nsproc man page on IRIX

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SPROC(2)							      SPROC(2)

     sproc, sprocsp, nsproc - create a new share group process

     #include <sys/types.h>
     #include <sys/prctl.h>

     pid_t sproc (void (*entry) (void *), unsigned inh, ...);

     Type of optional third argument:
     void *arg;

     pid_t sprocsp (void (*entry) (void *, size_t), unsigned inh,
		    void *arg, caddr_t sp, size_t len);

     The sproc and sprocsp system calls are a variant of the standard fork(2)
     call.  Like fork, the sproc calls create a new process that is a clone of
     the calling process.  The difference is that after an sproc call, the new
     child process shares the virtual address space of the parent process
     (assuming that this sharing option is selected, as described below),
     rather than simply being a copy of the parent.  The parent and the child
     each have their own program counter value and stack pointer, but all the
     text and data space is visible to both processes.	This provides one of
     the basic mechanisms upon which parallel programs can be built.

     The system call nsproc is no longer supported as an external interface;
     any calls to it should be replaced with sprocsp.

     A group of processes created by sproc calls from a common ancestor is
     referred to as a share group or shared process group.  A share group is
     initially formed when a process first executes an sproc or sprocsp call.
     All subsequent sproc calls by either the parent or other children in this
     share group will add another process to the share group.  In addition to
     virtual address space, members of a share group can share other
     attributes such as file tables, current working directories, effective
     userids and others described below.

     The three calls differ in just two ways - how the stack for the new
     process is initialized and in the interpretation of the inh argument.  If
     the argument sp is set to NULL then the system will create a stack region
     for the child.  This stack region will not overlap with any other area of
     the share group's address space.  These stack regions grow downward, and
     are automatically grown if the process accesses new areas of the stack.
     The len argument specifies how much margin (in bytes) the system should
     attempt to leave for the child's stack.  This margin is used when the
     system attempts to place additional stacks or other virtual spaces (e.g.
     from mmap).  The system will attempt to leave enough room such that the
     stack could grow to len bytes if it needs to.  This margin in no way sets
     a limit on stack growth nor guarantees a particular stack size.  The
     process can continue to grow its stack up to the maximum permissible size
     (specified via the resource limit RLIMIT_STACK) as long as it doesn't run

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SPROC(2)							      SPROC(2)

     into any other virtual space of the share group.  Conversely, if the
     share group's virtual space gets crowded, parts of the stack that haven't
     yet been claimed could be used for additional stacks or other requested
     virtual spaces.  A minimum of 16K for len is recommended.	Note that
     there are no 'red' zones - a process growing its stack could easily start
     accessing the stack of another process in the share group.

     If len is set to be smaller than the stack size required by the sproc at
     creation time, an error message indicating that there is "not enough
     memory to lock stack" may be reported to the system log. This indicates
     that the system attempted to place the sproc's stack using the len value
     supplied in the sprocsp call, but that the initial size of the sproc's
     stack would overlap into other portions of the share group's virtual
     space.  The offending sproc will be killed.

     If sp is set to a valid virtual address in the share group then the stack
     of the new process is set to this value.  With this option, the entire
     responsibility of stack management is the calling process's.  The system
     will no longer attempt to automatically grow the process's stack region.
     sp should point to the top (highest address) of the new stack. It will
     automatically be rounded down to provide the appropriate alignment.  No
     validity checks are made on sp.

     sproc is equivalent to calling sprocsp with the sp argument set to NULL
     and the len argument set to the rlim_cur value of the resource limit
     RLIMIT_STACK.  This means that each time a process calls sproc, the total
     size of each member of the share group increases by the size of the new
     process's stack.

     Calling sproc or sprocsp too often, when the stack size is set very large
     can easily cause the share group to grow larger than the per-process
     maximum allowable size {PROCSIZE_MAX} [see intro(2)].  In this case, the
     call will fail and return ENOMEM.

     A process with lots of distinct virtual spaces (e.g. lots of files mapped
     via mmap(2)) can fragment the calling process's address space such that
     it is impossible to find a suitable place for the new child's stack.
     This case will also cause sproc or sprocsp to fail.

     The new child process resulting from sproc(2) differs from a normally
     forked process in the following ways:

	If the PR_SADDR bit is set in inh then the new process will share ALL
	the virtual space of the parent, except the PRDA (see below).  During
	a normal fork(2) or if the PR_SADDR is not set, the writable portions
	of the process's address space are marked copy-on-write.  If either
	process writes into a given page, then a copy is made of the page and
	given to the process.  Thus writes by one process will not be visible
	to the other forks.  With the PR_SADDR option of sproc(2), however,
	all the processes have read/write privileges to the entire virtual

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SPROC(2)							      SPROC(2)

	The new process can reference the parent's stack.

	The new process has its own process data area (PRDA) which contains,
	among other things, the process id.  Part of the PRDA is used by the
	system, part by system libraries, and part is available to the
	application program [see <sys/prctl.h>].  The PRDA is at a fixed
	virtual address in each process which is given by the constant PRDA
	defined in prctl.h.

