ZZFFT3D man page on IRIX

Printed from http://www.polarhome.com/service/man/?qf=ZZFFT3D&af=0&tf=2&of=IRIX

CCFFT3D(3S)							   CCFFT3D(3S)

     CCFFT3D, ZZFFT3D - Applies a three-dimensional complex-to-complex Fast
     Fourier Transform (FFT)

     Single precision complex -> Single precision complex

	       CALL CCFFT3D (isign, n1, n2, n3, scale, x, ldx, ldx2, y, ldy,
	       ldy2, table, work, isys)

	       #include <scsl_fft.h>
	       int ccfft3d (int isign, int n1, int n2, int n3, float scale,
	       scsl_complex *x, int ldx, int ldx2, scsl_complex *y, int ldy,
	       int ldy2, float *table, float *work, int *isys);

	  C++ STL:
	       #include <complex.h>
	       #include <scsl_fft.h>
	       int ccfft3d (int isign, int n1, int n2, int n3, float scale,
	       complex<float> *x, int ldx, int ldx2, complex<float> *y, int
	       ldy, int ldy2, float *table, float *work, int *isys);

     Double precision complex -> Double precision complex

	       CALL ZZFFT3D (isign, n1, n2, n3, scale, x, ldx, ldx2, y, ldy,
	       ldy2, table, work, isys)

	       #include <scsl_fft.h>
	       int zzfft3d (int isign, int n1, int n2, int n3, double scale,
	       scsl_zomplex *x, int ldx, int ldx2, scsl_zomplex *y, int ldy,
	       int ldy2, double *table, double *work, int *isys);

	  C++ STL:
	       #include <complex.h>
	       #include <scsl_fft.h>
	       int zzfft3d (int isign, int n1, int n2, int n3, double scale,
	       complex<double> *x, int ldx, int ldx2, complex<double> *y, int
	       ldy, int ldy2, double *table, double *work, int *isys);

     These routines are part of the SCSL Scientific Library and can be loaded
     using either the -lscs or the -lscs_mp option.  The -lscs_mp option
     directs the linker to use the multi-processor version of the library.

     When linking to SCSL with -lscs or -lscs_mp, the default integer size is
     4 bytes (32 bits). Another version of SCSL is available in which integers
     are 8 bytes (64 bits).  This version allows the user access to larger
     memory sizes and helps when porting legacy Cray codes.  It can be loaded

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CCFFT3D(3S)							   CCFFT3D(3S)

     by using the -lscs_i8 option or the -lscs_i8_mp option. A program may use
     only one of the two versions; 4-byte integer and 8-byte integer library
     calls cannot be mixed.

     The C and C++ prototypes shown above are appropriate for the 4-byte
     integer version of SCSL. When using the 8-byte integer version, the
     variables of type int become long long and the <scsl_fft_i8.h> header
     file should be included.

     These routines compute the three-dimensional complex FFT of the complex
     matrix X, and store the results in the complex matrix Y.

     In FFT applications, it is customary to use zero-based subscripts; the
     formulas are simpler that way.  So suppose the arrays are declared as


	       COMPLEX X(0:ldx-1, 0:ldx2-1, 0:n3-1)
	       COMPLEX Y(0:ldy-1, 0:ldy2-1, 0:n3-1)


	       scsl_complex x[n3][ldx2][ldx], y[n3][ldy2][ldy];

	  C++ STL:

	       complex<float> x[n3][ldx2][ldx], y[n3][ldy2][ldy];

     These routines compute the formula:

     Y(k1,k2,k3) =

	   n1-1 n2-1 n3-1
     scale*Sum	Sum  Sum  [X(j1,j2,j3)*w1**(j1*k1)*w2**(j2*k2)*w3**(j3*k3)]
	   j1=0 j2=0 j3=0

     for k1 = 0, ..., n1 - 1,
	 k2 = 0, ..., n2 - 1,
	 k3 = 0, ..., n3 - 1,


     w1	       = exp(isign*2*pi*i/n1),

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CCFFT3D(3S)							   CCFFT3D(3S)

     w2	       = exp(isign*2*pi*i/n2),

     w3	       = exp(isign*2*pi*i/n3),

     i	       = + sqrt(-1)

     pi	       = 3.14159...

     isign     = +1 or -1

     Different authors use different conventions for which of the transforms,
     isign = +1 or isign = -1, is the forward or inverse transform, and what
     the scale factor should be in either case.	 You can make this routine
     compute any of the various possible definitions, however, by choosing the
     appropriate values for isign and scale.

