pfGetCurGState man page on IRIX

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pfGeoState(3pf)		      OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpr C++ Reference Pages

     pfGeoState, pfGetCurGState, pfGetCurGStateTable, pfGetCurIndexedGState -
     Create, modify and query geometry state objects

     #include <Performer/pr/pfGeoState.h>


     static pfType *   pfGeoState::getClassType(void);

     void	       pfGeoState::apply(void);

     void	       pfGeoState::load(void);

     void	       pfGeoState::setMode(uint64_t mode, int val);

     int	       pfGeoState::getMode(uint64_t mode);

     int	       pfGeoState::getCurMode(uint64_t mode);

     int	       pfGeoState::getCombinedMode(uint64_t mode,
			 const pfGeoState *combGState);

     void	       pfGeoState::setMultiMode(uint64_t mode, int index,
			 int val);

     int	       pfGeoState::getMultiMode(uint64_t mode, int index);

     int	       pfGeoState::getCurMultiMode(uint64_t mode, int index);

     int	       pfGeoState::getCombinedMultiMode(uint64_t mode,
			 int index, const pfGeoState *combGState);

     void	       pfGeoState::setVal(uint64_t gsval, float val);

     float	       pfGeoState::getVal(uint64_t gsval);

     float	       pfGeoState::getCurVal(uint64_t gsval);

     float	       pfGeoState::getCombinedVal(uint64_t gsval,
			 const pfGeoState *combGState);

     void	       pfGeoState::setInherit(uint64_t mask);

     uint64_t	       pfGeoState::getInherit(void);

     void	       pfGeoState::setAttr(uint64_t attr, void *data);

     void *	       pfGeoState::getAttr(uint64_t attr);

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     void*	       pfGeoState::getCurAttr(uint64_t attr);

     void*	       pfGeoState::getCombinedAttr(uint64_t attr,
			 const pfGeoState *combGState);

     void	       pfGeoState::setMultiAttr(uint64_t attr, int index,
			 void *data);

     void *	       pfGeoState::getMultiAttr(uint64_t attr, int index);

     void*	       pfGeoState::getCurMultiAttr(uint64_t attr, int index);

     void*	       pfGeoState::getCombinedMultiAttr(uint64_t attr,
			 int index, const pfGeoState *combGState);

     void	       pfGeoState::setFuncs(pfGStateFuncType preFunc,
			 pfGStateFuncType postFunc, void *data);

     void	       pfGeoState::getFuncs(pfGStateFuncType *preFunc,
			 pfGStateFuncType *postFunc, void **data);

     static void       pfGeoState::applyTable(pfList *gstab);

     void	       pfGeoState::makeBasic(void);

     int	       pfGeoState::getNumTextures();

     pfGeoState *      pfGetCurGState(void);

     pfList*	       pfGetCurGStateTable(void);

     pfGeoState*       pfGetCurIndexedGState(int index);

	  typedef int (*pfGStateFuncType)(pfGeoState *gstate, void *userData);

     The OpenGL Performer class pfGeoState is derived from the parent class
     pfObject, so each of these member functions of class pfObject are also
     directly usable with objects of class pfGeoState.	This is also true for
     ancestor classes of class pfObject.

     void*   pfObject::operator new(size_t);
     void*   pfObject::operator new(size_t, void *arena);
     void*   pfObject::operator new(size_t, pfFluxMemory *fmem);
     void    pfObject::setUserData(void *data);
     void    pfObject::setUserData(int slot, void *data);
     void*   pfObject::getUserData(pfObject *obj);

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     void*   pfObject::getUserData(pfObject *obj, int slot);
     int     pfObject::getNumUserData();

     Since the class pfObject is itself derived from the parent class
     pfMemory, objects of class pfGeoState can also be used with these
     functions designed for objects of class pfMemory.

