pfGetLayerDecal man page on IRIX

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pfLayer(3pf)	OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpf C Reference Pages	  pfLayer(3pf)

     pfNewLayer, pfGetLayerClassType, pfLayerMode, pfGetLayerMode,
     pfLayerPlane, pfGetLayerPlane, pfLayerBase, pfGetLayerBase, pfLayerDecal,
     pfGetLayerDecal - Create, modify, and query layer nodes for decals and
     coplanar polygons.

     #include <Performer/pf.h>

     pfLayer *	 pfNewLayer(void);

     pfType *	 pfGetLayerClassType(void);

     void	 pfLayerMode(pfLayer *layer, int mode);

     int	 pfGetLayerMode(const pfLayer *layer);

     void	 pfLayerPlane(pfLayer *layer, pfPlane *plane);

     pfPlane *	 pfGetLayerPlane(const pfLayer *layer);

     void	 pfLayerBase(pfLayer *layer, pfNode *base);

     pfNode *	 pfGetLayerBase(const pfLayer *layer);

     void	 pfLayerDecal(pfLayer *layer, pfNode *decal);

     pfNode *	 pfGetLayerDecal(const pfLayer *layer);

     The OpenGL Performer class pfLayer is derived from the parent class
     pfGroup, so each of these member functions of class pfGroup are also
     directly usable with objects of class pfLayer.  Casting an object of
     class pfLayer to an object of class pfGroup is taken care of
     automatically.  This is also true for casts to objects of ancestor
     classes of class pfGroup.

     int	pfAddChild(pfGroup *group, pfNode *child);
     int	pfInsertChild(pfGroup *group, int index, pfNode *child);
     int	pfReplaceChild(pfGroup *group, pfNode *old, pfNode *new);
     int	pfRemoveChild(pfGroup *group, pfNode* child);
     int	pfSearchChild(pfGroup *group, pfNode* child);
     pfNode *	pfGetChild(const pfGroup *group, int index);
     int	pfGetNumChildren(const pfGroup *group);
     int	pfBufferAddChild(pfGroup *group, pfNode *child);
     int	pfBufferRemoveChild(pfGroup *group, pfNode *child);

     Since the class pfGroup is itself derived from the parent class pfNode,
     objects of class pfLayer can also be used with these functions designed
     for objects of class pfNode.

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pfLayer(3pf)	OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpf C Reference Pages	  pfLayer(3pf)

     pfGroup *	    pfGetParent(const pfNode *node, int i);
     int	    pfGetNumParents(const pfNode *node);
     void	    pfNodeBSphere(pfNode *node, pfSphere *bsph, int mode);
     int	    pfGetNodeBSphere(pfNode *node, pfSphere *bsph);
     pfNode*	    pfClone(pfNode *node, int mode);
     pfNode*	    pfBufferClone(pfNode *node, int mode, pfBuffer *buf);
     int	    pfFlatten(pfNode *node, int mode);
     int	    pfNodeName(pfNode *node, const char *name);
     const char *   pfGetNodeName(const pfNode *node);
     pfNode*	    pfFindNode(pfNode *node, const char *pathName,
		      pfType *type);
     pfNode*	    pfLookupNode(const char *name, pfType* type);
     int	    pfNodeIsectSegs(pfNode *node, pfSegSet *segSet,
		      pfHit **hits[]);
     void	    pfNodeTravMask(pfNode *node, int which, uint mask,
		      int setMode, int bitOp);
     uint	    pfGetNodeTravMask(const pfNode *node, int which);
     void	    pfNodeTravFuncs(pfNode* node, int which,
		      pfNodeTravFuncType pre, pfNodeTravFuncType post);
     void	    pfGetNodeTravFuncs(const pfNode* node, int which,
		      pfNodeTravFuncType *pre, pfNodeTravFuncType *post);
     void	    pfNodeTravData(pfNode *node, int which, void *data);
     void *	    pfGetNodeTravData(const pfNode *node, int which);
     void	    pfNodeTravMode(pfNode* node, int which, int mode,
		      int val);
     int	    pfGetNodeTravMode(const pfNode* node, int which,
		      int mode);

     Since the class pfNode is itself derived from the parent class pfObject,
     objects of class pfLayer can also be used with these functions designed
     for objects of class pfObject.

