pfMaterial man page on IRIX

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pfMaterial(3pf)		      OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpr C++ Reference Pages

     pfMaterial, pfGetCurMtl - Create, modify and query a material.

     #include <Performer/pr/pfMaterial.h>


     static pfType *   pfMaterial::getClassType(void);

     void	       pfMaterial::setSide(int side);

     int	       pfMaterial::getSide(void);

     void	       pfMaterial::setAlpha(float alpha);

     float	       pfMaterial::getAlpha(void);

     void	       pfMaterial::setShininess(float shininess);

     float	       pfMaterial::getShininess(void);

     void	       pfMaterial::setColor(int color, float r, float g,
			 float b);

     void	       pfMaterial::getColor(int color, float *r, float *g,
			 float *b);

     void	       pfMaterial::setColorMode(int side, int mode);

     int	       pfMaterial::getColorMode(int side);

     void	       pfMaterial::apply(void);

     pfMaterial *      pfGetCurMtl(int side);

     The OpenGL Performer class pfMaterial is derived from the parent class
     pfObject, so each of these member functions of class pfObject are also
     directly usable with objects of class pfMaterial.	This is also true for
     ancestor classes of class pfObject.

     void*   pfObject::operator new(size_t);
     void*   pfObject::operator new(size_t, void *arena);
     void*   pfObject::operator new(size_t, pfFluxMemory *fmem);
     void    pfObject::setUserData(void *data);
     void    pfObject::setUserData(int slot, void *data);
     void*   pfObject::getUserData(pfObject *obj);
     void*   pfObject::getUserData(pfObject *obj, int slot);
     int     pfObject::getNumUserData();

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     Since the class pfObject is itself derived from the parent class
     pfMemory, objects of class pfMaterial can also be used with these
     functions designed for objects of class pfMemory.

     void*	    pfMemory::getData(const void *ptr);
     pfType *	    pfMemory::getType();
     int	    pfMemory::isOfType(pfType *type);
     int	    pfMemory::isExactType(pfType *type);
     const char *   pfMemory::getTypeName();
     int	    pfMemory::copy(pfMemory *src);
     int	    pfMemory::compare(const pfMemory *mem);
     void	    pfMemory::print(uint which, uint verbose, char *prefix,
		      FILE *file);
     int	    pfMemory::getArena(void *ptr);
     void*	    pfMemory::getArena();
     int	    pfMemory::ref();
     int	    pfMemory::unref();
     int	    pfMemory::unrefDelete();
     int	    pfMemory::unrefGetRef();
     int	    pfMemory::getRef();
     int	    pfMemory::checkDelete();
     int	    pfMemory::isFluxed();
     void *	    pfMemory::getArena();
     int	    pfMemory::getSize();

     In conjunction with other lighting parameters, a pfMaterial defines the
     appearance of illuminated geometry.  A pfMaterial defines the reflectance
     characteristics of surfaces such as diffuse color and shininess.  See the
     OpenGL glMaterial(3g) man page for more details on materials parameters.

     new(arena) allocates a pfMaterial from the specified memory arena, or
     from the process heap if arena is NULL.  new allocates a pfMaterial from
     the default memory arena (see pfGetSharedArena).  Like other pfObjects,
     pfMaterials cannot be created statically, automatically on the stack or
     in arrays.	 pfMaterials should be deleted with pfDelete rather than the
     delete operator.

     pfMaterial::getClassType returns the pfType* for the class pfMaterial.
     The pfType* returned by pfMaterial::getClassType is the same as the
     pfType* returned by invoking the virtual function getType on any instance
     of class pfMaterial.  Because OpenGL Performer allows subclassing of
     built-in types, when decisions are made based on the type of an object,
     it is usually better to use  the member function isOfType to test if an
     object is of a type derived from a Performer type rather than to test for
     strict equality of the pfType*'s.

     pfMaterial::setSide receives a symbolic token, one of PFMTL_FRONT,
     PFMTL_BACK, or PFMTL_BOTH indicating which side of a polygon the material
     should affect.  If lighting is to affect the back sides of polygons,
     two-sided lighting must be enabled.  Two-sided lighting requires a two-
     sided pfLightModel (see pfLightModel::setTwoSide) and that face culling

