pfFlushState man page on IRIX

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pfState(3pf)   OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpr C++ Reference Pages	  pfState(3pf)

     pfState, pfInitState, pfGetCurState, pfPushState, pfPopState, pfGetState,
     pfFlushState, pfBasicState, pfPixScale, pfGetPixScale - Create, modify
     and query graphics state

     #include <ulocks.h>

     #include <Performer/pr/pfState.h>


     static pfType *   pfState::getClassType(void);

     void	       pfState::select(void);

     void	       pfState::load(void);

     void	       pfState::attach(pfState *state1);

     void	       pfInitState(usptr_t* arena);

     pfState *	       pfGetCurState(void);

     void	       pfPushState(void);

     void	       pfPopState(void);

     void	       pfGetState(pfGeoState *gstate);

     void	       pfFlushState(void);

     void	       pfBasicState(void);

     void	       pfPixScale(float scale);

     float	       pfGetPixScale(void);

     The OpenGL Performer class pfState is derived from the parent class
     pfObject, so each of these member functions of class pfObject are also
     directly usable with objects of class pfState.  This is also true for
     ancestor classes of class pfObject.

     void*   pfObject::operator new(size_t);
     void*   pfObject::operator new(size_t, void *arena);
     void*   pfObject::operator new(size_t, pfFluxMemory *fmem);
     void    pfObject::setUserData(void *data);
     void    pfObject::setUserData(int slot, void *data);
     void*   pfObject::getUserData(pfObject *obj);

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     void*   pfObject::getUserData(pfObject *obj, int slot);
     int     pfObject::getNumUserData();

     Since the class pfObject is itself derived from the parent class
     pfMemory, objects of class pfState can also be used with these functions
     designed for objects of class pfMemory.

     void*	    pfMemory::getData(const void *ptr);
     pfType *	    pfMemory::getType();
     int	    pfMemory::isOfType(pfType *type);
     int	    pfMemory::isExactType(pfType *type);
     const char *   pfMemory::getTypeName();
     int	    pfMemory::copy(pfMemory *src);
     int	    pfMemory::compare(const pfMemory *mem);
     void	    pfMemory::print(uint which, uint verbose, char *prefix,
		      FILE *file);
     int	    pfMemory::getArena(void *ptr);
     void*	    pfMemory::getArena();
     int	    pfMemory::ref();
     int	    pfMemory::unref();
     int	    pfMemory::unrefDelete();
     int	    pfMemory::unrefGetRef();
     int	    pfMemory::getRef();
     int	    pfMemory::checkDelete();
     int	    pfMemory::isFluxed();
     void *	    pfMemory::getArena();
     int	    pfMemory::getSize();

     OpenGL Performer manages a subset of the graphics library state for
     convenience and improved performance. Further, this state is conceptually
     partitioned into two divisions: modes and attributes.  A mode is a simple
     "setting" usually represented by a single value while an attribute is a
     larger collection of related modes that is encapsulated in an OpenGL
     Performer structure, such as pfFog.

     Modes usually have two routines to set and get them while attributes have
     many routines for accessing their parameters and a pf<*>::apply routine
     which "applies" the attribute's characteristics to the graphics system
     via graphics library state commands.  Modes are represented by basic data
     types like 'int' and 'float' while attributes are pointers to opaque
     OpenGL Performer structures whose contents are accessible only through
     function calls.

     An example of a mode is the shading model set by pfShadeModel and an
     attribute is exemplified by a pfMaterial which is applied with
     pfMaterial::apply.	 Each mode and attribute is identified by a PFSTATE_
     token.  These tokens are used in pfGeoState::setMode and
     pfGeoState::setAttr when initializing a pfGeoState and in pfOverride to
     override mode and attribute settings.

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     The following table lists the state components that are modes.

	     Mode	       PFSTATE_ Token	    Routine(s)	       Default
  Transparency		       TRANSPARENCY	pfTransparency	      PFTR_OFF
  Antialiasing		       ANTIALIAS	pfAntialias	      PFAA_OFF
  Decal			       DECAL		pfDecal		     PFDECAL_OFF
  Face culling		       CULLFACE		pfCullFace	      PFCF_OFF
  Alpha function	       ALPHAFUNC	pfAlphaFunc	     PFAF_ALWAYS
  Alpha reference	       ALPHAREF		pfAlphaFunc		  0
  Lighting enable	       ENLIGHTING	pfEnable/pfDisable     PF_OFF
  Texturing enable	       ENTEXTURE	pfEnable/pfDisable     PF_OFF
  Fogging enable	       ENFOG		pfEnable/pfDisable     PF_OFF
  Wireframe enable	       ENWIREFRAME	pfEnable/pfDisable     PF_OFF
  Colortable enable	       ENCOLORTABLE	pfEnable/pfDisable     PF_OFF
  Highlighting enable	       ENHIGHLIGHTING	pfEnable/pfDisable     PF_OFF
  Light Point enable	       ENLPOINTSTATE	pfEnable/pfDisable     PF_OFF
  TexGen enable		       ENTEXGEN		pfEnable/pfDisable     PF_OFF
  TexMat enable		       ENTEXMAT		pfEnable/pfDisable     PF_OFF
  TexLOD enable		       ENTEXLOD		pfEnable/pfDisable     PF_OFF
  Fragment Program enable      ENFRAGPROG	pfEnable/pfDisable     PF_OFF
  Vertex Program enable	       ENVTXPROG	pfEnable/pfDisable     PF_OFF
  GLSL Shader Program enable   ENSHADPROG	pfEnable/pfDisable     PF_OFF



     The following table lists the state components that are attributes.