     void*	    pfMemory::getData(const void *ptr);
     pfType *	    pfMemory::getType();
     int	    pfMemory::isOfType(pfType *type);
     int	    pfMemory::isExactType(pfType *type);
     const char *   pfMemory::getTypeName();
     int	    pfMemory::copy(pfMemory *src);
     int	    pfMemory::compare(const pfMemory *mem);
     void	    pfMemory::print(uint which, uint verbose, char *prefix,
		      FILE *file);
     int	    pfMemory::getArena(void *ptr);
     void*	    pfMemory::getArena();
     int	    pfMemory::ref();
     int	    pfMemory::unref();
     int	    pfMemory::unrefDelete();
     int	    pfMemory::unrefGetRef();
     int	    pfMemory::getRef();
     int	    pfMemory::checkDelete();
     int	    pfMemory::isFluxed();
     void *	    pfMemory::getArena();
     int	    pfMemory::getSize();

     A pfGeoState is an encapsulation of libpr graphics modes and attributes
     (see pfState).  For example, a pfGeoState can describe a glass surface by
     referencing a shiny pfMaterial and enabling transparency.	When a
     pfGeoState is applied by pfGeoState::apply it sets up the graphics state
     through normal libpr routines such as pfMaterial::apply and

     Most pieces of state that may be manipulated through libpr immediate mode
     routines may be specified on a per-pfGeoState basis.  For customized
     state management, pfGeoStates provide function callbacks.	In addition,
     pfGeoStates can be indexed through a global table so a single database
     can have multiple appearances while avoiding database duplication.

     The primary use of a pfGeoState is to attach it to a pfGeoSet (-
     pfGeoSet::setGState) in order to define the appearance of the geometry
     encapsulated by the pfGeoSet.  As discussed below, pfGeoStates have the
     useful property of order-independence so that paired pfGeoSets and
     pfGeoStates will be rendered consistently regardless of order.

     pfGeoState state may either be locally set or globally inherited.	By
     default, if a state element is not specified on a pfGeoState, then that
     pfGeoState will inherit that state element from the global state.	Global

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     state is set through libpr immediate mode functions, e.g.,
     pfMaterial::apply, pfTransparency, pfDecal, pfFog::apply or through
     pfGeoState::load as described below. Local state is set on a pfGeoState
     through pfGeoState::setMode, pfGeoState::setAttr, or pfGeoState::setVal.

     If all state elements are locally set, then a pfGeoState becomes a full
     graphics context since all state is defined at the pfGeoState level.
     While this is useful, it usually makes sense to inherit most state from
     global default values and explicitly set only those state elements which
     are expected to change often.  Examples of useful global defaults are
     lighting model (pfLightModel), lights (pfLight), fog (pfFog), and
     transparency (pfTransparency, usually OFF).  Highly variable state is
     likely to be limited to a small set like textures and materials.  By
     default all pfGeoState state is inherited.

     State is pushed before, and popped after pfGeoStates are applied so that
     pfGeoStates do not inherit state from each other.	As a result
     pfGeoStates are order-independent and you need not consider the problem
     of one pfGeoState corrupting another by state inheritance through the
     underlying graphics library. The actual pfGeoState pop is a lazy one and
     does not happen unless a subsequent pfGeoState needs the default state
     restored.	This means that the actual state between pfGeoStates is not
     necessarily the global state.  If a return to global state is required,
     call pfFlushState which will restore the global state.

