pfNurbCurve2dWeight man page on IRIX

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pfNurbCurve2d(3pf)		OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpf C Reference Pages

     pfGetpfNurbCurve2dClassType, pfNewNurbCurve2d, pfGetNurbCurve2dClassType,
     pfNurbCurve2dControlHull, pfNurbCurve2dControlHull2, pfNurbCurve2dWeight,
     pfNurbCurve2dKnot, pfNurbCurve2dControlHullSize,
     pfGetNurbCurve2dControlHull, pfGetNurbCurve2dWeight,
     pfGetNurbCurve2dControlHullSize, pfGetNurbCurve2dKnotCount,
     pfGetNurbCurve2dKnot, pfGetNurbCurve2dOrder,
     pfNurbCurve2dRemoveControlHullPnt, pfNurbCurve2dRemoveKnot,
     pfNurbCurve2dReverse - Non-Uniform Rational BSpline curves in 2D

     #include <Performer/pf.h>

     pfType *	      pfGetpfNurbCurve2dClassType(void);

     pfNurbCurve2d*   pfNewNurbCurve2d(void *arena);

     pfType*	      pfGetNurbCurve2dClassType(void);

     void	      pfNurbCurve2dControlHull(pfNurbCurve2d* nc, int i,
			const pfVec3 &p);

     void	      pfNurbCurve2dControlHull2(pfNurbCurve2d* nc, int i,
			const pfVec2 &p);

     void	      pfNurbCurve2dWeight(pfNurbCurve2d* nc, int i, pfReal w);

     void	      pfNurbCurve2dKnot(pfNurbCurve2d* nc, int i, pfReal t);

     void	      pfNurbCurve2dControlHullSize(pfNurbCurve2d* nc, int s);

     pfVec2*	      pfGetNurbCurve2dControlHull(pfNurbCurve2d* nc, int i);

     pfReal	      pfGetNurbCurve2dWeight(pfNurbCurve2d* nc, int i);

     int	      pfGetNurbCurve2dControlHullSize(pfNurbCurve2d* nc);

     int	      pfGetNurbCurve2dKnotCount(pfNurbCurve2d* nc);

     pfReal	      pfGetNurbCurve2dKnot(pfNurbCurve2d* nc, int i);

     int	      pfGetNurbCurve2dOrder(pfNurbCurve2d* nc);

     void	      pfNurbCurve2dRemoveControlHullPnt(pfNurbCurve2d* nc,
			int i);

     void	      pfNurbCurve2dRemoveKnot(pfNurbCurve2d* nc, int i);

     void	      pfNurbCurve2dReverse(pfNurbCurve2d* nc);

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pfNurbCurve2d(3pf)		OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpf C Reference Pages

     The OpenGL Performer class pfNurbCurve2d is derived from the parent class
     pfCurve2d, so each of these member functions of class pfCurve2d are also
     directly usable with objects of class pfNurbCurve2d.  Casting an object
     of class pfNurbCurve2d to an object of class pfCurve2d is taken care of
     automatically.  This is also true for casts to objects of ancestor
     classes of class pfCurve2d.

     void     pfCurve2dBeginT(pfCurve2d *curve, pfReal t);
     void     pfCurve2dEndT(pfCurve2d *curve, pfReal t);
     pfReal   pfGetCurve2dBeginT(pfCurve2d *curve);
     pfReal   pfGetCurve2dEndT(pfCurve2d *curve);
     void     pfCurve2dSetClosed(pfCurve2d *curve, pfLoop loopVal);
     pfLoop   pfGetCurve2dClosed(pfCurve2d *curve);
     void     pfCurve2dClosedTol(pfCurve2d *curve, pfReal tol);
     pfReal   pfGetCurve2dClosedTol(pfCurve2d *curve);
     void     pfCurve2dEvalPt(pfCurve2d *curve, pfReal t, pfVec2 &pt);
     void     pfCurve2dEvalTan(pfCurve2d *curve, pfReal t, pfVec2 &pt);
     void     pfCurve2dEvalNorm(pfCurve2d *curve, pfReal t, pfVec2 &pt);
     void     pfCurve2dEvalCurv(pfCurve2d *curve, pfReal *curv);
     void     pfCurve2dEvalAll(pfCurve2d *curve, pfReal t, pfVec2 &pt,
		pfVec2 &tan, pfReal *curv, pfVec2 norm);

