pfIsFluxed man page on IRIX

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pfMemory(3pf)	OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpr C Reference Pages	 pfMemory(3pf)

     pfGetMemoryClassType, pfGetType, pfIsOfType, pfIsExactType,
     pfGetTypeName, pfGetMemory, pfGetData, pfRef, pfUnref, pfUnrefDelete,
     pfUnrefGetRef, pfGetRef, pfCopy, pfDelete, pfIsFluxed, pfCompare,
     pfPrint, pfMalloc, pfCalloc, pfRealloc, pfFree, pfGetArena, pfGetSize,
     pfGetMemoryArenaBytesUsed, pfStrdup - Reference, copy, delete, print and
     query pfMemory

     #include <Performer/pf.h>

     pfType *	    pfGetMemoryClassType(void);

     pfType *	    pfGetType(const void *ptr);

     int	    pfIsOfType(const void *ptr, pfType *type);

     int	    pfIsExactType(const void *ptr, pfType *type);

     const char *   pfGetTypeName(const void *ptr);

     pfMemory *	    pfGetMemory(const void *ptr);

     void *	    pfGetData(const void *ptr);

     int	    pfRef(void *ptr);

     int	    pfUnref(void *ptr);

     int	    pfUnrefDelete(void *ptr);

     int	    pfUnrefGetRef(void *ptr);

     int	    pfGetRef(const void *ptr);

     int	    pfCopy(void *dst, void *src);

     int	    pfDelete(void *ptr);

     int	    pfIsFluxed(void *ptr);

     int	    pfCompare(const void *ptr1, const void *ptr2);

     void	    pfPrint(const void *ptr, uint which, uint verbose,
		      FILE *file);

     void *	    pfMalloc(size_t nbytes, void *arena);

     void *	    pfCalloc(size_t numelem, size_t elsize, void *arena);

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pfMemory(3pf)	OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpr C Reference Pages	 pfMemory(3pf)

     void *	    pfRealloc(void *ptr, size_t nbytes);

     void	    pfFree(void *ptr);

     void *	    pfGetArena(void *ptr);

     size_t	    pfGetSize(void *ptr);

     int	    pfGetMemoryArenaBytesUsed();

     char *	    pfStrdup(const char *str, void *arena);

     pfMemory is the base class from which all major OpenGL Performer classes
     are derived and is also the type used by the OpenGL Performer memory
     allocation routines such as pfMalloc and pfFree.

     Because most OpenGL Performer data structures are derived from pfMemory,
     they inherit the functionality of the pfMemory routines described here.
     In practice this means you can use the pfMemory routines listed above
     with most any OpenGL Performer object, such as pfMaterial, pfList, pfFog,
     pfFrustum, pfChannel, pfGroup, pfGeode or with a data pointer returned by

     pfMemory supports the following:

	  1.   Typed data structures.

	  2.   Memory arena allocation.

	  3.   Memory chunks which know their size.

	  4.   Reference counting.

     with only a 4 word overhead.

     Although the OpenGL Performer general memory allocation routines (-
     pfMalloc) create pfMemories, they return void* so the application can
     treat the allocation as raw data.	Consequently, all routines that would
     normally take a pfMemory* take a void* and infer the pfMemory handle so
     that applications can treat pfMemory as raw memory. However, one caveat
     is that routines which take raw memory such as pfGSetAttr or pfFree
     should not be passed a pointer to static data since the routines may not
     be able to successfully infer the pfMemory handle from the void*.

		   ---------------  <------ pfMemory*
		  | pfMemory	  |
		  | header	  |
		  |		  |
		   ---------------  <------ void* returned by
		  |		  |	    allocation routines

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		  | raw data	  |
		  .		  .
		  .		  .
		  .		  .
		  |		  |

     Routines which convert between pfMemory* and void* are:

	  void* -> pfMemory*: pfGetMemory

	  pfMemory* -> void*: pfGetData

     Note that is it legal to pass either a pfMemory* or a void* to those
     routines which are prototyped as accepting a void*, e.g., pfRef. In this
     way, a single set of routines supports the same feature set including
     reference counts, copy, and delete for pfMemories used as OpenGL
     Performer data types like pfGeoSet as well as for pfMemories used as raw
     data like pfGeoSet attribute arrays.

     pfGetMemoryClassType returns the pfType* for the class pfMemory.  The
     pfType* returned by pfGetMemoryClassType is the same as the pfType*
     returned by invoking pfGetType on any instance of class pfMemory.
     Because OpenGL Performer allows subclassing of built-in types, when
     decisions are made based on the type of an object, it is usually better
     to use pfIsOfType to test if an object is of a type derived from a
     Performer type rather than to test for strict equality of the pfType*'s.