	 Attribute	 PFSTATE_ Token		  Routine	     Default
     pfLightModel	 LIGHTMODEL	  pfLightModel::apply	       NULL
     pfLights		 LIGHTS		  pfLight::on		     all NULL
     front pfMaterial	 FRONTMTL	  pfMaterial::apply	       NULL
     back pfMaterial	 BACKMTL	  pfMaterial::apply	       NULL
     pfTexEnv		 TEXENV		  pfTexEnv::apply	       NULL
     pfTexture		 TEXTURE	  pfTexture::apply	       NULL
     pfTexGen		 TEXGEN		  pfTexGen::apply	       NULL
     pfTexLOD		 TEXLOD		  pfTexLOD::apply	       NULL
     texture matrix	 TEXMAT		  pfApplyTMat		       NULL
     pfFog		 FOG		  pfFog::apply		       NULL
     pfColortable	 COLORTABLE	  pfColortable::apply	       NULL
     pfHighlight	 HIGHLIGHT	  pfHighlight::apply	       NULL
     pfLPointState	 LPOINTSTATE	  pfLPointState::apply	       NULL
     pfPlane		 DECAL_PLANE	  pfApplyDecalPlane	       NULL
     pfFragmentProgram	 FRAGPROG	  pfFragmentProgram::apply     NULL
     pfVertexProgram	 VTXPROG	  pfVertexProgram::apply       NULL
     pfGProgramParms	 GPROGPARMS	  pfGProgramParams::apply      NULL
     pfShaderProgram	 SHADPROG	  pfShaderProgram::apply       NULL



     State values may be established within libpr in one of three ways:

	  1.   Immediate mode

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	  2.   Display list mode

	  3.   pfGeoState mode

     Like the graphics library itself, OpenGL Performer has two command
     execution modes: immediate mode and display list mode.  In immediate
     mode, the setting of a mode or the application of an attribute is carried
     out immediately.  Any geometry rendered afterwards will be drawn with
     that mode or attribute characteristics.  In display list mode, the
     command will be "captured" by the open display list (pfDispList) and will
     not have effect until the display list is closed and later drawn with

     All the routines listed in Table 1 are display-listable, which is to say
     that they will be captured by an open pfDispList.	In immediate mode,
     most of the above routines send command tokens to the graphics pipeline.
     Thus, the process invoking these commands must have a graphics context
     open to accept the command tokens, otherwise a segmentation violation or
     similar severe exception will result.  In addition to an open graphics
     context, a global pfState must have been selected by pfState::select.
     Note that neither a graphics context nor pfState is required when drawing
     in display list mode because the commands will be captured by the display

     Example 1:

	  /* Enable wireframe in immediate mode */

	  /* Draw 'gset' in wireframe */

     Example 2:

	  /* Enter display list mode by opening 'dlist' for appending */

	  /* Draw 'gset' in wireframe */

     It is important to realize that OpenGL Performer display lists
     (pfDispLists) are different from graphics library display lists.  A
     pfDispList captures only libpr commands and does not contain low-level
     geometric information like vertex coordinates and colors.

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     The pfGeoState encapsulates all of libpr state, i.e. it has all mode
     settings and a pointer to a definition for each attribute type.  Through
     pfGeoState::setMode and pfGeoState::setAttr it is possible to set every
     state element of a pfGeoState.  When the pfGeoState is applied through
     pfGeoState::apply all the state settings encapsulated by the pfGeoState
     become active.  pfGeoStates also have useful inheritance properties that
     are discussed in the pfGeoState man page.	Typical use of a pfGeoState is
     to "build" it at database initialization time and attach it to a pfGeoSet
     (pfGeoSet::setGState).  In this way the pfGeoState defines the graphics
     state of the geometry encapsulated by the pfGeoSet (pfDrawGSet will call
     pfGeoState::apply if the pfGeoSet has an attached pfGeoState).