     Since the class pfCurve2d is itself derived from the parent class pfRep,
     objects of class pfNurbCurve2d can also be used with these functions
     designed for objects of class pfRep.

     void   pfRepOrigin(pfRep *rep, const pfVec3 origin);
     void   pfRepOrient(pfRep *rep, const pfMatrix mat);
     void   pfGetRepOrigin(pfRep *rep, pfVec3* origin);
     void   pfGetRepOrient(pfRep *rep, pfMatrix *mat);

     Since the class pfRep is itself derived from the parent class pfGeode,
     objects of class pfNurbCurve2d can also be used with these functions
     designed for objects of class pfGeode.

     int	  pfAddGSet(pfGeode* geode, pfGeoSet* gset);
     int	  pfRemoveGSet(pfGeode* geode, pfGeoSet* gset);
     int	  pfInsertGSet(pfGeode* geode, int index, pfGeoSet* gset);
     int	  pfReplaceGSet(pfGeode* geode, pfGeoSet* old, pfGeoSet* new);
     pfGeoSet *	  pfGetGSet(const pfGeode* geode, int index);
     int	  pfGetNumGSets(const pfGeode* geode);

     Since the class pfGeode is itself derived from the parent class pfNode,
     objects of class pfNurbCurve2d can also be used with these functions
     designed for objects of class pfNode.

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pfNurbCurve2d(3pf)		OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpf C Reference Pages

     pfGroup *	    pfGetParent(const pfNode *node, int i);
     int	    pfGetNumParents(const pfNode *node);
     void	    pfNodeBSphere(pfNode *node, pfSphere *bsph, int mode);
     int	    pfGetNodeBSphere(pfNode *node, pfSphere *bsph);
     pfNode*	    pfClone(pfNode *node, int mode);
     pfNode*	    pfBufferClone(pfNode *node, int mode, pfBuffer *buf);
     int	    pfFlatten(pfNode *node, int mode);
     int	    pfNodeName(pfNode *node, const char *name);
     const char *   pfGetNodeName(const pfNode *node);
     pfNode*	    pfFindNode(pfNode *node, const char *pathName,
		      pfType *type);
     pfNode*	    pfLookupNode(const char *name, pfType* type);
     int	    pfNodeIsectSegs(pfNode *node, pfSegSet *segSet,
		      pfHit **hits[]);
     void	    pfNodeTravMask(pfNode *node, int which, uint mask,
		      int setMode, int bitOp);
     uint	    pfGetNodeTravMask(const pfNode *node, int which);
     void	    pfNodeTravFuncs(pfNode* node, int which,
		      pfNodeTravFuncType pre, pfNodeTravFuncType post);
     void	    pfGetNodeTravFuncs(const pfNode* node, int which,
		      pfNodeTravFuncType *pre, pfNodeTravFuncType *post);
     void	    pfNodeTravData(pfNode *node, int which, void *data);
     void *	    pfGetNodeTravData(const pfNode *node, int which);
     void	    pfNodeTravMode(pfNode* node, int which, int mode,
		      int val);
     int	    pfGetNodeTravMode(const pfNode* node, int which,
		      int mode);

     Since the class pfNode is itself derived from the parent class pfObject,
     objects of class pfNurbCurve2d can also be used with these functions
     designed for objects of class pfObject.

     void	   pfUserDataSlot(pfObject *obj, int slot, void *data);
     void	   pfUserData(pfObject *obj, void *data);
     void*	   pfGetUserDataSlot(pfObject *obj, int slot);
     void*	   pfGetUserData(pfObject *obj);
     int	   pfGetNumUserData(pfObject *obj);
     int	   pfGetNamedUserDataSlot(const char *name);
     const char*   pfGetUserDataSlotName(int slot);
     int	   pfGetNumNamedUserDataSlots(void);
     int	   pfDeleteGLHandle(pfObject *obj);

     Since the class pfObject is itself derived from the parent class
     pfMemory, objects of class pfNurbCurve2d can also be used with these
     functions designed for objects of class pfMemory.

