pfMakeRotMat man page on IRIX

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pfMatrix(3pf)	OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpr C Reference Pages	 pfMatrix(3pf)

     pfMakeIdentMat, pfMakeTransMat, pfMakeScaleMat, pfMakeRotMat,
     pfMakeQuatMat, pfMakeEulerMat, pfMakeVecRotVecMat, pfMakeCoordMat,
     pfGetMatType, pfGetOrthoMatQuat, pfGetOrthoMatCoord, pfSetMat,
     pfSetMatRowVec3, pfGetMatRowVec3, pfSetMatColVec3, pfGetMatColVec3,
     pfSetMatRow, pfGetMatRow, pfSetMatCol, pfGetMatCol, pfCopyMat, pfAddMat,
     pfSubMat, pfScaleMat, pfTransposeMat, pfMultMat, pfPreMultMat,
     pfPostMultMat, pfPreTransMat, pfPostTransMat, pfPreRotMat, pfPostRotMat,
     pfPreScaleMat, pfPostScaleMat, pfInvertFullMat, pfInvertAffMat,
     pfInvertOrthoMat, pfInvertOrthoNMat, pfInvertIdentMat, pfEqualMat,
     pfAlmostEqualMat - Set and operate on 4x4 matrices.

     #include <Performer/pr.h>

     void   pfMakeIdentMat(pfMatrix dst);

     void   pfMakeTransMat(pfMatrix dst, float x, float y, float z);

     void   pfMakeScaleMat(pfMatrix dst, float x, float y, float z);

     void   pfMakeRotMat(pfMatrix dst, float degrees, float x, float y,
	      float z);

     void   pfMakeQuatMat(pfMatrix m, const pfQuat q);

     void   pfMakeEulerMat(pfMatrix dst, float h, float p, float r);

     void   pfMakeVecRotVecMat(pfMatrix dst, const pfVec3 v1,
	      const pfVec3 v2);

     void   pfMakeCoordMat(pfMatrix dst, const pfCoord *c);

     int    pfGetMatType(const pfMatrix mat);

     void   pfGetOrthoMatQuat(const pfMatrix m, pfQuat dst);

     void   pfGetOrthoMatCoord(pfMatrix m, pfCoord* dst);

     void   pfSetMat(const float *m);

     void   pfSetMatRowVec3(pfMatrix dst, int row, const pfVec3 v);

     void   pfGetMatRowVec3(const pfMatrix m, int row, pfVec3 dst);

     void   pfSetMatColVec3(pfMatrix dst, int col, const pfVec3 v);

     void   pfGetMatColVec3(const pfMatrix m, int col, pfVec3 dst);

     void   pfSetMatRow(pfMatrix dst, int row, float x, float y, float z,
	      float w);

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pfMatrix(3pf)	OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpr C Reference Pages	 pfMatrix(3pf)

     void   pfGetMatRow(const pfMatrix m, int row, float *x, float *y,
	      float *z, float *w);

     void   pfSetMatCol(pfMatrix dst, int col, float x, float y, float z,
	      float w);

     void   pfGetMatCol(const pfMatrix m, int col, float *x, float *y,
	      float *z, float *w);

     void   pfCopyMat(pfMatrix dst, const pfMatrix m);

     void   pfAddMat(pfMatrix dst, const pfMatrix m1, const pfMatrix m2);

     void   pfSubMat(pfMatrix dst, const pfMatrix m1, const pfMatrix m2);

     void   pfScaleMat(pfMatrix dst, float s, pfMatrix m);

     void   pfTransposeMat(pfMatrix dst, pfMatrix m);

     void   pfMultMat(pfMatrix dst, const pfMatrix m1, const pfMatrix m2);

     void   pfPreMultMat(pfMatrix dst, const pfMatrix m);

     void   pfPostMultMat(pfMatrix dst, const pfMatrix m);

     void   pfPreTransMat(pfMatrix dst, float x, float y, float z,
	      pfMatrix m);

     void   pfPostTransMat(pfMatrix dst, const pfMatrix m, float x, float y,
	      float z);

     void   pfPreRotMat(pfMatrix dst, float degrees, float x, float y,
	      float z, pfMatrix m);

     void   pfPostRotMat(pfMatrix dst, const pfMatrix mat, float degrees,
	      float x, float y, float z, );

     void   pfPreScaleMat(pfMatrix dst, float x, float y, float z,
	      pfMatrix m);

     void   pfPostScaleMat(pfMatrix dst, const pfMatrix m, float x, float y,
	      float z);

     int    pfInvertFullMat(pfMatrix dst, const pfMatrix m);

     void   pfInvertAffMat(pfMatrix dst, const pfMatrix m);

     void   pfInvertOrthoMat(pfMatrix dst, const pfMatrix m);

     void   pfInvertOrthoNMat(pfMatrix dst, const pfMatrix m);