     The relevant fact from FFT theory is this:	 If you take the FFT with any
     particular values of isign and scale, the mathematical inverse function
     is computed by taking the FFT with -isign and 1/(n1 * n2 * n3 * scale).
     In particular, if you use isign = +1 and scale = 1.0 for the forward FFT,
     you can compute the inverse FFT by using isign = -1 and scale = 1/(n1 *
     n2 * n3).

     See the NOTES section of this man page for information about the
     interpretation of the data types described in the following arguments.

     This routine has the following arguments:

     isign     Integer.	 (input)
	       Specifies whether to initialize the table array or to do the
	       forward or inverse Fourier transform, as follows:

	       If isign = 0, the routine initializes the table array and
	       returns.	 In this case, the only arguments used or checked are
	       isign, n1, n2, n3, and table.

	       If isign = +1 or -1, the value of isign is the sign of the
	       exponent used in the FFT formula.

     n1	       Integer.	 (input)
	       Transform size in the first dimension.  If n1 is not positive,
	       the routine returns without computing a transform.

     n2	       Integer.	 (input)
	       Transform size in the second dimension.	If n2 is not positive,
	       the routine returns without computing a transform.

     n3	       Integer.	 (input)
	       Transform size in the third dimension.  If n3 is not positive,
	       the routine returns without computing a transform.

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CCFFT3D(3S)							   CCFFT3D(3S)

     scale     Scale factor. (input)
	       CCFFT3D: Single precision.
	       ZZFFT3D: Double precision.
	       Each element of the output array is multiplied by scale after
	       taking the Fourier transform, as defined previously.

     x	       Array of dimensions (ldx, ldx2, n3).  (input)
	       CCFFT3D: Single precision complex array.
	       ZZFFT3D: Double complex array.
	       Input array of values to be transformed.

     ldx       Integer.	 (input)
	       The first dimension of x, as it was declared in the calling
	       program (the leading dimension of x).  ldx >= MAX(n1, 1).

     ldx2      Integer.	 (input)
	       The second dimension of x, as it was declared in the calling
	       program.	 ldx2 >= MAX(n2, 1).

     y	       Array of dimensions (ldy, ldy2, n3).  (output)
	       CCFFT3D: Single precision complex array.
	       ZZFFT3D: Double complex array.
	       Output array of transformed values.  The output array may be
	       the same as the input array, in which case, the transform is
	       done in place; that is, the input array is overwritten with the
	       transformed values.  In this case, it is necessary that
	       ldx = ldy, and ldx2 = ldy2.

     ldy       Integer.	 (input)
	       The first dimension of y, as it was declared in the calling
	       program (the leading dimension of y).  ldy >= MAX(n1, 1).

     ldy2      Integer.	 (input)
	       The second dimension of y, as it was declared in the calling
	       program.	 ldy2 >= MAX(n2, 1).

     table     Array of dimension (2* n1 + NF) + (2 * n2 + NF) + (2 * n3 + NF)
	       (input or output)
	       CCFFT3D: Single precision array.
	       ZZFFT3D: Double precision array.

	       Table of factors and root of unity.  See the description of the
	       isys argument for the value of NF.

	       If isign = 0, the routine initializes table (table is output

	       If isign = +1 or -1, the values in table are assumed to be
	       initialized already by a prior call with isign = 0 (table is
	       input only).

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CCFFT3D(3S)							   CCFFT3D(3S)

     work      Array of dimension 2 * MAX(n1, n2, n3)
	       CCFFT3D: Single precision array.
	       ZZFFT3D: Double precision array.

	       Work array.  This is a scratch array used for intermediate
	       calculations.  Its address space must be different from that of
	       the input and output arrays.

     isys      Integer array dimensioned 0..isys(0).
	       An array that gives implementation-specific information.	 All
	       features and functions of the FFT routines specific to any
	       particular implementation are confined to this isys array.