     Example 3:

	  /* Set up wireframe pfGeoState */
	  gstate = new pfGeoState;
	  gstate->setMode(PFSTATE_ENWIREFRAME, PF_ON);

	  /* Draw wireframe pfGeoSet in "pfGeoState" mode */
	  gstate->apply();	    /* Apply 'gstate' */
	  gset->draw();		      /* Draw 'gset' in wireframe */

	  /* Preferred method for drawing wireframe pfGeoSet */
	  gset->setGState(gstate);     /* Attach 'gstate' to 'gset' */
	  gset->draw();		      /* Draw 'gset' in wireframe */

     pfInitState initializes internal OpenGL Performer state.  arena specifies
     a shared semaphore arena created by usinit for multiprocess operation of
     OpenGL Performer or NULL for single process operation.  For proper
     multiprocess operation, pfInitState should be called by a single process
     before calls to sproc or fork that will generate other processes using
     OpenGL Performer state, with an arena which is shared by all application
     processes.	 In either single or multi-process operation, pfInitState must
     be called before any state attributes such as pfTextures are created and
     should only be called once.

     new(arena) allocates a pfState from the specified memory arena, or from
     the process heap if arena is NULL.	 new allocates a pfState from the
     default memory arena (see pfGetSharedArena).  Like other pfObjects,
     pfStates cannot be created statically, automatically on the stack or in
     arrays.  pfStates should be deleted with pfDelete rather than the delete
     operator.	Specifically, a pfState has a stack of state structures that
     shadow OpenGL Performer and graphics library state.  This stack may be
     manipulated by routines described below.

     pfState::getClassType returns the pfType* for the class pfState.  The
     pfType* returned by pfState::getClassType is the same as the pfType*
     returned by invoking the virtual function getType on any instance of
     class pfState.  Because OpenGL Performer allows subclassing of built-in
     types, when decisions are made based on the type of an object, it is

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     usually better to use  the member function isOfType to test if an object
     is of a type derived from a Performer type rather than to test for strict
     equality of the pfType*'s.

     A pfState should be created for each graphics context that the process
     draws to with libpr routines.  When a process switches graphics contexts
     it should also switch to the corresponding pfState with pfState::select.

     pfState::select makes the pfState the current state.  pfState is a global
     value so it is shared by all share group processes(See sproc).
     pfState::select should be used when switching between different graphics
     contexts.	It does not configure the graphics context with its state
     settings.	pfGetCurState returns a pointer to the current pfState or NULL
     if there is no active pfState.

     Each pfState structure maintains a 64-deep stack of pfGeoStates.  A
     pfGeoState shadows all libpr modes and attributes.	 Changes to the
     current state made through any of the 3 methods listed above are recorded
     in the top of the pfGeoState stack.  pfGetState copies the top of the
     pfGeoState stack into gstate.

     pfPushState pushes the pfGeoState stack of the current pfState.  When
     pushed, the configuration of the current state is recorded so that when
     popped, that state will be restored, overwriting any state changes made
     between push and pop.  The bit vector which represents state elements
     that are overridden by pfOverride is also pushed.

     pfPopState compares the current pfGeoState with that of the previously
     pushed pfGeoState and calls graphics library routines to restore the
     previously pushed state.  The override bit vector is popped before
     popping any state elements.  State changes made to a graphics context
     must be made using the OpenGL Performer for pfPushState and pfPopState to
     work correctly.  Calls made by the application directly to the graphics
     library will circumvent OpenGL Performer state management which may or
     may not be desired.

     pfFlushState is only useful for applications which use pfGeoStates.
     pfGeoStates do not inherit state from each other so state is pushed and
     popped when drawing them.	For performance, state is not actually popped
     unless a subsequent pfGeoState requires it.  This means that in-between
     pfGeoStates, the state may not be what the application expects.
     pfFlushState will return the state to the global default.(See pfGeoState
     for more on state flushing).  pfPushState calls pfFlushState.

     pfPixScale sets scale as the value to be used in scaling point and line
     width specifications. Global control of this scale factor is important
     when Dynamic Video Resolution is in use, since points and lines must be
     reduced in width as much as they are enlarged by the video output system
     in order that the displayed geometry have the designated width in
     display-pixel units. pfGetPixScale returns the current pixel scale value.

     pfBasicState is a convenience routine for disabling all modes and is

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     useful for drawing things like text which usually should not be lit or
     fogged.  Specifically, pfBasicState is equivalent to the following:

	  /* return graphics pipeline to basic state */

	  pfAlphaFunc(0, PFAF_OFF);

	  if (multisampling-type antialiasing is not enabled)


     Use pfGeoState::makeBasic to configure every state element (value, mode,
     and attribute) of the pfGeoState to be identical to the state set with
     pfBasicState.  The following code fragment is equivalent to pfBasicState:

	  pfGeoState *gstate = new(NULL) pfGeoState();

     Each of pfState::select, pfPushState, pfPopState, pfFlushState, and
     pfBasicState are display-listable commands.

     pfAlphaFunc, pfAntialias, pfColortable, pfCullFace, pfDecal, pfDelete,
     pfEnable, pfFog, pfFragmentProgram, pfGeoSet, pfGeoState, pfHighlight,
     pfLight, pfLightModel, pfLPointState, pfMaterial, pfOverride,
     pfShadeModel, pfShaderProgram, pfTexEnv, pfTexGen, pfTexture,
     pfTransparency, pfVertexProgram

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