algorithm).	To avoid artifacts on overlapping colored
     patchy fog objects a flag PFVFOG_FLAG_DRAW_NODES_SEPARATELY forces the
     algorithm to be applied to each node separately, in the back-to-front
     order with respect to the viewpoint. Currently, this mode does not work
     well when scene objects intersect fog objects.

     If flag PFVFOG_FLAG_LAYERED_PATCHY_FOG is set the layered fog is used to
     define the density and possibly also the color of a patchy fog.  The
     layered fog is then present only in areas defined by the patchy fog
     boundaries. Since layered fog is computed for the whole scene, it is
     important to set fog parameter PFVFOG_MAX_DISTANCE to a value that
     corresponds to the size of the patchy fog area (for example, a diameter
     of its bounding sphere). Use function pfVolFogSetVal to modify the
     maximum distance parameter. When the faster patchy fog algorithm is used
     only the density can be varied using a layered fog.

     Layered patchy fog nodes can be moved and rotated by specifying a matrix
     for each fog node, identified by its index (the order in which nodes were
     specified). A version of the function pfVolFogSetAttr with three
     parameters can be used. The first parameter is PFVFOG_ROTATE_NODE, the
     second parameter specified the node index and the last one is a pointer
     to a pfMatrix.

     Cull programs (see pfCullProgram) can speed up rendering of patchy fog
     because in some draw passes only the part of the scene intersecting the
     fog boundary is rendered. To enable cull programs set flag

     Every set function has an equivalent get function.


     Light shafts are a special application of a layered patchy fog.  The fog
     boundary specifies a cone of light with decreasing intensity (density)
     along the cone axis. Additional rendering passes darken the objects
     outside the cone of light and lit the objects inside the light shaft
     based on their distance from the light.  To enable these additional
     passes set flag PFVFOG_FLAG_LIGHT_SHAFT to 1. To ensure that these passes
     are applied even if the light shaft is not in the field of view you have
     to also set flag PFVFOG_FLAG_LAYERED_PATCHY_FOG to 1.

     To control the additional passes the parameter
     PFVFOG_LIGHT_SHAFT_DARKEN_FACTOR (set using pfVolFogSetAttr) can change
     the factor by which all objects outside the light shaft are darkened.
     The default value is 0.3.	Parameters PFVFOG_LIGHT_SHAFT_ATTEN_SCALE and
     PFVFOG_LIGHT_SHAFT_ATTEN_TRANSLATE set the translate and scaling of the
     one-dimensional texture that is used to reduce the color of objects lit

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     by the light. It is recommended to set the translate to a small value,
     e.g. 10-20% of the shaft length, and the scale to the inverse of the
     shaft length.

     Since light shafts are using a combination of layered and patchy fog and
     the density is decreasing to 0 at the end of the light cone the quality
     of results is very sensitive to the depth of color buffers.  12-bit
     visuals are required and the light shaft should not be too large.	Also
     make sure that PFVFOG_MAX_DISTANCE is set as small as possible.  See
     program perf/samples/apps/C++/volfog for an example of setting up a light


     A layered fog is faster to render than a patchy fog, thus if draw is very
     slow try to use a layered fog instead of a patchy fog. Rendering of both
     types of fog together is even slower and you may try to define only one

     Changing the fog mode does not affect the rendering speed in case of a
     layered fog but rendering of a patchy fog is slower for fog modes
     PFVFOG_EXP and PFVFOG_EXP2. If you prefer using non-linear modes try to
     use them only for the layered fog and not for the patchy fog.

     You can speed up drawing of a patchy fog by reducing the size of the fog
     boundaries. In case of several disjoint fog areas the size of a bounding
     box containing all boundaries affects the draw time and quality.  Try to
     avoid defining a patchy fog in two opposite parts of your scene.  Try
     also to increase the value of resolution (if there are not too many
     overlapping fog boundaries) or reduce the patchy fog density.

     If there is a lot of banding visible in the fog try to choose a visual
     with as many bits per color component as possible. Keep in mind that a
     patchy fog needs stencil buffer.  You can also try to apply all
     techniques mentioned in the previous item - reducing the size of patchy
     fog boundaries, increasing resolution, or decreasing density.

     If a patchy fog looks incorrect - the fog appears outside the specified
     boundaries - make sure that the vertices of the fog boundaries are
     specified in the correct order so that front faces always face outside
     the foggy area.

     If you see a darker band in a layered fog at the eye level make sure that
     the texture size is set so that the second value is greater or equal than
     the third value.


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     Layered fog:

	  The 3D texture coordinates for a layered fog are determined at each
	  vertex and interpolated across a polygon. Consequently, an object
	  located on top of a large ground polygon may be fogged a bit more or
	  less than the part of the polygon just under the object.

	  A layered fog works fast with a 3d texture. Reloading of 2d textures
	  during the animation can be slow.

	  When the layered fog is self-shadowed, only a single white light
	  source coming from the top is considered.

     Patchy fog:

	  The method does not work well for semi-transparent surfaces. If your
	  scene contains objects that are semitransparent or that have semi-
	  transparent edges (for example, tree billboards or mountains in
	  Performer town) these objects or edges may be cut or may be fogged
	  more than the neighboring pixels.  Even if a semi-transparent edge
	  of a billboard is outside the fog it will not be smooth.  Set flag
	  PFVFOG_FASTER_PATCHY_FOG to use a different algorithm that does not
	  have these problems. The faster algorithm, on the other hand,
	  suffers from the same problems as layered fog because the fog
	  factors are determined at each vertex and interpolated across a

	  All areas of a patchy fog have the same color.

	  The default algorithm for patchy fog does not work with pfEarthSky.

	  A layered patchy fog is extremely sensitive to the size of the fog
	  area and the density of the layered fog. Specifically, the fog
	  values accumulated along an arbitrary line crossing the bounding box
	  of the fog area should not reach 1.

	  A patchy fog needs stencil buffer and as deep color buffers as
	  possible.  The rendering quality on a visual with less than 12 bits
	  per color component is low, unless the fogged area is very small
	  compared to the size of the whole scene.

	  If the blend_color extension is not available the patchy fog color
	  will be white.

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     pfObject, pfNode, pfFog

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