     All objects derived from pfMemory have a type identifier (pfType*) that
     is returned by pfGetType

     Example 1: API sharing.

	  dcs = pfNewDCS();

	  /* pfDCS uses pfGroup routine */
	  pfAddChild(dcs, geode);

	  /* pfDCS uses pfNode routine */

     Each data type derived from pfMemory has an associated routine for
     getting a pointer to its corresponding pfType, e.g.  pfGetDCSClassType()
     returns the pfType* corresponding to the pfDCS class.  The exact type of
     an object is tested by comparing its pfType* to that returned by one of
     these pfGet<*>ClassType routines or with the pfIsExactType test, e.g.

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pfMemory(3pf)	OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpr C Reference Pages	 pfMemory(3pf)

	       if (pfGetType(obj) == pfGetGroupClassType()) ...

	       if (pfIsExactType(obj, pfGetGroupClassType())) ...

     But since OpenGL Performer allows subclassing and the creation of new
     types in C++, it's more often desirable to know whether a particular
     object is of a type derived from a particular type defined by OpenGL
     Performer.	 In particular, exact type tests makes application code more
     likely to fail on scene graphs produced by database loaders that use
     subclassing.  pfIsOfType performs this test and returns TRUE if mem's
     type is derived from type:

	       if (pfIsOfType(obj, pfGetGroupClassType())) ...

     If 'obj' is a pfDCS, then the above conditional would evaluate TRUE since
     pfDCS is derived from pfGroup.

     pfGetTypeName returns a string that identifies the type of mem.  For
     example, if mem is a pfDCS, the string returned is "pfDCS".

     All pfMemories have a reference count which indicates how many times the
     pfMemory is referenced, either by other pfMemories or by the application.
     Reference counts are crucial for many database operations, particularly
     deletion, since it is highly dangerous to delete a pfMemory which is
     still being used, i.e., its reference count is greater than 0.

     Reference counts may be incremented and decremented by pfRef and pfUnref
     respectively.  pfGetRef returns the reference count of mem.
     pfUnrefGetRef decrements the reference count and returns the new value,
     as an atomic operation, i.e. it is guaranteed that no other process can
     change the value or free the memory between the decrement and the time
     the value is read.	 pfUnrefDelete will decrement the reference count of
     mem and delete it if the count is <= 0.  Thus it is equivalent to calling
     pfUnref followed by pfDelete, as an atomic operation.

     pfDelete frees the memory associated with mem if its reference count is
     <= 0.  When an object is freed, it decrements the reference count of all
     pfMemories that it once referenced and will delete any of these
     pfMemories with reference counts that are <= 0.  Thus, pfDelete will
     follow all reference chains until it encounters a pfMemory which it
     cannot delete. Note that the reference count of a pfNode is incremented
     each time it is added as a child to a pfGroup. Thus, a pfNode must be
     removed from all its parents before it can be deleted.

     When multiprocessing in a libpf application, pfNodes should be pfDeleteed
     only in the APP or DBASE processes as should libpr objects that are
     referenced directly or indirectly by pfNodes, like pfGeoSets and
     pfGeoStates. If you wish to delete objects in processes other than the

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     APP or DBASE, use pfAsyncDelete.

     Example 2: Deletion

	  pfMaterial	 *mtl;
	  pfTexture *tex;
	  pfGeoState	 *brickStyle, *woodStyle;
	  pfGeoSet  *brickWall, *woodWall;

	  mtl = pfNewMtl(arena);

	  brickStyle = pfNewGState(arena);
	  tex = pfNewTex(arena);
	  pfLoadTexFile(tex, "brick.rgb");
	  pfGStateAttr(brickStyle, PFSTATE_TEXTURE, tex);
	  pfGStateAttr(brickStyle, PFSTATE_FRONTMTL, mtl);

	  woodStyle = pfNewGState(arena);
	  tex = pfNewTex(arena);
	  pfLoadTexFile(tex, "wood.rgb");
	  pfGStateAttr(woodStyle, PFSTATE_TEXTURE, tex);
	  pfGStateAttr(woodStyle, PFSTATE_FRONTMTL, mtl);

	  brickWall = pfNewGSet(arena);
	  pfGSetGState(brickWall, brickStyle);
	  pfGSetAttr(brickWall, PFGS_COORD3, PFGS_PER_VERTEX, coords);

	  woodWall = pfNewGSet(arena);
	  pfGSetAttr(woodWall, PFGS_COORD3, PFGS_PER_VERTEX, coords);
	  pfGSetGState(woodWall, woodStyle);


