mvSetTrackMatrix2dIdentity man page on IRIX

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mvMatrix(3dm)							 mvMatrix(3dm)

     mvMatrix:	mvSetMovieMatrix2dIdentity, mvSetMovieMatrix2d,
     mvGetMovieMatrix2d, mvSetTrackMatrix2dIdentity, mvSetTrackMatrix2d,
     mvGetTrackMatrix2d - Matrix manipulation of movie and track

     #include <dmedia/moviefile.h>

     DMstatus mvSetMovieMatrix2dIdentity( MVid movie );

     DMstatus mvSetMovieMatrix2d( MVid movie, MVmatrix2d matrix );

     DMstatus mvGetMovieMatrix2d( MVid movie, MVmatrix2d matrix );

     DMstatus mvSetTrackMatrix2dIdentity( MVid track );

     DMstatus mvSetTrackMatrix2d( MVid track, MVmatrix2d matrix );

     DMstatus mvGetTrackMatrix2d( MVid track, MVmatrix2d matrix );

     This set of functions manipulate the 2-dimension matrix associated with
     each movie and track.  MVmatrix2d is a 3 by 3 2-dimensional array.

     These matrices affects how visual tracks are laid out with respect to
     each other.  It also affects how the movie is laid out on the screen.
     These matrices have no effects on aural tracks.

     mvSetMovieMatrix2d sets the movie matrix of movie to matrix.

     mvSetMovieMatrix2dIdentity is a convenience function that sets the movie
     matrix of movie to an identity matrix.

     mvGetMovieMatrix2d returns the movie matrix of movie in matrix.

     mvSetTrackMatrix2d sets the track matrix of track to matrix.

     mvSetTrackMatrix2dIdentity is a convenience function that sets the track
     matrix of track to an identity matrix.

     mvGetTrackMatrix2d returns the track matrix of track to matrix.

     Currently, only translation and scaling factors are supported.
     Rotational factors in the matrix are ignored in the display of the image,
     although they are preserved in the file if set.

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mvMatrix(3dm)							 mvMatrix(3dm)

     mvMovieRect(3dm), mvRenderToOpenGL(3dm).

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