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     be disabled (see pfCullFace) so that backfacing polygons are not

     pfMaterial::getSide returns the side(s) affected by the pfMaterial.

     pfMaterial::setAlpha specifies the alpha of the pfMaterial in the range
     0.0 through 1.0.  If transparency is enabled (see pfTransparency), a
     material whose alpha is < 1.0 and whose color mode is PFMTL_CMODE_OFF
     will be transparent with alpha of 1.0 being completely opaque and 0.0
     being completely transparent.  The default alpha value is 1.0 or
     completely opaque. For non-homogeneous transparency, use a color mode
     other than PFMTL_CMODE_OFF and transparency will be taken from geometry
     colors. In OpenGL, pfMaterial::setAlpha sets the alpha of the AMBIENT,
     DIFFUSE, EMISSIVE, and SPECULAR colors.  However, it is the DIFFUSE alpha
     that determines the resulting alpha value from the lighting calculation.

     pfMaterial::getAlpha returns the alpha of the pfMaterial.

     pfMaterial::setShininess specifies the specular scattering exponent, or
     the shininess, of the given material.  It receives a floating point value
     in the range 0.0 to 128.0.	 The default shininess value is 0.0, which
     effectively disables specular reflection.

     pfMaterial::getShininess returns the shininess of the pfMaterial.

     pfMaterial::setColor sets a specific color of the pfMaterial.  color
     indicates which color is to be set by r, g, and b and is one of
     default colors are:

		       Light Component	 Red   Green   Blue
		       PFMTL_AMBIENT	 0.2	0.2    0.2
		       PFMTL_DIFFUSE	 0.8	0.8    0.8
		       PFMTL_EMISSION	 0.0	0.0    0.0
		       PFMTL_SPECULAR	 0.0	0.0    0.0

     pfMaterial::getColor copies the color of the pfMaterial into r, g, and b.
     color may be one of  PFMTL_AMBIENT, PFMTL_DIFFUSE, PFMTL_EMISSION, or

     pfMaterial::setColorMode specifies how pfGeoSet and Graphics Library
     color commands affect the pfMaterial.  side is the same symbolic token
     used for pfMaterial::setSide and indicates which side mode affects.  mode
     is a symbolic token specifying which color property of the material is
     replaced by color commands:

	  PFMTL_CMODE_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, RGB color commands will replace the
	  DIFFUSE and AMBIENT color property of the current material. This is
	  the default pfMaterial color mode.

	  PFMTL_CMODE_AMBIENT, RGB color commands will replace the AMBIENT

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	  color property of the current material.

	  PFMTL_CMODE_DIFFUSE, RGB color commands will replace the DIFFUSE
	  color property of the current material.

	  PFMTL_CMODE_EMISSION, RGB color commands will replace the EMISSION
	  color property of the current material.

	  PFMTL_CMODE_SPECULAR, RGB color commands will replace the SPECULAR
	  color property of the current material.

	  PFMTL_CMODE_OFF, RGB color commands will be ignored, i.e.,
	  overridden by the material colors.

	  PFMTL_CMODE_COLOR, RGB color commands will replace the current
	  color.  If lighting is enabled, lit material colors are always used.
	  PFMTL_CMODE_COLOR is not available in OpenGL and will be treated as

     Materials do not have a single alpha; rather, the AMBIENT, DIFFUSE,
     SPECULAR, and EMISSIVE colors have individual alphas which are replaced
     along with red, green, and blue when the appropriate color mode is

     When enabled, pfMaterial::setColorMode can offer substantial performance
     gains by drastically reducing the number of different pfMaterials
     required by a database. Instead of using a different pfMaterial for every
     unique material color, pfMaterial::setColorMode can take a color
     component from the geometry, rather than from the pfMaterial. For
     example, if mode is PFMTL_CMODE_DIFFUSE, then the diffuse color component
     of the pfMaterial is ignored. Instead, the color specified by a pfGeoSet
     or the color specified through the Graphics Library (e.g.	glColor(3g) in
     OpenGL) becomes the new diffuse color.  However, pfMaterial::getColor
     will still return the original diffuse color.