	  /* At this point woodWall, woodStyle, and the wood texture
	   * have been deleted. coords and mtl have not been deleted
	   * since they are referenced by brickWall and brickStyle respectively.

     pfDelete returns the following:

	  FALSE	  mem was not deleted
	  TRUE	  mem was deleted
	   -1	  mem is not a pfMemory

     pfDelete is implemented for all OpenGL Performer objects except the


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pfMemory(3pf)	OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpr C Reference Pages	 pfMemory(3pf)


     pfIsFluxed returns TRUE if a pfMemory is actually the data portion of a
     pfFluxMemory that is part of a pfFlux.  It returns FALSE otherwise.
     Calling pfRef, pfUnref, pfUnrefDelete, pfUnrefGetRef, pfGetRef, or
     pfDelete on a Fluxed pfMemory, will actually call the function on the
     parent pfFlux.

     pfCopy copies src into dst.  pfCopy is not recursive - it does not follow
     reference chains but instead copies only the first- level references. The
     reference counts of objects newly referenced by dst are incremented by
     one while those counts of objects previously reverenced by dst are
     decremented by one. Objects whose reference counts reach 0 during pfCopy
     are not deleted.  A value of TRUE will be returned if the copy
     successfully completes and FALSE will be returned if an error is
     encountered.  If the destination object is a growable object (such as a
     pfList) then it will automatically grow as needed and as memory permits
     to hold the copy of the source object.  If the destination object is not
     a growable object and the src object is larger than the destination
     object, no copy will be done and a value of FALSE will be returned.

     pfCopy is currently not implemented for any libpf data structures and is
     not implemented for the following libpr data structures:


     pfCompare compares the object p1 to the object p2.	 If the objects are
     identical, a value of 0 will be returned.	Upon the first difference, a
     value of (1) will be returned if p1 had a greater value and a value of
     (-1) will be returned if p2 had a greater value.  pfCompare is recursive
     on known defined objects and their sub objects but is not recursive on
     user data or generic buffers or lists that hold undefined data.  Derived
     classes first compare their parent classes.  If objects of different
     types are compared, they will be found to be different and the return
     value will be based on a comparison of the p1 and p2 pointer values.

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pfMemory(3pf)	OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpr C Reference Pages	 pfMemory(3pf)

     pfPrint Prints information to a file about the specified pfMemory mem.
     The file argument specifies the file.  If file is NULL, the listing is
     printed to stderr.	 pfPrint takes a verbosity indicator, verbose.	Valid
     selections in order of increasing verbosity are:

	  PFPRINT_VB_OFF      no printing
	  PFPRINT_VB_ON	      minimal printing (default)
	  PFPRINT_VB_NOTICE   minimal printing (default)
	  PFPRINT_VB_INFO     considerable printing
	  PFPRINT_VB_DEBUG    exhaustive printing

     If mem is a type of pfNode, then which specifies whether the print
     traversal should only traverse the current node (PFTRAV_SELF) or print
     out the entire scene graph rooted by node mem by traversing node and its
     descendents in the graph (PFTRAV_SELF | PFTRAV_DESCEND).  If mem is a
     pfFrameStats, then which specifies a bitmask of frame statistics classes
     that should be printed.  If mem is a pfGeoSet, then which is ignored and
     information about that pfGeoSet is printed according to the verbosity
     indicator.	 The output contains the types, names and bounds of the nodes
     and pfGeoSets in the hierarchy.  This routine is provided for debugging
     purposes only and the content and format may change in future releases.

     Example 3: Print entire contents of a pfGeoSet, gset, to stderr.

	  pfPrint(gset, NULL, PFPRINT_VB_DEBUG, NULL);

     Example 4: Print entire scene graph under node to a file file with
     default verbosity.

	  file = fopen ("scene.out","w");

     Example 5: Print select classes of a pfFrameStats structure, stats, to


     pfMalloc and the related routines provide a consistent method to allocate
     memory, either from the user's heap (using the C-library malloc function)
     or from a shared memory arena (using the IRIX amalloc function).  In
     addition, these routines provide a reference counting mechanism used by
     OpenGL Performer to efficiently manage memory.

     pfMalloc operates identically to the C-library malloc function, except
     that a shared memory arena may be specified to allocate the memory from.