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pfMatrix(3pf)	OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpr C Reference Pages	 pfMatrix(3pf)

     int    pfInvertIdentMat(pfMatrix dst, const pfMatrix m);

     void   pfEqualMat(const pfMatrix m1, const pfMatrix m2);

     void   pfAlmostEqualMat(const pfMatrix m1, const pfMatrix m2, float tol);

	  typedef struct
	     pfVec3	  xyz;
	     pfVec3	  hpr;
	  } pfCoord;

	  typedef float pfMatrix[4][4];

     Routines for pfMatrix, a 4X4 matrix.

     pfMakeIdentMat sets dst to the identity matrix.  PFMAKE_IDENT_MAT is an
     equivalent macro.

     The following routines create transformation matrices based on
     multiplying a row vector by a matrix on the right, i.e. the vector v
     transformed by m is v * m.	  Many actions will go considerably faster if
     the last column is (0,0,0,1).

     pfMakeTransMat sets dst to the matrix which translates by (x, y, z).
     Equivalent macro: PFMAKE_TRANS_MAT.

     pfMakeScaleMat sets dst to the matrix which scales by x in the X
     direction, by y in the Y direction and by z in the Z direction.
     Equivalent macro: PFMAKE_SCALE_MAT

     pfMakeRotMat sets dst to the matrix which rotates by degrees about the
     axis denoted by the unit vector (x, y, z).	 If (x, y, z) is not
     normalized, results are undefined.

     pfMakeQuatMat builds a rotation matrix m that expresses the rotation
     defined by the quaternion q.

     pfMakeEulerMat sets dst to a rotation matrix composed of the Euler angles
     h, p, r: h specifies heading, the rotation about the Z axis; p specifies
     pitch, the rotation about the X axis; and, r specifies roll, rotation
     about the Y axis.	The matrix created is dst = R*P*H, where R is the roll
     transform, P is the pitch transform and H is the heading transform.  All
     rotations follow the right hand rule.  The convention is natural for a
     model in which +Y is "forward," +Z is "up" and +X is "right".  This
     routine uses pfSinCos which is faster than the libm counterpart, but has
     less resolution (see pfSinCos).

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pfMatrix(3pf)	OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpr C Reference Pages	 pfMatrix(3pf)

     pfMakeVecRotVecMat sets dst to the rotation matrix which rotates the
     vector v1 onto v2, i.e. v2 = v1 * dst.  v2 must be normalized.  The
     rotation axis is always chosen to be perpendicular to both v0 and v1 so
     that the rotation angle is as small as possible.  Note that the result is
     ambiguous only when v0 == -v1; in this case the rotation axis is chosen
     to be an arbitrary vector perpendicular to v0 and v1.

     pfMakeCoordMat sets dst to the matrix which rotates by the Euler
     transform specified by c->hpr and translates by c->xyz, i.e. dst =
     R*P*H*T, where R is the roll transform, P is the pitch transform and H is
     the heading transform, and T is the translation transform.

     pfGetOrthoMatQuat constructs a quaternion dst equivalent to the rotation
     expressed by the orthonormal matrix m.

     pfGetOrthoMatCoord returns in dst the translation and rotation of the
     orthonormal matrix, m.  The returned pitch ranges from -90 to +90
     degrees.  Roll and heading range from -180 to +180.

     pfGetMatType computes and returns the type of a matrix.  This information
     can be useful when using a matrix repeatedly, e.g. to transform many
     objects, but is somewhat time consuming to compute.  The returned matrix
     type is a bitwise OR of any of the following constants:

	       matrix includes a translational component in the 4th row.

	       matrix includes a rotational component in the left upper 3X3

	       matrix includes a uniform scale in the left upper 3X3

	       matrix includes a non-uniform scale in the left upper 3X3

	       matrix includes projections.

	       mat[4][4] != 1.

	       matrix includes mirroring transformation that switches between
	       right handed and left handed coordinate systems.

     pfSetMatRow.  dst[row][0] = x, dst[row][1] = y, dst[row][2] = z,
     dst[row][3] = w.  Use the arguments to set row row of dst.	 row must be
     0, 1, 2, or 3.  Equivalent macro: PFSET_MAT_ROW.

