pfGetFrustClassType man page on IRIX

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pfFrustum(3pf)	OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpr C Reference Pages	pfFrustum(3pf)

     pfNewFrust, pfGetFrustClassType, pfMakePerspFrust, pfMakeInfPerspFrust,
     pfMakeOrthoFrust, pfMakeSimpleFrust, pfGetFrustType, pfGetFrustFOV,
     pfFrustAspect, pfGetFrustAspect, pfFrustNearFar, pfGetFrustNearFar,
     pfGetFrustNear, pfGetFrustFar, pfGetFrustEye, pfGetFrustPtope,
     pfGetFrustGLProjMat, pfApplyFrust, pfFrustContainsPt, pfFrustContainsBox,
     pfFrustContainsSphere, pfFrustContainsCyl, pfOrthoXformFrust - Operations
     on frusta

     #include <Performer/pr.h>

     pfFrustum *   pfNewFrust(void* arena);

     pfType *	   pfGetFrustClassType(void);

     void	   pfMakePerspFrust(pfFrustum* frust, float left, float right,
		     float bottom, float top);

     void	   pfMakeInfPerspFrust(pfFrustm* frust, float left,
		     float right, float bottom, float top);

     void	   pfMakeOrthoFrust(pfFrustum* frust, float left, float right,
		     float bottom, float top);

     void	   pfMakeSimpleFrust(pfFrustum* frust, float fov);

     int	   pfGetFrustType(const pfFrustum* frust);

     void	   pfGetFrustFOV(const pfFrustum* frust, float* fovh,
		     float* fovv);

     void	   pfFrustAspect(pfFrustum* frust, int which,
		     float widthHeightRatio);

     float	   pfGetFrustAspect(const pfFrustum* frust);

     void	   pfFrustNearFar(pfFrustum* frust, float near, float far);

     void	   pfGetFrustNearFar(const pfFrustum* frust, float* near,
		     float* far);

     void	   pfGetFrustNear(const pfFrustum* frust, pfVec3 ll,
		     pfVec3 lr, pfVec3 ul, pfVec3 ur);

     void	   pfGetFrustFar(const pfFrustum* frust, pfVec3 ll, pfVec3 lr,
		     pfVec3 ul, pfVec3 ur);

     int	   pfGetFrustEye(const pfFrustum* frust, pfVec3 eye);

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     void	   pfGetFrustPtope(const pfFrustum* frust, pfPolytope *ptope);

     void	   pfGetFrustGLProjMat(const pfFrustum* frust, pfMatrix mat);

     void	   pfApplyFrust(const pfFrustum *frust);

     int	   pfFrustContainsPt(const pfFrustum *fr, const pfVec3 pt);

     int	   pfFrustContainsBox(const pfFrustum *frust,
		     const pfBox *box);

     int	   pfFrustContainsSphere(const pfFrustum *fr,
		     const pfSphere *sph);

     int	   pfFrustContainsCyl(const pfFrustum *frust,
		     const pfCylinder *cyl);

     void	   pfOrthoXformFrust(pfFrustum* dst, const pfFrustum* src,
		     const pfMatrix mat);

     The OpenGL Performer class pfFrustum is derived from the parent class
     pfPolytope, so each of these member functions of class pfPolytope are
     also directly usable with objects of class pfFrustum.  Casting an object
     of class pfFrustum to an object of class pfPolytope is taken care of
     automatically.  This is also true for casts to objects of ancestor
     classes of class pfPolytope.

     int    pfGetPtopeNumFacets(pfPolytope *ptope);
     int    pfPtopeFacet(pfPolytope *ptope, int i, const pfPlane *facet);
     int    pfGetPtopeFacet(pfPolytope *ptope, int i, pfPlane *facet);
     int    pfRemovePtopeFacet(pfPolytope *ptope, int i);
     void   pfOrthoXformPtope(pfPolytope *ptope, const pfPolytope *src,
	      const pfMatrix  mat);
     int    pfPtopeContainsPt(const pfPolytope *ptope, const pfVec3  pt);
     int    pfPtopeContainsSphere(const pfPolytope *ptope,
	      const pfSphere *sphere);
     int    pfPtopeContainsBox(const pfPolytope *ptope, const pfBox *box);
     int    pfPtopeContainsCyl(const pfPolytope *ptope,
	      const pfCylinder *cyl);
     int    pfPtopeContainsPtope(const pfPolytope *ptope,
	      const pfPolytope *ptope1);

     Since the class pfPolytope is itself derived from the parent class
     pfObject, objects of class pfFrustum can also be used with these
     functions designed for objects of class pfObject.

     void	   pfUserDataSlot(pfObject *obj, int slot, void *data);
     void	   pfUserData(pfObject *obj, void *data);