	       In the Origin series implementation, isys(0)=0 and isys(0)=1
	       are supported.  In SCSL versions prior to 1.3, only isys(0)=0
	       was allowed. For isys(0)=0, NF=30, and for isys(0)=1, NF=256.
	       The NF words of storage in the table array contain a
	       factorization of the length of the transform.

	       The smaller value of NF for isys(0)=0 is historical. It is too
	       small to store all the required factors for the highest
	       performing FFT, so when isys(0)=0, extra space is allocated
	       when the table array is initialized. To avoid memory leaks,
	       this extra space must be deallocated when the table array is no
	       longer needed. The CCFFT3DF routine is used to release this
	       memory. Due to the potential for memory leaks, the use of
	       isys(0)=0 should be avoided.

	       For isys(0)=1, the value of NF is large enough so that no extra
	       memory needs to be allocated, and there is no need to call
	       CCFFT3DF to release memory. If called, it does nothing.

	       NOTE: isys(0)=1 means that isys is an integer array with two
	       elements. The second element, isys(1), will not be accessed.

     The following data types are described in this documentation:

	  Term Used			Data type


	  Array dimensioned 0..n-1	x(0:n-1)

	  Array of dimensions (m,n)	x(m,n)

	  Array of dimensions (m,n,p)	x(m,n,p)

	  Integer			INTEGER (INTEGER*8 for -lscs_i8[_mp])

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CCFFT3D(3S)							   CCFFT3D(3S)

	  Single precision		REAL

	  Double precision		DOUBLE PRECISION

	  Single precision complex	COMPLEX

	  Double precision complex	DOUBLE COMPLEX


	  Array dimensioned 0..n-1	x[n]

	  Array of dimensions (m,n)	x[m*n] or x[n][m]

	  Array of dimensions (m,n,p)	x[m*n*p] or x[p][n][m]

	  Integer			int (long long for -lscs_i8[_mp])

	  Single precision		float

	  Double precision		double

	  Single precision complex	scsl_complex

	  Double precision complex	scsl_zomplex

     C++ STL:

	  Array dimensioned 0..n-1	x[n]

	  Array of dimensions (m,n)	x[m*n] or x[n][m]

	  Array of dimensions (m,n,p)	x[m*n*p] or x[p][n][m]

	  Integer			int (long long for -lscs_i8[_mp])

	  Single precision		float

	  Double precision		double

	  Single precision complex	complex<float>

	  Double precision complex	complex<double>

     Transform sizes with a prime factor exceeding 232-1 are not supported for
     the 8-byte integer version of the library.

     In addition to the work array, the FFT routines also dynamically allocate
     scratch space from the stack. The amount of space allocated can be
     slightly bigger than the size of the largest processor cache. For single
     processor runs, the default stack size is large enough that these

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     allocations generally cause no problems. But for parallel runs, you need
     to ensure that the stack size of slave threads is big enough to hold this
     scratch space. Failure to reserve sufficient stack space will cause
     programs to dump core due to stack overflows.  The stack size of MP
     library slave threads is controlled via the MP_SLAVE_STACKSIZE
     environment variable or the mp_set_slave_stacksize() library routine. See
     the mp(3C), mp(3F) and pe_environ(5) reference pages for more information
     on controlling the slave stack size. For pthreads applications, the
     thread's stack size is specified as one of many creation attributes
     provided in the pthread_attr_t argument to pthread_create(3P).  The
     stacksize attribute should be set explicitly to a non-default value using
     the pthread_attr_setstacksize(3P) call, described in the
     pthread_attr_init(3P) man page.

     Care must be exercised if copies of the table array are used: even though
     a copy exists, the original must persist. As an example, the following
     code will not work:

     #include <scsl_fft.h>
     scsl_complex x[129][129][129], y[129][129][129];
     float table[(2*128 + 256) + (2*128 + 256) + (2*128 + 256)];
     float work[2*128];
     int isys[2];
     isys[0] = 1;
       float table_orig[(2*128 + 256) + (2*128 + 256) + (2*128 + 256)];

       ccfft3d(0, 128, 128, 128, 1.0f, (scsl_complex *) x, 129,
	      129, (scsl_complex *) y, 129, 129, table_orig,
	      work, isys);
       bcopy(table_orig, table,
     ccfft3d(1, 128, 128, 128, 1.0f, (scsl_complex *) x, 129,
	    129, (scsl_complex *) y, 129, 129, table, work, isys);