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pfMatrix(3pf)	OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpr C Reference Pages	 pfMatrix(3pf)

     pfGetMatRow.  *x = dst[row][0], *y = dst[row][1], *z = dst[row][2], *w =
     dst[row][3].  Get the arguments to row row of dst.	 row must be 0, 1, 2,
     or 3.  Equivalent macro: PFGET_MAT_ROW.

     pfSetMatCol.  dst[0][col] = x, dst[1][col] = y, dst[2][col] = z,
     dst[3][col] = w.  Use the arguments to set col col of dst.	 col must be
     0, 1, 2, or 3.  Equivalent macro: PFSET_MAT_COL.

     pfGetMatCol.  *x = dst[0][col], *y = dst[1][col], *z = dst[2][col], *w =
     dst[3][col].  Get the arguments to col col of dst.	 col must be 0, 1, 2,
     or 3.  Equivalent macro: PFGET_MAT_COL.

     pfSetMatRowVec3.  dst[row][i] = v[i], i = 0, 1, 2.	 Set row row of dst to
     the vector v.  row must be 0, 1, 2, or 3.	Equivalent macro:

     pfGetMatRowVec3.  dst[i] = m[row][i], i = 0, 1, 2.	 Return row row of m
     and in dst.  row must be 0, 1, 2, or 3.  Equivalent macro:

     pfSetMatColVec3.  dst[i][col] = v[i], i = 0, 1, 2.	 Set column col of dst
     to the vector v.  col must be 0, 1, 2, or 3.  Equivalent macro:

     pfGetMatColVec3.  dst[i] = m[i][col], i = 0, 1, 2.	 Return column col of
     m in dst.	col must be 0, 1, 2, or 3.  Equivalent macro:

     pfSetMat.	dst[i][j] = m[i*4+j], 0 <= i,j <= 3.

     pfCopyMat: dst = m.  Copies m into dst.  Equivalent macro:	 PFCOPY_MAT

     pfPreTransMat: dst = T(x,y,z) * m, where T(x,y,z) is the matrix which
     translates by (x,y,z).

     pfPostTransMat: dst = m * T(x,y,z), where T(x,y,z) is the matrix which
     translates by (x,y,z).

     pfPreRotMat: dst = R(degrees, x,y,z) * m, where R(degrees,x,y,z) is the
     matrix which rotates by degrees about the axis (x,y,z).

     pfPostRotMat: dst = m * R(degrees, x,y,z), where R(degrees,x,y,z) is the
     matrix which rotates by degrees about the axis (x,y,z).

     pfPreScaleMat: dst = S(x,y,z) * m, where S(x,y,z) is the matrix which
     scales by (x,y,z).

     pfPostScaleMat: dst = m * S(x,y,z), where S(x,y,z) is the matrix which
     scales by (x,y,z).

     pfAddMat: dst = m1 + m2.  Sets dst to the sum of m1 and m2.

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pfMatrix(3pf)	OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpr C Reference Pages	 pfMatrix(3pf)

     pfSubMat: dst = m1 - m2.  Sets dst to the difference of m1 and m2.

     pfScaleMat: dst = s * m.  Sets dst to the product of the scalar s and the
     matrix m.	This multiplies the full 4X4 matrix and is not a 3D geometric

     pfTransposeMat: dst = Transpose(m).  Sets dst to the transpose of m.

     pfMultMat: dst = m1 * m2.	Sets dst to the product of m1 and m2.

     pfPostMultMat: dst = dst *m.  Postmultiplies dst by m.

     pfPreMultMat: dst = m * dst.  Premultiplies dst by m.

     pfInvertFullMat, pfInvertAffMat, pfInvertOrthoMat, pfInvertOrthoNMat, and
     pfInvertIdentMat, set dst to the inverse of m for general, affine,
     orthogonal, orthonormal and identity matrices respectively.  They are
     listed here in order of decreasing generality and increasing speed.  If
     the matrix m is not of the type specified in the routine name, the result
     is undefined.  pfInvertFullMat returns FALSE if the matrix is singular
     and TRUE otherwise.

     pfEqualMat(m1, m2) = (m1 == m2).  Tests for strict component-by-element
     equality of two matrices m1 and m2 and returns FALSE or TRUE.  Macro
     equivalent: PFEQUAL_MAT.

     pfAlmostEqualMat(m1, m2, tol).  Tests for approximate element-by-element
     equality of two matrices m1 and m2.  It returns FALSE or TRUE depending
     on whether the absolute value of the difference between each pair of
     elements is less than the tolerance tol.  Macro equivalent:

     Routines can accept the same matrix as source, destination, or as a
     repeated operand.

     Some of these routines use pfSinCos and pfSqrt, which are faster but have
     less resolution than the libm counterparts.  (See pfSinCos)

     pfSinCos, pfSqrt, pfVec3, pfVec4

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