     It is a performance advantage to locally set as little local pfGeoState
     state as possible.	 This may be accomplished by setting global defaults
     which satisfy the majority of pfGeoStates being drawn.  For example, if
     most of your database is textured, you should enable texturing at
     initialization time (pfEnable(PFEN_TEXTURE)) and configure your
     pfGeoStates to inherit the texture enable mode.

     new(arena) allocates a pfGeoState from the specified memory arena, or
     from the process heap if arena is NULL.  new allocates a pfGeoState from
     the default memory arena (see pfGetSharedArena).  Like other pfObjects,
     pfGeoStates cannot be created statically, automatically on the stack or
     in arrays.	 pfGeoStates should be deleted with pfDelete rather than the
     delete operator.  All modes and attributes are inherited by default.

     pfGeoState::getClassType returns the pfType* for the class pfGeoState.
     The pfType* returned by pfGeoState::getClassType is the same as the
     pfType* returned by invoking the virtual function getType on any instance
     of class pfGeoState.  Because OpenGL Performer allows subclassing of
     built-in types, when decisions are made based on the type of an object,
     it is usually better to use  the member function isOfType to test if an
     object is of a type derived from a Performer type rather than to test for
     strict equality of the pfType*'s.

     pfGeoState::setMode sets mode to val.  mode is a symbolic constant
     specifying the mode to set.  Once set, a mode is no longer inherited but
     is set to val.  mode is a symbolic token and is one of:

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     val specifies the value of mode and is a symbolic token appropriate to
     the type of mode. For example when mode = PFSTATE_TRANSPARENCY then val
     might be PFTR_ON.	Only modes which differ from the global state should
     be set.  Mode values are not inherited between pfGeoStates.  By default
     all modes are inherited.  See the pfState manual page for information on
     global default settings.

     pfGeoState::setVal sets the gsval value to val.  gsval is a symbolic
     constant specifying the state value to set.  Once set, a value is no
     longer inherited but is set to val.  gsval is a symbolic token and can be
     chosen from any of the following list (only one choice at present):

     pfGeoState::setAttr sets attr state element to a.	attr is a symbolic
     constant starting with PFSTATE_ specifying an attribute and is combined
     with data, a handle to an attribute structure of the appropriate libpr
     object relevant to attr.

	  PFSTATE_FRONTMTL	   pfMaterial*

	  PFSTATE_BACKMTL	   pfMaterial*

	  PFSTATE_TEXTURE	   pfTexture*

	  PFSTATE_TEXENV	   pfTexEnv*

	  PFSTATE_FOG		   pfFog*

	  PFSTATE_LIGHTMODEL	   pfLightModel*

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	  PFSTATE_LIGHTS	   pfLight**

	  PFSTATE_COLORTABLE	   pfColortable*

	  PFSTATE_HIGHLIGHT	   pfHighlight*


	  PFSTATE_TEXGEN	   pfTexGen*


	  PFSTATE_TEXMAT	   pfMatrix*


	  PFSTATE_COMBINER	   pfCombiner*

	  PFSTATE_FRAGPROG	   pfFragmentProgram*

	  PFSTATE_VTXPROG	   pfVertexProgram*

	  PFSTATE_GPROGPARMS	   pfGProgramParms*

	  PFSTATE_SHADPROG	   pfShaderProgram*

     If attr is PFSTATE_LIGHTS, a should be an array of pfLight* of length
     PF_MAX_LIGHTS which specifies which pfLights should be used by the
     pfGeoState.  Empty entries in the light array should be NULL.

     A pfGeoState ignores the PFMTL_FRONT and PFMTL_BACK setting of a
     pfMaterial (see pfMaterial::setSide).  Instead it uses the attribute
     value, PFSTATE_FRONTMTL or PFSTATE_BACKMTL to decide how to apply the
     material.	Consequently, it is legal to use the same material for both
     front and back sides.  However, pfGeoStates do not modify the
     pfMaterial's side value which is normally set through

     Once set, an attribute is no longer inherited but set to a.  Only
     attributes which differ from the global state should be set.  Attributes
     are not inherited between pfGeoStates.  By default, all attributes are
     inherited from the global state.

     pfGeoState::setAttr increments the reference count of the supplied
     attribute and decrements the reference count of the replaced attribute,
     if there is one.  pfGeoState::setAttr will not delete any pfObject whose
     reference count reaches 0.