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     void*	   pfGetUserDataSlot(pfObject *obj, int slot);
     void*	   pfGetUserData(pfObject *obj);
     int	   pfGetNumUserData(pfObject *obj);
     int	   pfGetNamedUserDataSlot(const char *name);
     const char*   pfGetUserDataSlotName(int slot);
     int	   pfGetNumNamedUserDataSlots(void);
     int	   pfGetGLHandle(pfObject *obj);
     int	   pfDeleteGLHandle(pfObject *obj);

     Since the class pfObject is itself derived from the parent class
     pfMemory, objects of class pfFrustum can also be used with these
     functions designed for objects of class pfMemory.

     pfType *	    pfGetType(const void *ptr);
     int	    pfIsOfType(const void *ptr, pfType *type);
     int	    pfIsExactType(const void *ptr, pfType *type);
     const char *   pfGetTypeName(const void *ptr);
     int	    pfRef(void *ptr);
     int	    pfUnref(void *ptr);
     int	    pfUnrefDelete(void *ptr);
     int	    pfUnrefGetRef(void *ptr);
     int	    pfGetRef(const void *ptr);
     int	    pfCopy(void *dst, void *src);
     int	    pfDelete(void *ptr);
     int	    pfIsFluxed(void *ptr);
     int	    pfCompare(const void *ptr1, const void *ptr2);
     void	    pfPrint(const void *ptr, uint which, uint verbose,
		      FILE *file);
     void *	    pfGetArena(void *ptr);

     frust  identifies a pfFrustum.

     A pfFrustum represents a viewing and or culling volume bounded by left,
     right, top, bottom, near and far planes.

     pfNewFrust creates and returns a handle to a pfFrustum.  arena specifies
     a malloc arena out of which the pfFrustum is allocated or NULL for
     allocation off the process heap.  pfFrusta can be deleted with pfDelete.

     A new pfFrustum defaults to a simple perspective frustum (see
     pfMakeSimpleFrust) with FOV = 45 degrees, and near and far distances of 1
     and 1000.

     pfGetFrustClassType returns the pfType* for the class pfFrustum.  The
     pfType* returned by pfGetFrustClassType is the same as the pfType*
     returned by invoking pfGetType on any instance of class pfFrustum.
     Because OpenGL Performer allows subclassing of built-in types, when
     decisions are made based on the type of an object, it is usually better
     to use pfIsOfType to test if an object is of a type derived from a

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     Performer type rather than to test for strict equality of the pfType*'s.

     pfMakePerspFrust configures frust as a perspective frustum with the eye
     at (0,0,0) and the points (left, near, bottom) and (right, near, top)
     being the lower-left and upper-right corners of the viewing plane.	 The
     coordinate system used is:	 left -> right = +X axis, near -> far = +Y
     axis, bottom -> top = +Z axis.  The far plane lies at Y = far. Note that
     the field of view of a frustum configured with pfMakePerspFrust is
     dependent on the current near plane distance. However, subsequent changes
     to the near plane distance with pfFrustNearFar do not affect the field of
     view, simplifying clip plane modification.

     pfMakePerspFrust is similar to the IRIS GL window(3g) command and can
     generate off-axis projections that are often used for stereo and "video-
     wall" displays.  With an off-axis frustum, the line from the eyepoint
     passing through the center of the image is not perpendicular to the
     projection plane.

     Example 1:

	   * Make two off-axis projections which together provide
	   * horizontal and vertical FOVs of 90 and 45 degrees.
	  t = pfTan(22.5f);

	  pfFrustNearFar(left,	1.0f, 1000.0f);
	  pfMakePerspFrust(left, -1.0f, 0.0f, -t, t);

	  pfFrustNearFar(right, 1.0f, 1000.0f);
	  pfMakePerspFrust(right, 0.0f, 1.0f, -t, t);

     pfMakeInfPerspFrust configures frust as an infinite perspective frustum
     (a frustum with no far plane) for projection.  However, this frustum type
     still culls against the far plane.	 This type of frustum may be useful
     for shadow volumes.

     pfMakeOrthoFrust configures frust as an orthogonal frustum.  The 6 sides
     of the frustum are: x = left, x = right, z = bottom, z = top, y = near, y
     = far.  pfMakeOrthoFrust is similar to the IRIS GL ortho2(3g) command.
     The near and far distances of an orthogonal frustum are set by

     pfMakeSimpleFrust configures frust as an on-axis perspective frustum with
     horizontal and vertical fields-of-view of fov degrees.  With an on-axis
     frustum, the line connecting the center of projection with the eyepoint
     is perpendicular to the projection plane.	pfMakeSimpleFrust is similar
     to the IRIS GL perspective(3g) command.  The near and far distances of a
     simple frustum are set by pfFrustNearFar. For viewports with non-square
     aspect ratios, pfFrustAspect may be used to automatically fit either the

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pfFrustum(3pf)	OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpr C Reference Pages	pfFrustum(3pf)

     horizontal or vertical fields of view to the viewport (see below).