	The machine state (general/floating point registers) is not duplicated
	with the exception of the floating point control register.  This means
	that if a process has enabled floating point traps, these will be
	enabled in the child process.

	If created via sproc the new process will be invoked as follows:

		    entry(void *arg)

	If created via sprocsp the new process will be invoked as follows:

		    entry(void *arg, size_t stksize)

	where stksize is the len argument the parent passed to sprocsp.

     In addition to the attributes inherited during the sproc call itself, the
     inh flag to sproc can request that the new process have future changes in
     any member of the share group be applied to itself.  A process can only
     request that a child process share attributes that it itself is sharing.
     The creator of a share group is effectively sharing everything.  These
     persisting attributes are selectable via the inh flag:

     PR_SADDR  All virtual space attributes (shared memory, mapped files, data
	       space) are shared.  If one process in a share group attaches to
	       a shared memory segment, all processes in the group can access
	       that segment.

     PR_SFDS   The open file table is kept synchronized.  If one member of the
	       share group opens a file, the open file descriptor will appear
	       in the file tables of all members of the share group.

	       Note especially that the converse is also true: if one member
	       closes a file, it is closed for all members of the group; this
	       has been known to surprise applications programmers!  Note also
	       that there is only one file pointer for each file descriptor
	       shared within a shared process group.

     PR_SDIR   The current and root directories are kept synchronized.	If one
	       member of the group issues a chdir(2) or chroot(2) call, the
	       current working directory or root directory will be changed for
	       all members of the share group.

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SPROC(2)							      SPROC(2)

     PR_SUMASK The file creation mask, umask is kept synchronized.

	       The limit on maximum file size is kept synchronized.

     PR_SID    The real and effective user and group ids are kept

     To take advantage of sharing all possible attributes, the constant
     PR_SALL may be used.

     In addition to specifying shared attributes, the inh flag can be used to
     pass flags that govern certain operations within the sproc call itself.
     Currently two flags are supported:

     PR_BLOCK  causes the calling process to be blocked [see blockproc(2)]
	       before returning from a successful call.	 This can be used to
	       allow the child process access to the parent's stack without
	       the possibility of collision.

     PR_NOLIBC causes the child to not join the C library (libc) arena (see
	       below).	If all sproc calls that a process makes specify this
	       flag then the C library arena will never be created.  The
	       creation of the C library arena includes the initialization of
	       the per-thread system error value errno.

     No scheduling synchronization is implied between shared processes: they
     are free to run on any processor in any sequence.	Any required
     synchronization must be provided by the application using locks and
     semaphores [see usinit(3P)] or other mechanisms.

     If one member of a share group exits or otherwise dies, its stack is
     removed from the virtual space of the share group.	 If the process which
     first created the share group exits, its stack is not removed.  This
     ensures continued access by other share group members to the environment
     and starting argument vectors.  In addition, if the PR_SETEXITSIG option
     [see prctl(2)] has been enabled then all remaining members of the share
     group will be signaled.

     By default, standard C library routines such as printf and malloc
     function properly even though two or more shared processes access them
     simultaneously.  To accomplish this, a special arena is set up [see
     usinit(3P)] to hold the locks and semaphores required.  Unless the
     PR_NOLIBC flag is present, the parent will initialize and each child will
     join the C library arena.	Arenas have a configurable maximum number of
     processes that can join, that is set when the arena is first created.
     This maximum (default 8) can be configured using usconfig(3P).  Each
     process in the share group needs access to this arena and requires a
     single file lock [see fcntl(2)].  This may require more file locks to be
     configured into the system than the default system configuration
     provides.	Programs using share groups that are invoking system services
     (either system calls or libc routines), should be compiled with the

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SPROC(2)							      SPROC(2)

     feature test macro _SGI_MP_SOURCE set in any file containing functions
     that share group members might access (see CAVEATS section below).
     Currently, this is only required for correct treatment of the system
     error value errno (see discussion below) but in the future may be
     required for the correct functioning of other services.

     sproc will fail and no new process will be created if one or more of the
     following are true:

     [ENOMEM]	    If there is not enough virtual space to allocate a new
		    stack.  The default stack size is settable via prctl(2),
		    or setrlimit(2).

     [EAGAIN]	    The system-imposed limit on the total number of processes
		    under execution, {NPROC} [see intro(2)], would be

     [EAGAIN]	    The system-imposed limit on the total number of processes
		    under execution by a single user {CHILD_MAX} [see
		    intro(2)], would be exceeded.

     [EAGAIN]	    Amount of system memory required is temporarily

     [EINVAL]	    sp was null and len was less than 8192.

     [EPERM]	    The system call is not permitted from a pthreaded program
		    (see CAVEATS section below).