     In this example, because table_orig is a stack variable that does not
     persist outside of the code block delimited by the braces, the data in
     the copy, table, are not guaranteed to be valid. However, the following
     code will work because table_orig is persistent:

     #include <scsl_fft.h>
     scsl_complex x[129][129][129], y[129][129][129];
     float table_orig[(2*128 + 256) + (2*128 + 256) + (2*128 + 256)];
     float table[(2*128 + 256) + (2*128 + 256) + (2*128 + 256)];
     float work[2*128];
     int isys[2];
     isys[0] = 1;
     ccfft3d(0, 128, 128, 128, 1.0f, (scsl_complex *) x, 129,
	     129, (scsl_complex *) y, 129, 129, table_orig,
	     work, isys);

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CCFFT3D(3S)							   CCFFT3D(3S)

     bcopy(table_orig, table,
     ccfft3d(1, 128, 128, 128, 1.0f, (scsl_complex *) x, 129,
	     129, (scsl_complex *) y, 129, 129, table,
	     work, isys);

     The following examples are for Origin series only.

     Example 1:	 Initialize the TABLE array in preparation for doing a three-
     dimensional FFT of size 128 by 128 by 128.	 In this case, only the isign,
     n1, n2, n3, and table arguments are used; you can use dummy arguments or
     zeros for other arguments.


      REAL TABLE ((2*128 + 256) + (2*128 + 256) + (2*128 + 256))
      INTEGER ISYS(0:1)
      ISYS(0) = 1
      CALL CCFFT3D (0, 128, 128, 128, 0.0, DUMMY, 1, 1, DUMMY, 1, 1,
     &		    TABLE, DUMMY, ISYS)


	  #include <scsl_fft.h>
	  float table[(2*128 + 256) + (2*128 + 256) + (2*128 + 256)];
	  int isys[2];
	  isys[0] = 1;
	  ccfft3d(0, 128, 128, 128, 0.0f, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, 1, 1,
		  table, NULL, isys);

     C++ STL:

	  #include <complex.h>
	  #include <scsl_fft.h>
	  float table[(2*128 + 256) + (2*128 + 256) + (2*128 + 256)];
	  int isys[2];
	  isys[0] = 1;
	  ccfft3d(0, 128, 128, 128, 0.0f, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, 1, 1,
		  table, NULL, isys);

     Example 2:	 X and Y are complex arrays of dimension (0:128, 0:128,
     0:128).  The first 128 elements of each dimension contain data; for
     performance reasons, the extra element forces the leading dimensions to
     be odd numbers.  Take the three-dimensional FFT of X and store it in Y.
     Initialize the TABLE array, as in example 1.

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CCFFT3D(3S)							   CCFFT3D(3S)


      COMPLEX X(0:128, 0:128, 0:128)
      COMPLEX Y(0:128, 0:128, 0:128)
      REAL TABLE((2*128 + 256) + (2*128 + 256) + (2*128 + 256))
      REAL WORK (2*128)
      INTEGER ISYS(0:1)
      ISYS(0) = 1
      CALL CCFFT3D(0, 128, 128, 128, 1.0, X, 129, 129, Y, 129, 129,
     &		   TABLE, WORK, ISYS)
      CALL CCFFT3D(1, 128, 128, 128, 1.0, X, 129, 129, Y, 129, 129,
     &		   TABLE, WORK, ISYS)


     #include <scsl_fft.h>
     scsl_complex x[129][129][129], y[129][129][129];
     float table[(2*128 + 256) + (2*128 + 256) + (2*128 + 256)];
     float work[2*128];
     int isys[2];
     isys[0] = 1;
     ccfft3d(0, 128, 128, 128, 1.0f, (scsl_complex *) x, 129, 129,
	    (scsl_complex *) y, 129, 129, table, work, isys);
     ccfft3d(1, 128, 128, 128, 1.0f, (scsl_complex *) x, 129, 129,
	    (scsl_complex *) y, 129, 129, table, work, isys);

     C++ STL:

     #include <complex.h>
     #include <scsl_fft.h>
     complex<float> x[129][129][129], y[129][129][129];
     float table[(2*128 + 256) + (2*128 + 256) + (2*128 + 256)];
     float work[2*128];
     int isys[2];
     isys[0] = 1;
     ccfft3d(0, 128, 128, 128, 1.0f, (complex<float> *) x, 129, 129,
	    (complex<float> *) y, 129, 129, table, work, isys);
     ccfft3d(1, 128, 128, 128, 1.0f, (complex<float> *) x, 129, 129,
	    (complex<float> *) y, 129, 129, table, work, isys);

     Example 3:	 With X and Y as in example 2, take the inverse FFT of Y and
     store it back in X.  The scale factor 1.0/(128.0*128.0*128.0) is used.
     Assume that the TABLE array is already initialized.


      CALL CCFFT3D(-1, 128, 128, 128, 1.0/(128.0**3), Y, 129, 129,
     &		   X, 129, 129, TABLE, WORK, ISYS)

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CCFFT3D(3S)							   CCFFT3D(3S)


     ccfft3d(-1, 128, 128, 128, 1.0f/(128.0f*128.0f*128.0f),
	    (scsl_complex *) y, 129, 129, (scsl_complex *) x, 129,
	    129, table, work, isys);

     C++ STL:

     ccfft3d(-1, 128, 128, 128, 1.0f/(128.0f*128.0f*128.0f),
	    (complex<float> *) y, 129, 129, (complex<float> *) x,
	    129, 129, table, work, isys);

     Example 4:	 Perform the same computation as in example 2, but put the
     output back in the array X to save storage space. Use the 8-byte integer
     version of SCSL.


      COMPLEX X(0:128, 0:128, 0:128)
      REAL TABLE((2*128 + 256) + (2*128 + 256) + (2*128 + 256))
      REAL WORK (2*128)
      INTEGER ISYS(0:1)
      ISYS(0) = 1_8
      CALL CCFFT3D(0_8, 128_8, 128_8, 128_8, 1.0, X, 129_8, 129_8,
     &		   X, 129_8, 129_8, TABLE, WORK, ISYS)
      CALL CCFFT3D(1_8, 128_8, 128_8, 128_8, 1.0, X, 129_8, 129_8,
     &		   X, 129_8, 129_8, TABLE, WORK, ISYS)


     #include <scsl_fft_i8.h>
     scsl_complex x[129][129][129];
     float table[(2*128 + 256) + (2*128 + 256) + (2*128 + 256)];
     float work[2*128];
     long long isys[2];
     isys[0] = 1LL;
     ccfft3d(0LL, 128LL, 128LL, 128LL, 1.0f, (scsl_complex *) x, 129LL,
	    129LL, (scsl_complex *) x, 129LL, 129LL, table,
	    work, isys);
     ccfft3d(1LL, 128LL, 128LL, 128LL, 1.0f, (scsl_complex *) x, 129LL,
	    129LL, (scsl_complex *) x, 129LL, 129LL, table,
	    work, isys);

     C++ STL:

     #include <complex.h>
     #include <scsl_fft_i8.h>
     complex<float> x[129][129][129];

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CCFFT3D(3S)							   CCFFT3D(3S)

     float table[(2*128 + 256) + (2*128 + 256) + (2*128 + 256)];
     float work[2*128];
     int isys[2];
     isys[0] = 1;
     ccfft3d(0LL, 128LL, 128LL, 128LL, 1.0f, (complex<float> *) x, 129LL,
	     129LL, (complex<float> *) x, 129LL, 129LL, table,
	     work, isys);
     ccfft3d(1LL, 128LL, 128LL, 128LL, 1.0f, (complex<float> *) x, 129LL,
	     129LL, (complex<float> *) x, 129LL, 129LL, table,
	     work, isys);

     Example 5:	 Perform the same computation as in example 2, but assume that
     the lower bound of each Fortran array is 1, rather than 0.	 The
     subroutine calls do not change.


	   COMPLEX X(129, 129, 129)
	   COMPLEX Y(129, 129, 129)
	   CALL CCFFT3D(0, 128, 128, 128, 1.0, X, 129, 129,
	  &		Y, 129, 129, TABLE, WORK, ISYS)
	   CALL CCFFT3D(1, 128, 128, 128, 1.0, X, 129, 129,
	  &		Y, 129, 129, TABLE, WORK, ISYS)


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