     The the pfMaterial of mtl must be enabled (other than PFMTL_CMODE_COLOR
     or PFMTL_CMODE_OFF) for the colors (PFGS_COLOR4) of any pfGeoSets which
     use the pfMaterial to have effect. Note that the only way to display
     per-vertex colors on lit pfGeoSets is to enable pfMaterial::setColorMode
     on the pfMaterial used by the pfGeoSets; specifically, pfGeoSets do not
     support a different pfMaterial for each vertex.

     The default color mode is PFMTL_CMODE_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE which causes
     both diffuse and ambient material colors to be replaced by geometry color
     commands.	Specifically, this setting allows colors specified by
     pfGeoSets to have effect.	When lighting is disabled, the color mode is
     set to PFMTL_CMODE_OFF.

     pfMaterial::getColorMode returns the color mode of the pfMaterial
     corresponding to side.

     pfMaterial::apply makes the pfMaterial the current pfMaterial.  If

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     lighting is enabled (see below), the pfMaterial will be applied to all
     geometry drawn after pfMaterial::apply is called.	Modifications to the
     pfMaterial, such as changing the diffuse color, will not be applied until
     pfMaterial::apply is called with the pfMaterial.

     For geometry to be illuminated the following must be true:

	  1.   Lighting must be enabled: pfEnable(PFEN_LIGHTING),

	  2.   A pfLightModel must be applied: pfLightModel::apply,

	  3.   A pfMaterial must be applied: pfMaterial::apply,

	  4.   One or more pfLights must be on for diffuse and specular
	       effects:	 pfLight::on,

	  5.   Illuminated geometry must have normals for diffuse and specular
	       effects:	 pfGeoSet::setAttr, PFGS_NORMAL3. Note that ambient
	       and emissive lighting does not require normals.

     The front and back material state elements are identified by the
     PFSTATE_FRONTMTL and PFSTATE_BACKMTL tokens.  Use these tokens with
     pfGeoState::setAttr to set the materials of a pfGeoState and with
     pfOverride to override subsequent material changes.:

     Example 1: Define a 50% transparent, shiny red plastic material

	  /* Make it red */
	  redMtl->setColor(PFMTL_DIFFUSE, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

	  /* Disable color mode so the PFMTL_DIFFUSE color is not ignored */
	  redMtl->setColorMode(PFMTL_FRONT, PFMTL_CMODE_OFF);

	  /* Make it shiny */
	  redMtl->setColor(PFMTL_SPECULAR, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

	  /* Make it 50% transparent */

	  /* Set the front material of a pfGeoState */
	  gstate->setMode(PFSTATE_ENLIGHTING, PF_ON);
	  gstate->setAttr(PFSTATE_FRONTMTL, redMaterial);

	  /* Attach gstate to gset */

	  /* Set normal array. 'gset' is non-indexed */
	  gset->setAttr(PFGS_NORMAL3, PFGS_PER_VERTEX, norms, NULL);

	  /* Draw transparent, shiny red gset */

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     Example 2:


	  /* Override so that all geometry uses 'mtl' as front material */

     When setting the pfMaterial(s) of a pfGeoState using pfGeoState::setAttr,
     the side of the material is ignored.  Instead, the PFSTATE token defines
     which side the material should be applied to.  For example,

	  gstate->setAttr(PFSTATE_FRONTMTL, mtl)

     will ensure that mtl is always applied to the front side of polygons
     after gstate is applied.

     pfMaterial::apply is a display-listable command.  If a pfDispList has
     been opened by pfDispList::open, pfMaterial::apply will not have
     immediate effect but will be captured by the pfDispList and will only
     have effect when that pfDispList is later drawn with pfDispList::draw.

     pfGetCurMtl receives a symbolic token specifying the side of interest,
     one of PFMTL_FRONT or PFMTL_BACK, and returns a pointer to the currently
     active material for that side, or NULL if there is no active pfMaterial.

     lmbind, lmcolor, lmdef, pfCullFace, pfDelete, pfDispList, pfEnable,
     pfGSetAttr, pfGeoState, pfLight, pfLightModel, pfLightOn,
     pfLModelTwoSide, pfObject, pfState, pfTransparency

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