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pfMemory(3pf)	OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpr C Reference Pages	 pfMemory(3pf)

     If arena is NULL, memory is allocated from the heap, otherwise memory is
     allocated from arena which must be a previously configured shared memory
     arena (see pfSharedMem).

     Shared memory arenas can be created using acreate and can be found by
     using pfGetSharedArena.

     pfCalloc and pfRealloc function just as their Unix counterparts, except
     that they may use shared arenas.

     In all cases, a pointer to the allocated memory block is returned or NULL
     if there is not enough available memory.

     The data pointer returned by pfMalloc, pfCalloc, and pfRealloc is
     actually part of a pfMemory object that, among other things, provides a
     reference count.  Reference counts are used to keep track of how many
     times each allocated block of memory is referenced or instanced.  All
     OpenGL Performer libpr objects (pfMemory) are created with pfMalloc so
     their reference counts are updated by appropriate libpr routines.
     Examples of references follow:

     Example 6:

	  tex = pfNewTex(NULL);

	  /* Attach 'tex' to gstate0 and gstate1 */
	  pfGStateAttr(gstate0, PFSTATE_TEXTURE, tex);
	  pfGStateAttr(gstate1, PFSTATE_TEXTURE, tex);

	  /* The reference count of 'tex' is now 2 */

	  /* Remove 'tex' from gstate1 */
	  pfGStateAttr(gstate1, PFSTATE_TEXTURE, NULL);

	  /* The reference count of 'tex' is now 1 */

     Example 7:

	  coords = (pfVec3*) pfMalloc(sizeof(pfVec3) * numVerts, arena);

	  /* Attach 'coords' to non-indexed pfGeoSet, 'gset' */
	  pfGSetAttr(gset, PFGS_COORD3, PFGS_PER_VERTEX, coords, NULL);

	  /* The reference count of 'coords' is now 1 */

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pfMemory(3pf)	OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpr C Reference Pages	 pfMemory(3pf)

     Example 8:

	  /* Attach 'gstate0' to 'gset' */
	  pfGSetGState(gset, gstate0);

	  /* The reference count of 'gstate0' is now incremented by 1 */

     pfFree frees the memory associated with ptr.  It is an error to pfFree
     memory that was not allocated by pfMalloc, pfCalloc, or pfRealloc.	 It is
     also an error to use any method other than pfFree or pfDelete to free
     memory allocated by pfMalloc, pfCalloc, or pfRealloc.

     pfFree does not honor the reference count of ptr.	This means that you
     can free a chunk of memory that is still being used (which means that its
     reference count is > 0) with potentially disastrous results. Typical
     failure modes are in the form of mysterious memory corruption and
     segmentation violations.

     pfDelete, however, does honor the reference count of ptr and will not
     delete any memory whose reference count is > 0.  pfDelete returns -1 if
     ptr is not a pfMalloc pointer, TRUE if ptr was deleted, and FALSE
     otherwise.	 pfDelete is recommended if you are not sure of the reference
     count of a piece of memory.  See the pfObject reference page for more
     details on pfDelete.

     pfGetArena returns the arena pointer which ptr was allocated from or NULL
     if ptr was allocated from the process heap.

     pfGetSize returns the size in bytes of the memory referenced by ptr or 0
     if ptr is not a pfMalloc pointer.

     pfGetMemoryArenaBytesUsed returns the number of bytes currently allocated
     from the shared arena.  It takes into account all the Performer calls
     that allocate or free shared arena memory (pfMalloc, pfCalloc, pfRealloc,
     pfDelete, pfFree, new on any Performer class, etc).  This call is only
     available in the DEBUG libraries.	It is meant for debugging memory leaks
     and therefore is not necessary in the optimized libraries. If called with
     optimized libraries, it returns (-1). This call makes it easier to
     distinguish between memory leaks and memory fragmentation: If the arena
     grows but the number of bytes used doesn't then the program in question
     causes memory fragmentation but doesn't leak.

     pfStrdup duplicates the NULL-terminated string str by allocating storage
     in the shared memory arena defined by the arena argument.

     pfPrint is not yet implemented for pfGeoStates and other state
     structures, and is not implemented for pfPaths or pfLists.

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pfMemory(3pf)	OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpr C Reference Pages	 pfMemory(3pf)

     acreate, calloc, free, malloc, realloc, pfInitArenas

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