     pfType *	    pfGetType(const void *ptr);
     int	    pfIsOfType(const void *ptr, pfType *type);

									Page 3

pfNurbCurve2d(3pf)		OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpf C Reference Pages

     int	    pfIsExactType(const void *ptr, pfType *type);
     const char *   pfGetTypeName(const void *ptr);
     int	    pfRef(void *ptr);
     int	    pfUnref(void *ptr);
     int	    pfUnrefDelete(void *ptr);
     int	    pfUnrefGetRef(void *ptr);
     int	    pfGetRef(const void *ptr);
     int	    pfCopy(void *dst, void *src);
     int	    pfDelete(void *ptr);
     int	    pfIsFluxed(void *ptr);
     int	    pfCompare(const void *ptr1, const void *ptr2);
     void	    pfPrint(const void *ptr, uint which, uint verbose,
		      FILE *file);
     void *	    pfGetArena(void *ptr);

     pfNurbCurve2d defines a  Non-Uniform Rational BSpline curve in two
     dimensional space.	 A 2D Nurb curve is defined by an array of knot
     values, an array of 2D control points, and an array of weights.  The
     order of the spline (degree+1) is equal to number_of_knot_values -
     number_of_control_points.	The knot multiplicity should be no bigger than
     the order.

     pfGetpfNurbCurve2dClassType returns the pfType* for the class
     pfNurbCurve2d.  The pfType* returned by pfGetpfNurbCurve2dClassType is
     the same as the pfType* returned by invoking pfGetType on any instance of
     class pfNurbCurve2d.  Because OpenGL Performer allows subclassing of
     built-in types, when decisions are made based on the type of an object,
     it is usually better to use pfIsOfType to test if an object is of a type
     derived from a Performer type rather than to test for strict equality of
     the pfType*'s.

     pfNewpfNurbCurve2d creates an instance of an pfNurbCurve2d. By default
     the parametric domain is defined as [0..1].

     pfNurbCurve2dControlHull Sets the i'th component of controlHull to be p.
     The i'th weight of weight is set to be 1.0 if this weight hasn't been set
     yet (checking the array length of weight). The order is updated by
     knot.len - controlHull.len. The beginT and endT are updated by
     knot(order-1) and knot(knot.len - order), respectively.  Obviously there
     are redundant computations for the order, beginT and endT. The reason is
     that the application doesn't know when the user is done setting data.

     pfNurbCurve2dControlHull sets the i'th component of controlHull to be
     p[0..1], and the i'th weight of weight to be p[2]. The order is updated
     by knot.len - controlHull.len. The beginT and endT are updated by
     knot(order-1) and knot(knot.len - order), respectively.  Obviously there
     are redundant computations for the order, beginT and endT. The reason
     that the application doesn't know when the user is done setting data.

     pfNurbCurve2dWeight sets the i'th component of weight to be w.

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pfNurbCurve2d(3pf)		OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpf C Reference Pages

     pfNurbCurve2dKnot sets the <arg i>'th knot to be t. Updates order,
     beginT, and endT accordingly (See pfNurbCurve2dControlHull).

     pfNurbCurve2dControlHullSize sets the extension of the two arrays
     controlHull and weight to be s.

     pfGetNurbCurve2dControlHull returns the address of the i'th control point
     (not including the weight).

     pfGetNurbCurve2dWeight returns the value of the i'th weight.

     pfGetNurbCurve2dControlHullSize Returns the length of array controlHull.

     pfGetNurbCurve2dKnotCount returns the number of knots.

     pfGetNurbCurve2dKnot returns the i'th knot value.

     pfGetNurbCurve2dOrder returns the order of the BSpline.

     pfNurbCurve2dRemoveControlHullPnt removes the i_th control hull point and
     the i_th weight.  The length of the control hull and the weights are
     changed accordingly, but the space allocated for control hull and weights
     is not modified.

     pfNurbCurve2dRemoveKnot removes the i_th knot. The knot length decreases
     by one, but the total space allocated for knots remains the same.

     pfNurbCurve2dReverse reverse the sense of the a NURB curve by reversing
     the knot sequence and swapping the x/y points in the control hull.

     pfCurve2d, pfRep, pfGeode

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