     pfGetFrustType returns a symbolic token indicating the frustum type of
     frust and is one of: PFFRUST_SIMPLE, PFFRUST_ORTHOGONAL, or
     PFFRUST_PERSPECTIVE.  The frustum type is set by the pfMake<*>Frust
     routines.	Note that it is possible to make a simple frustum with
     pfMakePerspFrust if left == -right and bottom == -top.

     pfFrustNearFar sets the near and far distances of frust.  It will also
     recalculate the frustum's geometry based on the frustum type.  If frust
     is perspective, its field of view will not be changed, only the near and
     far planes will be modified.  pfGetFrustNearFar copies the near and far
     distances of frust into near and far.

     pfFrustAspect adjusts the horizontal or vertical extent of frust to fit
     the aspect ratio specified by widthHeightRatio.  which is a symbolic
     token specifying how to modify frust and is one of:

	  PFFRUST_CALC_NONE		Disable aspect ratio calculation

	  PFFRUST_CALC_HORIZ		Modify horizontal extent of frustum to
					match the aspect ratio

	  PFFRUST_CALC_VERT		Modify vertical extent of frustum to
					match the aspect ratio

     pfFrustAspect is useful for matching a frustum to a viewport:

     Example 2:

	  getviewport(&l, &r, &b, &t);
	  aspect = (float)(r - l) / (float)(t - b);

	   * Fit vertical frustum extent to viewport so that horizontal
	   * FOV is 45 degrees and vertical is based on 'aspect'.
	  pfMakeSimpleFrust(frust, 45.0f);
	  pfFrustAspect(frust, PFFRUST_CALC_VERT, aspect);

     Frustum aspect ratio matching is not persistent. You must call
     pfFrustAspect each time the frustum changes shape in order to maintain
     matched frustum/viewport.

     pfGetFrustAspect returns the aspect ratio of frust.

     pfGetFrustFOV copies the total horizontal and vertical fields of view
     into fovh and fovv respectively.  The fields of view for an orthogonal
     frustum are both 0.0.

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pfFrustum(3pf)	OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpr C Reference Pages	pfFrustum(3pf)

     pfGetFrustNear returns the four corners of the near (viewing or
     projection) plane putting the lower-left, lower-right, upper-left and
     upper-right vertices into ll, lr, ul, and ur, respectively.

     pfGetFrustFar returns the four corners of the far plane putting the
     lower-left, lower-right, upper-left and upper-right vertices into ll, lr,
     ul, and ur, respectively.

     pfGetFrustEye copies the eye position of the frustum frust into eye.

     pfGetFrustPtope copies the 6 half spaces which define frust into the
     pfPolytope ptope.

     pfGetFrustGLProjMat returns the projection matrix corresponding to frust
     in the coordinate system of the Graphics Library, ignoring any
     transformations applied to frust with pfOrthoXformFrust.

     pfApplyFrust configures the hardware projection matrix with the
     projection defined by frust.  Modifications made to frust do not have
     effect until pfApplyFrust is called.

     pfApplyFrust is a display-listable command.  If a pfDispList has been
     opened by pfOpenDList, pfApplyFrust will not have immediate effect but
     will be captured by the pfDispList and will only have effect when that
     pfDispList is later drawn with pfDrawDList.

     pfFrustContainsPt returns TRUE or FALSE depending on whether the point pt
     is in the interior of the specified frustum.

     pfFrustContainsBox, pfFrustContainsSphere and pfFrustContainsCyl test
     whether the specified pfFrustum contains a non-empty portion of the
     volume specified by the second argument, a box, sphere or cylinder,

     The return value from these functions is the OR of one or more bit
     fields.  The returned value may be:

	  PFIS_FALSE: The intersection of the primitive
	       and the pfFrustum is empty.

	  PFIS_MAYBE: The intersection of the primitive and the
	       pfFrustum might be non-empty.

	  PFIS_MAYBE | PFIS_TRUE: The intersection of the primitive and the
	       pfFrustum is definitely non-empty.

	  PFIS_MAYBE | PFIS_TRUE | PFIS_ALL_IN: The primitive
	       is non-empty and lies entirely inside the pfFrustum.

     The primary use of pfFrustContainsSphere and pfFrustContainsBox within
     OpenGL Performer is in culling the database to the view frustum each
     frame, where speed is paramount.  If this computation cannot be done

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     easily, the function returns PFIS_MAYBE.

     pfOrthoXformFrust transforms the frustum using the matrix mat:  dst = src
     * mat.  If mat is not orthogonal the results are undefined.

     pfFrustum construction orients the frustum with +Z up, +X to the right,
     and +Y into the screen which is different than the OpenGL viewing
     coordinate systems which has +Y up, +X to the right and -Z into the

     pfBox, pfDelete, pfDispList, pfMatrix, pfObject, pfPlaneIsectSeg,
     pfPolytope, pfSphere, pfState, pfVec3, ortho, perspective, window

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