     void	   pfUserDataSlot(pfObject *obj, int slot, void *data);
     void	   pfUserData(pfObject *obj, void *data);
     void*	   pfGetUserDataSlot(pfObject *obj, int slot);
     void*	   pfGetUserData(pfObject *obj);
     int	   pfGetNumUserData(pfObject *obj);
     int	   pfGetNamedUserDataSlot(const char *name);
     const char*   pfGetUserDataSlotName(int slot);
     int	   pfGetNumNamedUserDataSlots(void);
     int	   pfDeleteGLHandle(pfObject *obj);

     Since the class pfObject is itself derived from the parent class
     pfMemory, objects of class pfLayer can also be used with these functions
     designed for objects of class pfMemory.

     pfType *	    pfGetType(const void *ptr);
     int	    pfIsOfType(const void *ptr, pfType *type);

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     int	    pfIsExactType(const void *ptr, pfType *type);
     const char *   pfGetTypeName(const void *ptr);
     int	    pfRef(void *ptr);
     int	    pfUnref(void *ptr);
     int	    pfUnrefDelete(void *ptr);
     int	    pfUnrefGetRef(void *ptr);
     int	    pfGetRef(const void *ptr);
     int	    pfCopy(void *dst, void *src);
     int	    pfDelete(void *ptr);
     int	    pfIsFluxed(void *ptr);
     int	    pfCompare(const void *ptr1, const void *ptr2);
     void	    pfPrint(const void *ptr, uint which, uint verbose,
		      FILE *file);
     void *	    pfGetArena(void *ptr);

     layer  identifies a pfLayer.

     On Z-buffer based machines, numerical precision can cause distracting
     artifacts when rendering coplanar geometry.  A pfLayer is a node derived
     from pfGroup that supports proper drawing of coplanar geometry on OpenGL

     A pfLayer can be thought of as a stack of geometry where each layer has
     visual priority over the geometry beneath it in the stack.	 An example of
     a 3 layer stack consists of stripes which are layered over a runway which
     is layered over the ground. The bottommost layer is called the "base"
     while the other layers are called "decals".  When using certain hardware
     mechanisms (PFDECAL_BASE_STENCIL) to implement pfLayers, the "base" is
     special because it defines the depth values which are used to determine
     pfLayer visibility with respect to other scene geometry and which are
     written to the depth buffer.

     pfNewLayer creates and returns a handle to a pfLayer.  Like other
     pfNodes, pfLayers are always allocated from shared memory and can be
     deleted using pfDelete.

     pfGetLayerClassType returns the pfType* for the class pfLayer.  The
     pfType* returned by pfGetLayerClassType is the same as the pfType*
     returned by invoking pfGetType on any instance of class pfLayer.  Because
     OpenGL Performer allows subclassing of built-in types, when decisions are
     made based on the type of an object, it is usually better to use
     pfIsOfType to test if an object is of a type derived from a Performer
     type rather than to test for strict equality of the pfType*'s.

     Since pfLayer is derived from pfGroup, pfGroup API may be used to
     manipulate its child list.	 OpenGL Performer considers child 0 to be the
     base geometry and children 1 through N-1 to be decals.  Decals are
     rendered in order such that decal[i+1] is drawn atop decal[i]. In other
     words, decal[i+1] has visual priority over decal[i] even though they are
     coplanar.	pfLayerBase and pfLayerDecal are convenience routines for

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pfLayer(3pf)	OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpf C Reference Pages	  pfLayer(3pf)

     setting the base and decal children of layer in the common case where
     there is only one decal child.  pfGetLayerBase and pfGetLayerDecal return
     the base and first child of layer.

     The mode argument to pfLayerMode specifies which hardware mechanism to
     use and is one of:

	       Use slope-based polygon displacement to slightly displace the
	       depth values of decal geometry closer to the eye so they have
	       visual priority. Each decal is displaced more than its
	       predecessor to properly resolve priority between decals. The
	       maximum number of decals is 8.

	       Use slope-based polygon displacement to slightly displace the
	       depth values of decal geometry closer to the eye so they have
	       visual priority.	 In addition, decal geometry is offset a
	       constant amount to eliminate anomalies caused by geometry which
	       is nearly perpendicular to the view.  Each decal is displaced
	       and offset more than its predecessor to properly resolve
	       priority between decals. The maximum number of decals is 8.

	       Use the stencil-buffer logic to determine visibility of decal
	       geometry.  There is no limit to the number of decals.