     When called with the PR_NOLIBC flag not set, in addition to the above
     errors sproc will fail and no new process will be created if one or more
     of the following are true:

     [ENOSPC]	    If the size of the share group exceeds the number of users
		    specified via usconfig(3P) (8 by default).	Any changes
		    via usconfig(3P) must be done BEFORE the first sproc is

     [ENOLCK]	    There are not enough file locks in the system.

     [EACCES]	    The shared arena file (located in /usr/tmp) used in
		    conjunction with the C library could not be opened or
		    created for read/write.

     New process pid # could not join I/O arena:<..>
		    if the new share group member could not properly join the
		    C library arena.  The new process exits with a -1.

     See also the possible errors from usinit(3P).

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SPROC(2)							      SPROC(2)

     IrisGL processes that share virtual address space will share access to
     the graphics hardware and associated data structures.  IrisGL calls made
     by such processes must be single threaded to avoid simultaneous access to
     these resources.  Furthermore, gflush(3G) must be called prior to leaving
     the critical section represented by the set of graphics calls.

     This manual entry has described ways in which processes created by sproc
     differ from those created by fork.	 Attributes and behavior not mentioned
     as different should be assumed to work the same way for sproc processes
     as for processes created by fork.	Here are some respects in which the
     two types of processes are the same:

	The parent and child after an sproc each have a unique process id
	(pid), but are in the same process group.

	A signal sent to a specific pid in a share group [see kill(2)] will be
	received by only the process to which it was sent.  Other members of
	the share group will not be affected.  A signal sent to an entire
	process group will be received by all the members of the process
	group, regardless of share group affiliations [see killpg(3B)].	 See
	prctl(2) for ways to alter this behavior.

	If the child process resulting from an sproc dies or calls exit(2),
	the parent process receives the SIGCLD signal [see sigset(2),
	sigaction(2), and sigvec(3B)].

     Removing virtual space (e.g. unmapping a file) is an expensive operation
     and forces all processes in the share group to single thread their memory
     management operations for the duration of the unmap system call.  The
     reason for this is that the system must insure that no other processes in
     the share group can reference the virtual space that is being removed or
     the underlying physical pages during or after the removal.	 To accomplish
     this, the system memory management code does the following:

	Locks a lock on the share group that prevents any other process in the
	group from doing any memory management operations (page faults,
	protection faults, second level TLB misses, mmap(2), munmap(2),

	Sends TLB shootdown interrupts to all other cpus in the system that
	cause them to remove any entries from the processor's Translation
	Lookaside Buffer (TLB) for the share group for the address range being

	Removes the virtual mapping from the share group's memory management
	data structures and frees any underlying physical pages.

	Releases the lock to allow parallel operations to continue.

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SPROC(2)							      SPROC(2)

     pixie(1) and prof(1) do not work on processes that call sproc and do not
     share address space (i.e.	PR_SADDR is not set).

     Note that the global variable errno is normally a single location shared
     by all processes in a share group in which address space is a shared
     attribute.	 This means that if multiple processes in the group make
     system calls or other library functions which set errno, the value of
     errno is no longer useful, since it may be overwritten at any time by a
     call in another process in the share group.  To have each thread have its
     own private version of errno, programs should be compiled with the
     feature test macro _SGI_MP_SOURCE defined before including the header
     file errno.h.  Note however that some system supplied libraries have not
     been converted to set the per-thread error value - they will only set the
     global error value.  This will be corrected in future releases.  This
     means an application compiled with _SGI_MP_SOURCE and directly
     referencing errno will reference the per-thread error value and not get
     the global error value that a non-converted library might have set.
     There are two workarounds to this problem: 1) define the feature test
     macro _SGI_MP_SOURCE only in files that test errno as the result of an
     error from a function defined in libc, libw, libm, libadm, libgen, or
     libmalloc; or 2) for accesses of errno in response to errors from
     functions not in one of the above mentioned libraries, call goserror(3C)
     (which always returns the global error value).  perror(3C) always reads
     the 'appropriate' error value so for a threaded application it will read
     the per-thread value.  This means that threaded programs that call errno
     setting functions in non-converted libraries and attempt to have perror
     print out the error will not get the correct error value.	In this case
     strerror(goserror()) should be used instead.

     rld(1) does not support execution of sproc during shared object
     initialization, such as that described under the -init flag to ld(1).  In
     particular, C++ users must take care that their code does not contain
     global objects which have constructors which call sproc(2).  Should
     sproc(2) be called during object initialization, results will generally
     be non-deterministic and unpredictable.

     The sproc model of threading is incompatible with POSIX threads.
     Attempts to create an sproc process from a pthreaded program will be
     rejected [see pthreads(5)].

     blockproc(2), fcntl(2), fork(2), intro(2), prctl(2), setrlimit(2),
     goserror(3C), oserror(3C), pcreate(3C), pthreads(5), usconfig(3P),
     usinit(3P), rld(1), ld(1).

     Upon successful completion, sproc returns the process id of the new
     process.  Otherwise, a value of -1 is returned to the calling process,
     and errno is set to indicate the error.

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