     pfGeoState supports a few multi-valued elements. At present, all these
     multi-valued elements are related to the multi-texture OpenGL extension.
     The multi-texture extension enables the application of multiple texture
     maps on a single polygon in a single drawing pass. This extension uses

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     multiple texture environments to determine the blending among the texture
     units.  All pfGeoState methods that set/get attributes and modes have
     multi-valued versions. The multi-valued versions take one additional
     parameter: index. In the case of the multi-texture extension, this
     variable picks the hardware texture unit that an attribute or a value
     refer to.

     pfGeoState::setMultiAttr is a version of pfGeoState::setAttr used for
     setting multi-valued attributes. A multi-values attribute collapses a set
     of attributes into a single pfGeoState attribute. index picks the texture
     unit that attr will be applied to. The following attribute tokens have
     multiple values:


     Similarly, pfGeoState::getMultiAttr, pfGeoState::getCurMultiAttr and
     pfGeoState::getCombinedMultiAttr are multi-valued versions of
     pfGeoState::getAttr, pfGeoState::getCurAttr and
     pfGeoState::getCombinedAttr. All accept the above multi-value attribute

     pfGeoState::setMultiMode is a multi-value version of pfGeoState::setMode.
     It sets the index-th element of mode to val.  It accepts the following
     multi-value mode tokens:


     Similarly, pfGeoState::getMultiMode, pfGeoState::getCurMultiMode  and
     pfGeoState::getCombinedMultiMode are multi-value versions of
     pfGeoState::getMode, pfGeoState::getCurMode  and
     pfGeoState::getCombinedMode.  All accept the above multi-value mode

     When (mode == PFSTATE_ENTEXTURE) pfGeoState expects a contiguous sequence
     of enable values. The first disabled index in this mode determines how
     many values pfGeoState recognizes. For example, when calling
     gstate->setMultiMode(PFSTATE_ENTEXTURE, index, 1) for index=[0, 1, 3],
     pfGeoState will process two texture units and will ignore the (index ==
     3) case.  In addition, if the current hardware doesn't support enough
     multi-texture units, pfGeoState will issue a warning and ignore settings
     for unavailable hardware texture units.  pfGeoState::getNumTextures
     returns the number of texture units that pfGeoState will process.

     Calling a multi-value method with (index == 0) is equivalent to calling

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     the single-value version of the method.

     As discussed above, modes, values and attributes may either be locally
     set on a pfGeoState or inherited from the global state. To help resolve
     the inheritance characteristics of pfGeoStates, 3 different versions of
     "get" routines are provided for modes, values and attributes:

	  1.   pfGeoState::getMode, pfGeoState::getVal, pfGeoState::getAttr -
	       The exact mode, value, or attribute of the pfGeoState is

	  2.   pfGeoState::getCurMode, pfGeoState::getCurVal,
	       pfGeoState::getCurAttr - The exact mode, value, or attribute of
	       the pfGeoState is returned if not inherited. Otherwise the
	       mode, value, or attribute of the currently active global
	       pfGeoState is returned. Note that this requires that a pfState
	       be current (see pfState::select).

	  3.   pfGeoState::getCombinedMode, pfGeoState::getCombinedVal,
	       pfGeoState::getCombinedAttr - The exact mode, value, or
	       attribute of the pfGeoState is returned if not inherited.
	       Otherwise the mode, value, or attribute of the combGState is

     pfGeoState::getMode returns the mode value corresponding to mode.

     pfGeoState::getVal returns the pfGeoState value corresponding to gsval.

     pfGeoState::getAttr returns the attribute handle corresponding to attr.
     If attr is PFSTATE_LIGHTS, the returned value is the pfLight* array.