	       Use a decaling mechanism appropriate to the hardware that
	       produces the fastest, but not necessarily the highest quality,

	       Use a decaling mechanism appropriate to the hardware that
	       produces the highest quality, but not necessarily the fastest,

     The decal mode may also include the PFDECAL_PLANE token OR-ed with one of
     the above tokens which will enable the use of the decal reference plane
     (set with pfLayerPlane).  This can offer much higher quality of
     PFDECAL_BASE_DISPLACE type layers.

     The default layer mode is PFDECAL_BASE_FAST.  pfGetLayerMode returns the
     mode of layer.

     The different pfLayer modes offer quality-feature tradeoffs listed in the
     table below:


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pfLayer(3pf)	OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpf C Reference Pages	  pfLayer(3pf)

	    Quality	  medium	 high	    high
	    Sorting	  enabled	 disabled   enabled
	    Coplanarity	  not required	 required   not required
	    Multipass	  ok		 not ok	    ok
	    Containment	  not required	 required   not required



     The STENCIL mechanism offers the best image quality but at a performance
     cost since the base and layer geometry must be rendered in order,
     obviating any benefits of sorting by graphics state offered by
     pfChanBinSort. When multisampling on RealityEngine, this mechanism also
     significantly reduces pixel fill performance.  The performance impact is
     not as severe in InfiniteReality systems.	An additional constraint is
     that STENCILed layers must be coplanar or decal geometry may incorrectly
     show through base geometry. A subtle but important issue with STENCILed
     layers is that they are unsuitable for multipass renderings (projected
     textures) since multiple surfaces are visible at a given pixel.  For
     proper results, each layer in the "stack" must be completely contained
     within the boundaries of the base geometry.

     The DISPLACE mechanism offers the best performance since layers can be
     sorted by graphics state, because the displace call itself is usually
     faster than other mode changes, and because there is no pixel fill rate
     penalty when it is in use. The OFFSET mechanism adds a constant offset to
     the decal geometry. This mode can be very expensive (RealityEngine) so
     when using it the database should be sorted with PFSTATE_DECAL as the
     first sorting key (see pfChanBinSort).  Both DISPLACE mechanisms do not
     require that geometry within a single layer be coplanar and also produce
     a single visible surface at each pixel for multipass renderings. The main
     disadvantage is that decal geometry may incorrectly poke through other
     geometry due to the displacement of the decal geometry. Another
     disadvantage is that the maximum number of decals is 8.

     The performance differences between STENCIL and DISPLACE modes are
     hardware-dependent so some experimentation and benchmarking is required
     to determine the most suitable method for your application.

     pfLayerPlane sets a reference plane to be used for all geometry under the
     pfLayer node.  pfGetLayerPlane returns the reference plane, or NULL if no
     such plane is set on the pfLayer.

     Using PFDECAL_BASE_STENCIL for pfLayer nodes requires several steps for
     proper operation. First, the graphics hardware must support stencil plane
     rendering. Secondly, the graphics context must be configured with at
     least one stencil plane, and the lowest order bit of the allocated
     stencil planes be reserved for OpenGL Performer use.  pfInitGfx
     configures the graphics context in just this way.

     The use of displacements for rendering coplanar geometry can cause visual
     artifacts such as decals "Z fighting" or "flimmering" when viewed
     perpendicularly, and the "punching through" of decals that should mask

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pfLayer(3pf)	OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpf C Reference Pages	  pfLayer(3pf)

     base geometry when both are viewed obliquely.  The former artifact can be
     eliminated by specifying PFDECAL_BASE_DISPLACE | PFDECAL_LAYER_OFFSET as
     the layer mode. Subtle details of this rendering mode are described in
     the pfDecal man page.  If unacceptable artifacts still persist, the
     database should be modified to eliminate the need for coplanar rendering
     or PFDECAL_BASE_HIGH_QUALITY should be used.

     When using PFDECAL_LAYER_OFFSET, the minimum depth buffer range set with
     lsetdepth must be incremented an extra 1024 * max layers so the negative
     displacement of the layers does not wrap.	pfInitGfx does this

     OpenGL Performer properly renders coplanar geometry only on machines that
     have a hardware stencil buffer allocated or which support displaced
     polygon rendering.

     pfChanBinSort, pfDecal, pfGroup, pfInitGfx, pfLookupNode, pfNode,

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