     pfGeoState::setInherit specifies which state elements should be inherited
     from the global state.  mask is a bitwise OR of tokens listed for
     pfGeoState::setMode, pfGeoState::setAttr, and pfGeoState::setVal.	All of
     the state elements specified in mask will become inherited.  All modes
     and attributes are inherited unless explicitly specified by setting a
     mode or attribute with pfGeoState::setAttr, pfGeoState::setMode, or
     pfGeoState::setVal.  pfGeoState::getInherit returns the bitwise OR of the
     tokens for state which is currently inherited from the global state.

     pfGeoState::apply makes the pfGeoState the current graphics state.	 All
     modes and attributes of the pfGeoState that are not inherited are applied
     using libpr immediate mode commands, for example, the PFSTATE_TEXTURE
     attribute is applied with pfTexture::apply.  Inherited modes and
     attributes that were modified by previous pfGeoStates are reset to their
     global values.  State elements that are overridden (See pfOverride) are
     not changed by pfGeoState::apply.

     Another way to apply a pfGeoState is with pfGeoSet::draw.	If a pfGeoSet
     has an attached pfGeoState (see pfGeoSet::setGState), then pfGeoSet::draw
     will call pfGeoState::apply with the attached pfGeoState so that graphics
     state is properly established before the pfGeoSet geometry is rendered.

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     The following is an example of pfGeoState behavior.

     Example 1:

	  /* Configure global default that pfGeoStates can inherit */
	  pfLightModel *lmodel = new pfLightModel;
	  pfLight *light = new pfLight;

	  /* New pfGeoState inherits everything */
	  gstate = new pfGeoState;

	  /* Attach 'gstate' to 'gset' */

	  /* Configure 'gstate' with a transparent material */
	  gstate->setAttr(PFSTATE_FRONTMTL, mtl);

     Method A:

	  /* Draw transparent 'gset' */

     Method B:

	  /* Remove 'gstate' from 'gset' */

	  /* Apply 'gstate' */

	  /* Draw transparent 'gset' */

     Method C:

	  /* Remove 'gstate' from 'gset' */


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	  /* Draw transparent 'gset' */

     In the above example, methods A, B, and C are all produce the same visual
     result. Method A is recommended, however, since the pfGeoState and
     pfGeoSet pair may be configured at database initialization time and the
     use of a pfGeoState provides order-independence when rendering.

     The following is an example of pfGeoState inheritance:

	  pfLightModel *lmodel = new pfLightModel;
	  pfLight *light = new pfLight;
	  /* Configure global default that pfGeoStates can inherit */


	  /* Assume 'redMtl' is PFMTL_FRONT */

	  /* New pfGeoStates inherit everything */
	  gstateA = new pfGeoState;
	  gstateB = new pfGeoState;

	  /* Attach pfGeoStates to pfGeoSets */

	  /* Configure 'gstateA' with a green material */
	  gstateA->setAttr(PFSTATE_FRONTMTL, greenMtl);

	  /* Draw green 'gset' */

	   * The FRONTMTL property of gstateB is not set so it inherits
	   * the global default of 'redMtl' which will be restored
	   * as the current pfMaterial when gstateB is applied.

	  /* Draw red 'gset' */

	   * Note that gsetA and gsetB could be drawn in the opposite
	   * order with the same results.  This is a very important
	   * pfGeoState property.

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     pfGetCurGState returns the current pfGeoState that was previously applied
     directly by pfGeoState::apply or indirectly by pfGeoSet::draw.

     pfGeoState::setFuncs sets the callbacks and callback data pointer of the
     pfGeoState. The reference count of data is incremented and the reference
     count of the previous data is decremented but no deletion takes place if
     the reference count reaches 0. Callbacks are invoked by pfGeoState::apply
     (or indirectly by pfGeoSet::draw as described above) in the following

	  postFunc() of previously-applied pfGeoState
	  setup state according to current pfGeoState
	  preFunc() of current pfGeoState

     Notice that the post-callback invocation is delayed until a subsequent
     pfGeoState is applied. However, pfPushState, pfPopState, and pfFlushState
     will invoke any "leftover" post-callback.	It is legal to call
     pfPushState and pfPopState in the pre and post callbacks respectively but
     is not usually necessary because any libpr state set inside pfGeoState
     callbacks is considered to have been set by the pfGeoState. Consequently,
     the global state is not modified and the normal pfGeoState inheritance
     rules apply to state set inside the callbacks.

     Callbacks are passed a pointer to the parent pfGeoState and the data
     pointer that was previously supplied by pfGeoState::setFuncs.  The return
     value from pfGeoState callbacks is currently ignored.
     pfGeoState::getFuncs gets back the pre and post pfGeoState callbacks and
     callback data for the pfGeoState in preFunc, postFunc, and data,

     A pfGeoSet may either directly reference or indirectly index a pfGeoState
     with pfGeoSet::setGState and pfGeoSet::setGStateIndex respectively.
     Indexed pfGeoStates use a global table of pfGeoState pointers that is set
     by pfGeoState::applyTable. If the global table is NULL or the pfGeoState
     index is out of the range of the global table, no pfGeoState is applied,
     otherwise the indexed pfGeoState is applied when pfGeoSet::draw is
     called. Non-indexed pfGeoState references ignore the current pfGeoState
     table. pfGetCurGStateTable returns the current pfGeoState table and
     pfGetCurIndexedGState returns the indexth pfGeoState* in the current
     pfGeoState table or NULL if the index cannot be properly resolved.

     pfGeoState::load is similar to pfGeoState::apply except the modes and
     attributes of the pfGeoState can be inherited by subsequent pfGeoStates.
     In other words, the pfGeoState loads the global state.  Overridden state
     elements are not modified by pfGeoState::load. If set, the pre-callback
     of the pfGeoState is invoked after the graphics state is loaded. As
     described above, the post-callback is not invoked until a subsequent
     pfGeoState is applied or pfPushState, pfPopState, or pfFlushState is

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     pfGeoState::apply, pfGeoState::applyTable, and pfGeoState::load are
     display-listable commands.	 If a pfDispList has been opened by
     pfDispList::open, these commands will not have immediate effect but will
     be captured by the pfDispList and will only have effect when that
     pfDispList is later executed with pfDispList::draw.  Indexed pfGeoStates
     are resolved at display list creation time, not at display list execution
     time. In addition, pfGeoStates are "unwound" into their constituent parts
     at display list creation time, e.g., a pfGeoState may decompose into
     pfMaterial::apply and pfTransparency calls. As a result, changes to a
     pfGeoState which have been captured by a pfDispList will *not* be evident
     when that pfDispList is executed (pfDispList::draw). pfGeoState indexing
     and unwinding at display list creation time is done strictly to improve
     pfDispList rendering performance.

     pfGeoState::makeBasic configures every state element (value, mode, and
     attribute) of the pfGeoState to be identical to the state set with
     pfBasicState.  The "basic" state is the initial state of a graphics
     library window - everything is "off". For example, the PFSTATE_ENLIGHTING
     mode will be set to PF_OFF, and the PFSTATE_CULLFACE mode will be set to
     PFCF_OFF.	The following code fragment is equivalent to pfBasicState:

	  pfGeoState *gstate = new(NULL) pfGeoState();

     In some situations it may appear that pfGeoStates do inherit from each
     other.  This is because OpenGL Performer currently does not provide any
     defaults for the state attributes listed above such as PFSTATE_TEXTURE
     and PFSTATE_FRONTMTL.  Consequently, if the application does not
     explicitly set these attributes, it is possible for pfGeoStates which
     inherit these attributes to inherit them from previous pfGeoStates.

     pfAlphaFunc, pfAntialias, pfBasicState, pfCullFace, pfDecal, pfDelete,
     pfDispList, pfDrawGSet, pfEnable, pfFog, pfGeoSet, pfLight, pfList,
     pfLPointState, pfOverride, pfShadeModel, pfState, pfTexture, pfTexGen,

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